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11/23/01 GoldSaiyan

Hey people. it is very hard for me to update this site anymore because of the fac that i am the only staff member to this site. I need more help and none of you people will help. I am making a new site for later on, which will be at least 5 times better than this one. This was my first site, but you can count on goldSaiyan DBZ to return. So, chao!


10/20/01 GoldSaiyan

This Site needs some more staff members. Also, I will put more video files up, if i get more votes. SO, in other words, more votes, more evrything, more updates, more advantages, etc. So, VOTE.

10/18/01 GoldSaiyan

This is the last update to this site, unless some people come.  But, as i said in the beginning, I WONT KEEP THE SITE UNLESS I HAVE AT LEAST 30 VOTES. Its now 40. If not 40, i'm shutting down. I fixed all the pages and added a piece of fanart. If i get the 40, i will upload more video clips and more emulators and roms.

10/7/01 GoldSaiyan

The force, is not in you. Once again. I got my old site back, so i'm going to combine the two into one to save time. I got the sound files, videp clips, emulators, and etc. linked to goldsaiyan xxx, instead of  goldsaiyan dbz.   I also started to make the episode guide list for the DBZ episodes.


10/1/01 GoldSaiyan

Hidy Ho! Added Chat, and uploaded some sound files, I will be putting up an emulator section soon. Also, since this is a fairly new site now, I ask kindly that you give us your comments and take the poll. 

9/31/01 GoldSaiyan 

Added the Picture Gallery, fixed the guestbook, the polls, and starting to add the Fanart. I will be starting the episode guide summaries also. And, i also added a "join Staff" page.

9/30/01 GoldSaiyan

Welcome to the New GoldSaiyan dbz. I have changed the site, made a new url, and added a couple more pages. I hope you like the new set up. Please, Give us your comments! We need your opinion to shape the site to what you want.


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