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Capsule Corp Worker-You work on capsule supplies. Get $5,000weekly. Also get 20% off of any ship you buy.

Assassin-Your a cold hearted killer that goes around looking to kill anyone except a team member. Get paid $10,000 for every person you kill and $15,000 if you kill a bank robber after he has just robbed the bank.

Bodyguard-You get paid $4,000 a week. Your a bodygaurd of one person and one person only. If your person dies you lose your job. But then you can gaurd another person if they want you to. If your going to be a bodygaurd let Piccolo or Vegeta know. Bodyguards and the person guarded cannot fight eachother unless the bodyguard quits guarding the person.

Guardian Guard-Body Guard of a Guardian. You get $4,000 a week. If your Gaurdian dies you lose your job. Choose the guardian that you want to guard from the guardians page. A guardian and his master cannot fight unless the guard quits guarding the guardian.

Bank Robber-If you rob a bank and you dont get killed, you get $6,000 extra plus the money that you rob. To know more about robbing banks go to the bank page.

Instant Teleportator-If you are an Instant Teleportator this does not count as a job. Anyone on the site that is on your planet can ask you to instant teleport them to a different planet. The person that you teleport will pay you however much you want them to pay you. This way you dont need to buy a ship. Anyone can do this if they have Instant Teleportaion. And if you want to do this make sure you let Piccolo, Goku, or Vegeta know you Instant Teleportated someone and they take away the person that you instant teleported's money and give it to you.

Space Ship Transportator-If you have a space ship and you want to transpor people that are not on your team, you may take someone to a different planet. The person that you transport will each pay however much you want them to for doing this. When you do this tell Piccolo or Vegeta.

Guardian-get paid $3,000 a week for being a guardian of a planet, get paid $12,000 for every time you save your planet from a robber, or an attacker. For more information on guardians look at the guardians page.

Sergeant-get paid $5,000 a week and get healed at hospitals for free.

Mercenary-this is not a job. Somebody can pay you to kill somebody for them. You can decide how much money you want to be paid for the task and tell Piccolo, or Vegeta about your little deal. People can also pay you to capture and kill a bank robber that has just stolen money from a bank for them.