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Season 2 Episodes - Freeza Saga

Episode 27-A New Goal Namek!
After defeating the Saiyans and saving the Earth... Goku, Gohan and Krillin find out that there is another set of Dragon Balls on the planet Namek. If the gang could somehow get to Namek they could wish back thier deceased allies.

Episode 28-Journey to Namek
A Namekian spaceship is found by Mr. Po-Po and Bulma that is capable of light speed travel and in a bold move Krillin and Gohan volunteer to go to Namek because of the injures Goku sustained in the battle againest Vegeta.

Episode 29-Friends or Foes?
On their journy to Namek the crew encounter a hostile alien spaceship, but in a turn of event Bulma, Krillin and Gohan rescue their captors from impending doom and are released for thier efforts and warned about the diabolical Frieza.

Episode 30-Hunt for a Dragon Ball
Upon arriving on "Namek" Raiti and Zacro help Bulma and the crew search for Dragon Balls.

Episode 31-Who's Who?
In their quest to capture the remaining Dragon Balls, Krillin feels something fishy is going on...Is Krillin's assumption true, or is this indeed..."The Real Planet Namek?"

Episode 32-Touchdown on Namek
After escaping from Raiti and Zacro, Bulma and the gang land on the real planet Namek only to find out that they are not alone! The Villinous Frieza has already collected four of the oversized Dragon Balls and a stronger Vegeta has returned in hope of getting his wish of immortality... Do Krillin and Gohan have a chance?

Episode 33-Face Off on Namek
As Krillin and Gohan fend off attackers and Vegeta disposes of Cui, these battle are being picked up by Frieza's scouters.

Episode 34-The Ruthless Frieza
Goku's back and heading for Namek in a New and improved Saiyan Space Pod which will allow him to train in dangerously high gravitys on his 6 day trip to Namek.

Episode 35-The Nameks vs. Frieza
On Namek Frieza contiues to rapidly collect the Dragon Balls, but this time he's in for a surprise the Namek's are beging to fight back, but with Dadoria on his side the Nameks don't seem to stand a chance... Meanwhile in Space, Goku beings his intensified training in the Gravritron... Episode 36-Escape from Dodoria
Gohan's seen enough and he intervines in the attack from Dadoria to save a small Namekian child... Now the chase is on, do the Earth fighters stand a chance?

Episode 37-Secrets Revealed
After thinking he has destroyed Krillin and Gohan Dadoria begins to return to base but without his scouter he gets lost on the way, and just as he finally thinks he's headed in the right direction he is found... By Vegeta! After barganing for Vegetas scouter he tells Vegeta about what really happened to his home planet but, was this a wise bargin?

Episode 38-A Collision Course
On Namek Vegeta finally gets his hands on a Dragon Ball and hides it from Frieza in a remote lake... While in Space Goku's Pod has encoured damage and his sending him on a collision course with a star bigger than the sun, will Goku survive this and reach Namek?

Episode 39-Stay Away from Frieza
Dende informs the Dragon Ball crew that they will have to seek the help of the Eldest Namek, Guru. While on King Ki's Planet Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien and Chao-Zu arrive for training.

Episode 40-Zarbon Transformed
On Namek Frieza's lacky, Zarbon encounters Vegeta... As things are looking bad for the warrior Zarbon transforms increasing his power level 3,000 points, overwhelming Vegeta.

Episode 41-The Eldest Namek
Krillin and Dende finally reach the end of a long journey and learn many mysteries such as the origin of Piccolo and how the Earthly Dragon Balls came to be. Relising Krillin's intentions are true, Guru releases dormant powers inside of Krillin and give him a Dragon Ball.

Episode 42-Get Vegeta!!
An enraged Frieza commands Zarbon to find Vegeta so that they can locate his hidden Dragon Ball.

Episode 43-Vegeta Revived
Vegeta has broken loose and has stolen all five of Frieza's Dragon Balls and now a frustrated Frieza has given Zarbon a one hour ultamatium to find Vegeta. Finally Frieza decides the time is now to summons forth... The Ginyu Force!

Episode 44-A Heavy Burden
In Space, a Magnetic Space Storm interferes with the gravitron and leaves an ailing Goku to face the feat of surviving in 100 x gravity for one hour... Meanwhile on Namek, Krillin is un aware that he is being followed by both Vegeta and Zarbon in hot presuit of his Dragon Ball.

Episode 45-Immortality Denied
After overpowering Zarbon and peacefully taking Krillin's Dragon Ball, Vegeta begins to return to claim his orginal Dragon Ball unaware that Gohan gas taken it and is already on the way back with it... But will Gohan run into Vegeta?

Episode 46-Big Trouble for Bulma
As an enraged Vegeta heads back towards Krillin and Gohans base he is fruriated to find out that they have retreated already. Meanwhile, Krillin and Gohan are off to the eldest Nameks Place so that Guru can release Gohan's hidden potental.

Episode 47-Scramble for the Dragon Balls
Gohan and Krillin make it to Guru only to find out that they were followed by Vegeta and that the Ginyu Force will land in mere moments.

Episode 48-Arrival of The Ginyu Force
Goku has completed his training under 100 x gravity and is resting up for the battle to come. While on Namek, Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta race for the Dragon Balls so that prehaps Vegeta can make a wish... But can the beat the Ginyu there now that they have brought scouters?

Episode 49-Elite Fighters of The Universe... The Ginyu Force
All seven off the Dragon Balls are now in one place will Krillin allow Vegeta to make a wish and what does The Ginyu Force have in store for them?

Episode 50-Time Tricks and Body Binds
Krillin and Gohan must face off againest the weakest but tricky of all Ginyu, Guldo. Can they overcome the power of ESP?

Episode 51-No Refuge from Recoome
Vegeta takes on the Gigantic Ginyu but finds all his efforts are in vain can anyone stop this neanderthal numskull... Prehaps Gohan?

Episode 52-Enter Goku
Gohan goes all out againest the relentless Ginyu but it appears its all over for our heros as Recoome send Gohan further into the ground with a critical blow. Is this the end of the Z Saga... No!, wait,,, Is that Goku?

Episode 53-Goku... Super Saiyan?
After patching up Krillin, Gohan and Vegeta with Senzu beans, Goku sends Recoome crashing to a painful end in one blow. After seeing the comrade Recoome sent into an early grave, Jeice and Burter begin their attack that Goku takes with apparant ease. Is Vegeta's revelation true?... Has Goku become a lengendary, Super Saiyan... and does he even know it?