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Kago San, Guardian of the Earth

Race: Namek

Age: 27 earth years

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 225

Abbillities: Earth sense(can feel, see and hear what is happening all over the world), Healing, judgement storm special attack(lightning and huge balls of energy fall from the clouds)


Kago came to earth, only 3 years ago, after being summoned by his ailing father, the former Guardian of Earth, to come and take his place and look over, protect, and guide those of earth.

Back on Namek, Kago was a renowned healer and warrior. His might was unmatched, his strength only rivaled by his heart. On more than a dozen occasions, Kago, and his brother, Everant fought off invading forces from the stars.

Kago lives high atop his lookout with his assistant Senya, a lovely, strong-willed Humanimal female. Kago welcomes all guests to the lookout, and even trains with some on occasion. he is the first guardian to allow visitors unannounced into the lookout.

If you look for him on the lookout, try the park on the northend, where Kago likes to spend most of his time, pondering, listening, and looking after his flock below.

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