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"You'll pay for what you did to me!"

When Yamucha is first introduced into the story, he was a bandit with his friend Puaru. They saw Goku, and Puaru and told them that they'll let the boy live in exchange for money or capsules. Once Yamacha saw Bulma, they retreated since his big weakness at the time was his shyness towards girls. This weakness passed sometime later after following the group around and becoming friends with them. Throughout the Dragon Ball series, he is one of the main characters. As it changed to Dragon Ball Z, his role in the story wasn't a major one. I am uncertain of Yamucha's age the time that he was introduced in the story, but I believe that he was a teenager about the same age as Bulma. His family background is unknown, and I'm not too sure about his marital status at the end of the series. I believe that he was still a single guy at the end with an unknown occupation. I know at one point of time, he was a baseball player, which can be seen in one of the episodes translated by Funimation. He uses wolf-style martial arts attacks.

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