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Healer Techniques

-All healer techniques, last for the entire battle, the healer dies, or unless otherwise specified.-



Power Level



# of Hands


1 1 Standard punch and kick, they can be dealt in pairs or single, and can even be mismatched, but each must be rolled seperately to hit..ex: the healer could attack with 1 kick and 1 punch, if his roll is successful, then the damage qould be 1d7 + 1d10. 1d7/1d10 1


1 1 The healer can attack with his cane, staff, rod, or whatever weapon he chooses to use to protect himself. 1d121 or 2

Heresu (heal)

1 2 The healer places his hands inches apart, and draws in his life energy into a glowing white ball, which is then shot forth towards one of their comrades, healing them in a soft light 3d10 +d10 every odd level 2

Kabe` (wall)

1 1 Putting one hand on the ground, the healer channels the powers of the planet, and with an upward lift of his palm, a wall of life energy surges around himself, or a friend, making that person unhittable for 1 full round. renders person unhittable +1 target every odd level 1

Spirit boost

1 2 With eyes closed, and head bowed, the healer concentrates on his, and his friend's life forces, upon completeion, he can double his, or another person's PL Double PL Force


2 2 The healer, fists together is engulfed in a ripple of clear light, his image fades and dissapears for as long as he passes a Con test. Attacking renders the move useless, and the healer is again seen. Invisibility Force

Warrior Knowledge

3 0 The healer, upon reaching level 3, learns all level 1 warrior techniques, but can only use one warrior move per roiund, or one healer move. -level 1 warrior moves are available 0

Grand Stasis

4 4 One hand on his temple, and the other pointed towards the target, the healer yells out garnd stasis, and from his fingertip shoots a black beam, which when making contact with an enemy, renders him paralyzed for d2 rounds, unable to move, or evade. Paralyzes victim for d2 rounds +1 round every odd level 2

Mind Scramble

4 2 With a hand pressed to each temple, the healer looks deep into their enemy's mind, from his eyes shoot a white wave, twisting and twirling towards it's target, upon reaching the enemy, the beam penetrates it's mind, scrambling the contents, and making it hard to think. A d3 is rolled if the hit is successful to predict the outcome.. 1=The enemy attacks itself for 1 round, 2=the enemy does nothing but stand there, 3=he randomly atatcks Confuses enemy 2

Swift Wind

4 3 The healer rips a hand upwards, cutting the air around him, a rush of wind flies towards one of his comrades, when struck with the swift wind, the target becomes faster, and more agile.This technique can cover 2 targets at a time, therefore a d2 must be rolled to determine the number of players affected +10%hit/evade 1

Iron Cross

5 4 With 2 swift motions of his hand, the healer carves a glowing yellow cross in the air, then motions it towards a target of his choice, upon reaching it's target, the cross imbues the person with 1 thru 30 extra damage, a d30 must be rolled to determine the exact number. up to +d30 damage 1


5 2 The healer, by concentrating his energies into himself, can conduct his life energy into electrical energy, dealing out damage to the attacker if hit either physically, or by a projectile, the latter by sending the charge back through the beam. Conduction is used on an evade attempt and only works if the evade/deflect/or return is successfull 4d10damage to attacker. Force

Divine Light

7 5 Palms raised towards the heavens, the healer calls down a healing rain, the glowing white drops can heal up to 5 others, but a d5 must be rolled for the exact number. from 1d50 to 5d50, depending on d5 roll 2

Feild of study

9 0 Upon reaching the 9th level, the Healer can decide to specialize in a chosen feild, therefore increasing the effectiveness. Feilds of Study: Heresu, Defense, Offense. 0

Riba-su-heresu (reverse heal)

10 6 By using the same method as the heresu to create a glowing ball of energy, though this version is black instead of white, the healer sends it towards his enemy, sapping away life. The ball can then be gathered, and directed towards a team-mate, healing him/her. -75hp from the victim, no roll 2
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