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Guardians Of Earth

-Guardians, Gods, Protectors, or Spirits. The guardians of Earth have countless names, but not too mnay doubt their presence. The gaurdians make their presence known through everyday occurances, rain, fire, lightning, tornadoes, life, or death. The various gods can be blamed, or praised for each event. No one has to worship, or even recognize one or all of the guardians, though many adamantly do. Worshipping, or following a certain guardian also grants the servant special "perks"...

-One perk being the servant's life force gains the color of their guardian, for example, if a warrior was following Kaki san, then his fireballs etc. would be red in color, as would all of his powermoves.

-Player can follow only one Guardian besides Kago san.

-Androids may serve whoever they wish, but get no bonuses

-The various colors, and bonuses are described below..

Kago Guardian of all Earth: Everyone follows Kago san in one way or another, though he has no real color association or bonuses. Any who reside on earth, are inadvertant followers of Kago.

Raihu Guardian of Life:

Color: White

-Followers of Raihu san tend to be peaceloving and pure of heart. Healers are the Guardian of Life's main followers. Raihu san is the Guardian responsible for all births on Earth, from the smallest single celled organism, to the largest tree, if it lives, Raihu gave it life.

-Healers of Raihu get +d5 to heresu(healing), but get -5 damage. All other disciplines get +5hp.

Shikyo Guardian of Death:

Color: Gray

-Shikyo san ushers those who's time has come into the next life, and goes by several names.. Gatekeeper, and Reaper among others. But contrary to what some believe Shikyo is a just, honorable, and kind man, who's only wish is to make the cross-over from mortality, to death an easy one. Some even find the afterlife to be a hurge burden lifted from their lives on earth.

-Followers of Shikyo gain +5 to damage, but receive -5hp. Healers gain the ability to raise a recently deceased member of their party (15% chance)

Shizen Guardian of Nature:

Color: Green

-The guardian of nature is never far from his beloved flora or fauna. He is one with all things living, and finds value in all life.

-Followers of Shizen san gain +5% soak, and an animal companion (non-attacking).

Kazi Guardian of Wind:

Color: Yellow

-Kazi controls all the winds of Earth. He blows in storms, causes hurricanes, or tornadoes, and calls down lightning and thunder from the heavens. Kazi has been known to have a wild streak, not to mention a sour attitude. Those of the fighting diciplines value Kazi as a strong, and powerful influence.

-Warriors and Martial artists gain +5 damage for worshipping Kazi san, but receive -5% soak. All other disciplines gain +5% to evade, and suffer -5% soak.

Kaki Guardian of Fire:

Color: Red

-Kaki san controls all fire upon the Earth. from the smallest spark to the largest forest fire, Kaki can be seen in every destructive flame. His short temper and no nonsense attitude are known far and wide.

-Followers of Kaki gain +5% to hit, and +5 damage to all "fire based" attacks, but suffer -5% to evade. Healers may not follow Kaki san due to his destructive nature.

Mizu Guardian of Water:

Color: Blue

-Mizu resides over all water on earth's surface, from tap water, to rain, to the huge oceans. Mizu and Kazi are brothers, and tend to work together to spread storms and the like. Though Mizu does not share his brother's wild side.

-Followers of Mizu gain the ability to breath underwater for long periods of time. (about 10 mins)

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