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Martial Artist Techniques



Power Level



# of Hands


1 0 Standard punch and kick, they can be dealt in pairs or single, and can even be mismatched, but each must be rolled seperately to hit..ex: the martial artist could attack with 1 kick and 1 punch, if his roll is successful, then the damage would be 1d7 + 1d10. 1d7/1d10 1

Lightning Kick

1 1 With a blur-like motion, the martial artist kick upwards, or sideways, cutting air and creating a sonic boom.. 1d15 0

Bullet Punch

1 1 As if shot from a gun, the martial artist's fist blasts towards it's target. 1d15 1


1 1 By pressing their hands together in prayer and concentration, the artist is engulfed in a white light, which doubles their PL regeneration next round, ie: if they were to regenerate 2 PL next round, they would regen. 4PL Double PL next round force

Stance Change

2 2 The Martaial artist starts with 3 known stances, which when taken, they each grant the artist a different offensive, or defensive bonus. The stances are:Bear, Tiger, and Phoenix Bear=+10% all evades, Tiger=+10% to hit, Phoenix=+5% to hit +5% to evades. force

Warrior Knowledge

3 0 The martial artist, upon reaching level 3, learns all level 1 warrior techniques. -lvl1 warrior moves are available 0

Falling willow

3 2 By feigning death, the martial artist renders his body useless, and lies in a state of near unconciousness, his breathing and heart rate almost stopped to the point that they are un-recognizable.In battle, a to hit roll must be rolled, out of battle a Persuasion roll is made -Renders the Martial artist un-hittable 0

Torpedo Headbutt

4 4 Using his flying abbility, the martial artist hovers above the ground horizontaly, and like a human-missile, he blasts headfirst into his opponent. 1d40 0

Fury Cyclone

4 5 Starting slowly, the Artist begins to spin, his arms out at his sides. he spins faster and faster as electrical energies build around him, and he spins towards an opponent, he unleashes a barrage of quick strikes 10d7 2

Inferno Kick

5 3 The martial artist lifts his foot from the ground, where it ignites in blue flame, he then swings his leg in a quick flaming kick, causing a mighty blow 1d50 0

Blade Dance

6 6 The martial artists forms a blade of pure energy in his hands, and with a flourish of cutting energy and dashing attacks, he slashes into his enemy. 6d15 2

Greater Stance

6 3 At level 6, the Martial Artist gains 3 more stances, each with it's own unique bonuses. Viper=+10dmg over time added to every successfully landed attack, Sloth=PLs usage is cut in half, Panther=10% chance of landing a critical attack with every successful attack Force

Kamakazi Rush

7 7 Sometimes a final resort, and sometimes a well thought out strategic move, either way the martial artist charges the enemy, his life force exuding him in a reddish lightning storm, upon reaching the target, the artist explodes his entire life energy into the opponent, rendering the artist unconcious. Damage depends on the Martial artist's HP, ie: if he has 200 hp, the damage would be 200, no roll. The Artist is rendered unconcious till the battle is over. force

Soul Pinch

8 6 By forming his hands into a semi-claw, the martial artist creeps close to his opponent, upon reaching his range, the clawlike hand is applied to the enemy's neck, rendering him unconcious. The fallen opponent must then roll a Con check next round to revive. Instant unconciousness 1

Specialized fighting style

9 0 By the 9th training level, the Martial artist has become a master in his art, and therefore can chose to form, or adopt his own fighting style. Ex: The way of the fox, or Drunken boxing etc. Fighting styles must be learned under the eye of a Master (GM) and all bonuses thereafter will come from those means . N/A 1

Wraith Frenzy

10 8 In an ultimate display of meditative concentration, the Martial Artist fades into the ethereal. His fluid, quick, and precise movements go unseen as he walks in the shadows and strikes his opponent in several vital spots. 8d20 +10% to hit 1
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