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DragonBall History

General knowledge

The earth is a mixing pot of life, alien races, humans, half-humans, men, women and children all live under the same sun, in relative peace and quiet.

The alien races started living on the earth only about a decade ago, though fearful at first, the earthlings soon accepted their new citizens, and eventually learned from one another.

Some of the earth's populace are known as fighters, men and woman who have devoted their lives to training their minds, bodies, and spirits. These fighters have been know to defy gravity, and other such laws of nature. Harnessing their power and life energies into manifestations of projectiles, fire, and great beams of light.

Most fighters keep a low profile, and only surface when trouble arises, or during a martial arts tournament, though some have been known to push their weight around, and show off.

The alien Races that live along side the earthlings have been known to possess even greater fighting powers than the humans. The Saiyans for example, are mostly a warlike race, and hold unimaginable potential in the ways of power.

The Earth and all that dwell upon it, are looked after by the Guardian Kago, a Namek who's life is dedicated to mother earth.

The Dragon Balls

5 orange balls, each lined with a different number of stars, one through five, therefore making the balls distinguishable from one another.

The balls were created by Kago, Earth's guardian, from an ancient Namek ceremony.

When all 5 balls are brought together, and a password spoken, Shenlon, the eternal dragon appears. Shenlon is a massive snakelike dragon, who when called can grant one wish if within his powers.

After the wish is made, the balls blast into the sky, and scatter, having to be found again.The magical powers of the Dragon Balls have been known to even ressurect the dead.

Advanced knowledge

There are as many varied Disciplines (proffessions if you will) as there are races upon the earth, warriors, healers, brawlers, strict martial artists, and engineers.

Just as varied as the many disciplines are Motives (or ethics), which guide everyone through life on any given course.

We've only hinted upon all the wonders and possibilities that the Alternate Earth, Kago's Lookout, and Dragonball have to offer, so sign up, get registered, get informed, and make some history of your own.


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All about Kago


Playable Races

The many Disciplines

Motives of the World

Game Rules etc.

Experience Levels

Kago's Lookout Character Generator