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"You will be mine!"

First Stage Cell
First stage Cell is the time where we first meet Cell. Cell was created by the mad scientist Dr. Gero. This takes place in the series we would later call Dragon Ball GT. Cell then steals the time machine of that time's Trunks and uses it to go back through time to present day, around when Gohan is 11 or so. At this time, Cell looks like a lizard, scropion, and humanoid put together into one being. He only needs Androids number 17, and number 18 to become comlete, or Perfect.

Second Stage Cell

Having absorbed Android number 17, Cell takes on a less scorpion/lizard look and now has a look more alien like. Also, with the absorbtion of 17, he becomes incredibly stronger. But Vegeta will end up being a challenge for him, since Vegeta has turned Super Saiyan level 2.

Third Stage Cell - Perfect Cell

This is Cell's last and final stage of his creation. Having become nearly indestructable, Cell takes on a humanoid look with a little bit of alien to his appearence. His powers have dramatically increased with having absorbed Androids number 17 and number 18.
Cell then announces that he will hold a martial arts tournement to decide the fate of the earth. All of the fighters train really hard and then the day comes. Goku is the first to fight.
Having the powers of Piccolo as well, instead of laying eggs, Cell lays seven little Cell Juniors. All defeated by Gohan, Cell is later killed by Gohan, who turns Super Saiyan level 2 for the first time. With this power, Gohan gives Cell a real hard beatdown. Cell, in a desperate state, spits up Android number 18 and tries to self destruct. At this point, Gokou grabs Cell, and they teleport to King Kai's planet. Goku, King Kai, Bubbles, Gregory, and the planet are destroyed, but Cell lives on...
Now back on Earth, Cell learns the "Instant Transmission". He then becomes greatly powerful having felt the Saiyan blood flowing within him. Gohan feels Cell's ki and turns to see a cloud coming at them like a mini thunderstorm. A blast coming out of the cloud hits Trunks, killing him literally. Vegeta turns and stares at his son on the ground. Cell then explains how he was able to regenerate and how he is standing where he is. Gohan then feels it will be a pleasure to kill the being that killed his father and looks forward to Cell's death. Gohan, wanting to beat Cell, can't because before Gohan can do anything, Vegeta goes crazy on Cell. Cell easily swings Vegeta aside and Cell announces that he will now destroy the Earth. Gohan, is ready to give up, but Goko gives him a spirit lifting talk and the two go at it with KameHameHa's. The two blasts hit and Gohan, giving his all, defeats Cell.