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To begin playing connect to:, roomname:#Kago's-Lookout


July 2nd 2003
* All links are up and working

* All forms and applications are up and working

* Main Chatroom is open

July 2nd 2003
* if you submit a character, and don't receive a confirmation mail the same day, please send an email to the address at the bottom of the page.
July 2nd 2003
* The room is now officially open for Play-testing! Come on in and help us balance, or discus what you might like or dislike, all opinions and helping hands will be awarded with xp..

* Also, if you want to get a jumpstart, you can register a character right in the room with an OP.

All about Kago
Game Rules etc.
Lookout Map
Playable Races







The Many Disciplines



Martial Artists



Motives of the World
Experience Levels
Kago's Lookout Character Generator (Active)
Registered Characters(0)


~Kago's Lookout is a Dice-based Role Playing Game (RPG) on an IRC network.~

Here, on Kago's Lookout, you will embark on the greatest adventures of your life, a new and exciting RPG looms before you, one where you can play your dreams, and live your fantasies. Ever want to be an angry Saiyan, or a gruff Namek? Maybe a kind Human is more your goal, either way you chose, you can be it here, on the alternate earth..

You stand upon the sparkling, white tiled floors of Kago's lookout, high above the earth, clouds, and people below.

The structure itself is round, and sits atop a very long pole. Several seperate buildings lay scattered about, a main building, where meetings are held, a dining building, 4 buildings holding living quarters, a large training facility equipped with various sparring devices and weapons, and the hyperbolic time chamber building. To see a map of the lookout, and a more indepth description of it's buildings, click here

This is the home of Kago, the guardian of the earth. It is here, that the earth's warriors, protectors, and masters of fighting meet and train.

It is here that the new DragonBall adventures begin..

To learn more about this new game, check out our Rules and History Or Guardians For more specific information such as playable Races, Disciplines, and Motives, just click on the links. If you've done all this before, and know the drill, and just want to Register a character, then feel free. We here at Kago's Lookout welcome you, and hope your stay, and playing experience is a great one.

Email Kago with ideas, questions or if interested in hosting with Kago's Lookout RPG @:

*This Game is Rated (PG13) and contains violence/light language*

©2001: All Game ideas, rules, and content on this, and all following pages, is strictly copyright under Brian Malloy Productions.

©2000 FUNimation Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Dragon Ball Z and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of TOEI ANIMATION. ©2000 BIRD STUDIO/SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION.