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Kago's LookoutRPG Character Generator

--Please make sure you have read through all the rules, restrictions, and bonuses for each race, and discipline, before submitting. If an entry is found to be faulty, then it will not be added, and the party submitting the information will be asked to start over and re-submit.

--Martial Artists must have atleast 15 AGI

--Brawlers MUST have atleast 15 STR

--Humans MUST have atleast 10s in all abbility stats.

--Humanimals MUST have atleast 15 STR.

--Androids MUST have 15 INT, and 15 STR atleast.

--Androids can NOT be Healers

--Nameks MUST have atleast 15 CON.

--Nameks can only wear Weighted or NO armor

--Nameks can NOT be Engineers

--Saiyans can NOT be Engineers or Healers.

--Saiyans can only wear weighted, NO, or Saiyan armor.

--Engineers MUST have 15 INT and CON

--Healers can wear only Healer's mesh, or NO armor

--Healers can NOT be of the Pain motive

Personal information and Vital Stats

Your Character's Name:

Please enter your Email address

Select a Sex:

Select a Race:

Select a Discipline:

Select a Guardian:

Select a Motive:

Select your Armor:

Select your Weapon (Healers only:)


Input the character's hair color:

Input the Character's Eye color:

Input the Character's Height

Input your Character's weight:

Input your character's age:

Abbility Stats

Stats must add up to a total of 100






