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Regular Training: each show your stat increase after one day-to train just tell Vegeta or Piccolo how long u want to train, who with, and what kind of training you want to do. If we havn't upgraded your stats and they should be just tell Piccolo or Vegeta and we will get on it.

Self Training-you do push ups, sit ups, ect Stat increase per day: Pl:5,000 Hp:6,000 Sp:11,000 AL;13,000

Sparring-you and a one or two other people train together, you have to have somebody doin this with you to do this training, daily stat increase is Pl=14,000 Hp=12,000 Sp=6,000 Al=8,000

Team traing-you fight each other for training. You have to be on a team and the whole team must be doing this training to do this training. Stat icrease: Pl:12,000 Hp:10,000 Sp:11,000 AL:10,000

Survival training: You survive in the Jungle with out any help. Stat increase: Pl:4,000 Hp:8,000 Sp:5,000 AL:8,000

Heavy Weight training: you train with heavy weights Stats increase: Pl-16,000 Hp-7,000 Sp-10,000 Al-7,000

Time Chamber training:-cost $100,000 per person-you train for a year but when u come back its only been one day-if u do this by yourself your stat increase is Pl=1,780,000 Hp=712,000 Sp=1,424,000 Al=1,400,000-if u do this with another person(only one)your stat increase is Pl=2,248,000 Hp=1,780,000 Sp=1,068,000 Al=2,068,000 u can do this 2 times and if u do more than 2 u will be stuck in the time chamber for life which means you will starv and die!