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Brawler Techniques



Power Level



# of Hands


1 0 Standard Punch and Kick. This is the only time a Brawler can do 2 attacks per round till level 3, he can do one punch and one kick, 2 punches or 2 kicks, with no use of PL. 1d7/1d10 1 or 2


1 1 The Brawler sticks an arm out at a right angle, and rushes like a stampede into his opponent, crashing his outstretched arm into the enemy with a thud. d30 1

Drop Kick

1 2 The Brawler leaps into his opponent, both feet first. 2d17 2

Bear Hug

1 3 The Brawler wraps both massive arms around his victim and squeezes out his lifeforce. 2d20 2

Body Slam

2 3 The Brawler grips his opponent in both hands, and lifts him high above his head, only to smash him down into the earth. 1d50. 2

Double Attacks

3 0 When reaching the 3rd level of training, the Brawler can use 2 attacks per round, no mater the amount of hands needed, though the second attack is rolled as -10% to hit. 2 moves a round, -10% to hit second attack 0

Imovable Object

3 2 By building up his muscles, the Brawler has become a mountain of power, therefore he can hold his ground and puff up his weight, becoming a harder target to damage. Double soak for d3 rounds 0

Irresistable Force

3 2 Using his superior weight and muscle, the brawler becomes an irresistable force, charging towards his target +10% to hit +10 damage for d3 rounds 0

Bowling Ball

4 4 The Brawler forms himself into a tight ball and rumbles towards his opponent, crashing his huge body into his victim with tremendous force. 4d15 2

Mega Anvil

4 5 Both fists clenched tight above his head, he sends them crashing down into his oponent's skull. d75 2


5 6 Placing the victim over his shoulder, with it's head downward, the Brawler leaps into the air and drives his opponents head into the earth.. 1d90. 2

Last Choke

6 2/4 The Brawler grabs his enemy by the throat and chokes away his lifeforce, with either 1 hand or 2. The 1 handed choke using 2PL, and the 2 handed using 4 1 handed 1d40, 2 handed 2d40 1 or 2


7 N/A At level 7, like most proffessional wrestlers, the Brwaler can design and use his own form of finisher, the damage range etc. will be determined by a GM.. N/A 0

Mighty Toss

8 6 The enemy is grabbed in both hands, by his arms, and swung in a huge circle, when released, they fly for a LONG way, and tumble to a bruised stop.. 4d30 2

Twig Breaker

9 6 The bralwer grabs an opponent's limb, be it leg, or arm, and in a twist of his mighty hands, snaps their bones in 2... 1d100 (loss of limb) 2

Heart Punch

10 10 The Brawler's supreme finisher, by tightening his fist into a rock hard club, he launches it forward, directly against his opponent's heart, causing an instant heart attack.. 5d30 1
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