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Lookout Layout

-The Lookout is pictured above, detailing the 7 structures and the garden. Un-pictured in the center is the courtyard, a wide open space that leads to each of the buildings. Below is the descriptions of each building and it's contents..

Main Building:

The main building is tha largest of the lookout's structures, and on the outside it has the appearance of a roman temple. Gleaming white pillars, and arches line every side. Inside couldn't be any more different than the out. Upon entering, you stand in the great room, a huge room with lush carpeting, and a large vaulted ceiling. On the walls hang pictures of the Earth's guardians past, and it's greatest warriors. Off to the left is a sitting area with several soft couches and chairs surrounding a fireplace, television, and jukebox, A door is off to the right where the kitchen is located. An open archway along the northwall leads into the game room, where there are billiard tables, a bar, and several more couches and chairs. heading north still, you'll pass Senya's room, then Kago's. Both are off limits. Farther still comes the balcony, which juts out from the main building and overlooks the clouds below.

Living Quarters:

4 simple buildings seperated into 4 rooms each. Each room contains a large bed, a desk, a window and a small television, along with a bathroom and shower. The rooms are open to anyone visiting the lookout, and can be occupied for as long as the person stays on the lookout.


A lush garden filled with short fruit trees, from apples to peaches. A stone walkway meanders through the garden, past flower beds of every variety, and flowering bushes, every dozen yards or so sits a comfortable bench, so that the garden's admirers can sit and take in it's beauty. A crystal clear pond glimmers towards the northend, and is a popular spot for visitors to swim and relax in. Kago spends most of his time here.

Hyperbolic Time Chamber:

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber, or HBTC for short, was an invention of a past Guardian of earth. This guardian had an extraordinary grasp on time and space. So much so, that he distorted time in this building, and condensed a year into a single day. Inside is a simple building, with a few beds, a kitchen, bathroom, and shower. The rest of the chamber is nothingness, it stretches on forever, and the gravity is 10 times that of earth. No one is allowed into the HBTC without Kago's permission.

Training building/Gym:

The training building is one large room, with an extremely high ceiling, about 10 stories high, to accomodate the flying trainees. The walls and ceiling are made from a highly durable and almost indestructable material, perfect for any type of training.The gravity in the training half of the building can be raised to as high as 100 times earth's gravity, but no one under the 5th level of training should even go above 10 times. The gym contains a basketball court, weight-lifting machines, and a pool.