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-Androids were first invented as servants and companions for lonely inventors, till the complex artificial intelligence that made the androids so special, also gave them a mind of their own. Some turned violently on their creators, seeing themselves as slaves, others kept about their duties, while others just built more androids, and melded into society.

-There are 3 kinds of androids: The humanoid units, which look, speak, and act just like humans: The unfinished units, which are not really unfinished, but look as though they were half finished, human parts, and mechanical parts both visible: And the robotic units, the units that looks like the typical robot, no skin covering, just metals and circuits. Androids possess superhuman strength and intelligence, therefore they tend to be Engineers.

Limits and bonuses

-Androids can be any discipline, except healer

-Androids get +5% to hit, and +5 to damage when choosing the engineer discipline.

-Androids wear no armor, but have a 30% natural soak.

-The average android heights range from 4' to 9 feet

-The average android weight varies from 200 to 1500 pounds.

-Android appearances differ greatly, basically the only limit are the ones set by the inventor.

-Androids must have a str and int stat of atleast 15

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