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Season 1 Episodes - Saiyan Saga

Episode 1-The Arrival of Raditz
Born long ago of a primeval force on a faraway planet, the Saiyans developed into a warrior race so devastating and relentless that their own planet did not survive their centuries of destruction. Now, one of them is coming to earth to find his younger brother Goku! The mighty Saiyan warrior Raditz arrives on Earth searching for his brother Goku, who was sent to Earth as a baby with a mission to destroy all traces of human life on Earth. However, Goku received a blow to his head upon his earthly arrival, causing him to forget his mission of destruction. Goku has instead become earth's most powerful defender. When Raditz arrives, he tells Goku to destroy 100 earthlings by the next morning or Goku's son Gohan will be killed. After Goku refuses his request, Raditz kidnaps Gohan.

Episode 2-The World's Strongest Team
Goku is baffled about what to do until his arch enemy, Piccolo, appears. Piccolo joins forces with Goku to battle against the Saiyan's threat to Earth. Both use every technique they possess against Raditz, but discover there is no power on Earth capable of stopping Raditz.

Episode 3-Gohan's Hidden Powers
When Raditz has almost finished Goku, his power sensor goes off. Gohan has broken free of the space capsule in which Raditz had imprisoned him. In a remarkable burst of power against Raditz, Gohan's Saiyan blood shows through.

Episode 4-Gohan's Hidden Powers
Raditz is weakened by Gohan's burst, allowing Goku to grab Raditz in a bear hug. Piccolo summons an extra powerful screw blast to finish off Raditz, but his attack also ends Goku's life. Before Raditz dies, he tells Piccolo that two other Saiyans who have even greater power are heading for Earth and will arrive within the year! While Piccolo trains Gohan, Goku travels through the other world to visit Martial Arts Master King Kai to get superior training from him in preparation for the coming battle against the Saiyans!

Episode 5-Gohan's Metamorphosis
Piccolo takes Gohan to a deserted wasteland to train him to utilize his incredible power. Gohan is left alone to survive for six months, while Piccolo watches over him from afar. On the night of the first full moon, Piccolo witnesses an incredible transformation as Gohan becomes a gigantic ape!

Episode 6-Gohan Makes a Friend
Gohan gradually gets used to living in the wasteland, even though he misses his parents. One day, he helps an injured dinosaur and the two become friends. Later, Gohan's new friend is attacked by another evil dinosaur! See if Gohan can save his new friend!

Episode 7-Trouble on Arlia
The evil Saiyan warriors, Vegeta and Nappa, are getting closer to earth, eager to gather the seven Dragon Balls and realize their wish for immortality. On the way to earth, the two warriors decide to stop by Planet Arlia to have some fun. Watch out because fun to a Saiyan warrior means destruction!

Episode 8-Home for Infinite Losers
Goku has fallen off Snake Way into the land of no return. There, two ogres give Goku a test; they promise that they will show him the way back to Snake Way if he wins a competition against them.

Episode 9-Princess Snake's Hospitality
A selected group of warriors have gathered at the top of Korin Tower. There they will undergo the special training that will prepare them for the Saiyans. Meanwhile, Goku reaches the end of Snake Way only to fall into the treacherous hands of the beautiful Snake Princess.

Episode 10-Escape from Piccolo
Gohan misses home very much. One day, he escapes the wilderness, but his handmade boat is wrecked in a storm. Gohan is saved by orphan children on an island and makes some new friends. When he almost reaches home, Piccolo reminds him of his mission: to save Earth!

Episode 11-Showdown in the Past
The reality of the power of the Saiyans is finally brought to the attention of Earth's Special Forces as the use the Pendualum room to go back in time to the planet Vegeta and fight long dead Saiyan warriors.

Episode 12-The End of Snake Way
Goku finally reaches the end of Snake Way and begins his training with about 5 months and 6 days before the Saiyans arrive. Meanwhile in the wilderness Gohan partailly transforms and nearly kills Piccolo.

Episode 13-A Fight Againest Gravity... Catch Bubbles!
Goku conquers the 20 x gravity on King Ki's planet and begins studying the art of KAIO-KEN under King Ki.

Episode 14-The Legend of the Saiyans
Goku takes a short break in his training to learn the legend of the Saiyans. Goku also learns the last step of his training, "The Spirt Bomb!"

Episode 15-A Black Day for the Planet Earth
As Goku hurries back down Snake Way, Earth's Special Forces gather to halt the approaching saiyans whom have already made contact on the planet Earth.

Episode 16-The Battle Begins... Goku where are you?
Earth's Special Forces yield the Saiyan as a much stronger Goku hurries down Snake Way.

Episode 17-The Siabamen Attack
Nappa releases the Siabamen and Earth's Special Forces are forced to defend againest the attack.

Episode 18-Nappa... The Invincible?
After defeating the Siabamen, Nappa joins the frey and Earth's Special Forces start to weaken beneath the mighty Saiyan Elite.

Episode 19-Tien goes all out!
Tien takes the challange and goes all out in a battle againest Nappa. As the battle heats up Vegeta call a three hour stopage to wait for Goku to arrive.

Episode 20-Time's Up!
After the three hour reprise, Goku is still nowhere to be seen. Will Earth's Special Forces be able to hold off the Saiyans any longer.

Episode 21-The Return of Goku
After Gohan enrages the mighty Saiyan Nappa, Piccolo must make the choice to protect Gohan and give his life for his only true friend. After watching his best friend Piccolo sacrifice himself for him Gohan delivers a critical blow to Nappa once again enraging Nappa and spelling certain doom for the young warrior, but just as it seems to be lights out for Gohan, who but all people show up... Goku!, and he has Senzu Beans!

Episode 22-Goku Strikes Back!
After humiliating Nappa in a battle, Vegeta decides to send Nappa to a better place... The NEXT DIMENSION!

Episode 23-Goku vs. Vegeta... A Saiyan Duel
Can Goku find the strength to defeat the Prince and strongest of all Saiyans?

Episode 24-Vegeta... Saiyan Style
After a royal butt kicking, Vegeta decides the only way to defeat Goku is to transform into a raging beast. Does the Earth stand a chance?

Episode 25-Stop Vegeta Now!!
Krillin, Gohan and Yajirobe assit Goku by cutting Vegeta back down to size. In an ironic turn Krillin must use a Spirt Bomb to destroy Vegeta and it hits Vegeta to put him into orbit.

Episode 26-Battle's End
As the fighters gather around Goku and prepare to leave the fighting grounds, Vegeta's body falls from the sky startling the remaining warriors. As Krillin checks out the seemingly lifeless body, Vegeta comes too and begins to feed off of another second wind. In another twist of fate Gohans tail grows back and he transforms into a gigantic ape once again finishing Vegeta off...Vegeta's life is spared and as the warriors retreat from the battle grounds they must now find a new source of Dragon Balls to restore there deceased friends.