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Friday Sept.14, 2001

   The third day after the tragedy that struck New York. On Monday, everything will start fresh. The stock markets, airports, and sports are planning to continue with their schedules on Monday. And off of the subject, tomorrow is my birthday! So I don't know if ill have any updates tomorrow.

Thursday, Sept.13, 2001

   The second day after the attack on the WTC. So far, 7 survivors have been found in the rubble. Also, the blackbox from the jet which crashed into the pentagon, was detected by its transponder and should be found soon. Already there are 2 suspects to the inncident. 

Wednesday, Sept.12, 2001

    Its the next day after the terrible terrorist attack on the WTC. The smoke has cleared enough for firefighters to get in and look for survivors. So far, they have only found about 7 survivors. 2 police men, and 5 firefighters out of about 300 firefighters. The US president George bush has vowed to punish those responsible for the tragedy.

    The Senator says its an act of war, and that's what I think also. Eventually, my opinion is that World War 3 will eventually come in the next 3 years, just pray that it doesn't, and pray for those victims that were killed. Also. the US officialand the Primeminister believe, that if the terrorists decide to attack Canada, they will most likely try the CN Tower. 

Tuesday, Sept.11, 2001

    A very, very,  bad tragjedy happened today in NYC. A total of 4 planes were hijacked from Boston. It is said that the Kamekazee soldiers from world war 2, had hijacked the 4 planes. As most people know, one jet purposely crashed into the south tower of the World Trade center. And almost at the same time, another jet hit the US pentagon, the head of FBI and CIA. About an hour later, another jet hit the northern tour, then both of the towers full almost straight down. Then. the fourth jet crashed in Sommerset, Pennsylvania.

    All airports will be closed until it is safe to reopen. It is said, that there were about 50,000 people killed, but firefighters haven't been able to get into the building. MY prayers go out, to the families of the victims and those killed.

Important Notes:

Estimated 50,000 killed in terrorist attack, 7 survivors found.Bush vows revenge


Wrestlemania 18 is goin to Toronto Ontario in March 2002.


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