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-Spanning from every corner in the universe, and nowhere all at once. The Demons exist in a 4th dimension, or plane, different than ours. By one reason or another, they are denied passage into a normal afterlife, and are instead sentenced to exist in a constant state of torment and torture.

-When certain stars, planets, and other circumstances align, demons find a way to re-enter our world, be it through sheer luck, determination, or centuries of planning.

-A Demon's soul purpose in our world is to cause anguish, and inflict pain. While some strive for world domination, all strive for some type of revenge.

-Having endured years, and sometimes mellenia of pain and torture, demons have the abillity once per day to absorb a successful attack against them. A d100 must be rolled, and if the Demon rolls under 50%, he takes no damage.

Limits and bonuses

-Demons can not be Healers or Engineers

-Demons must be of the Pain motive

-Demons range in height from 3' to 9'

-Demons vary in weight from 50lbs to 700lbs

-Demons have the innate abillity to absorb one attack per day/quest/tournament (50/50 chance)

-They can wear any type of armor.

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