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-The original inhabitants of Earth. Humans come in every shape and color, yellow hair, to purple, 4 feet tall to 7 feet tall, 80 pounds to 500. In terms of power, humans have average potential. The majority of humans sway more towards the martial arts or engineer disciplines.

Limits and bonuses

-Humans can be any Discipline

-They can wear any type of armor

-Humans must have no less than 10 in all abbility stats (con, str etc.)

-Humans get a +5% to hit if choosing the martial arts or Engineer Disciplines

-Humans range from 4 feet to 7.5 feet in height

-Humans range from 80 to 500 pounds.

-The only limit on physical traits, are 1 head, 2 arms, and 2 legs. Some humans have been known to have odd physical characteristics, such as 3 eyes, no nose etc.

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