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--Motives are what drives every character, each striving for their own seperate, or shared goals, each motive is described below--


Those with the motive peace strive to do what's right, no matter the cost. They value life above all else, and will protect and do anything in their power to help others. The peace characters are very tolerant to those with different motives.


The battle motive drives it's followers towards endless battles, not for personal glory, riches, or recognition, but for the sheer thrill of testing one's self. Those with the Battle motive, can sometimes be anti-social, and tend to be loners, except when there's a fight.


The Supreme motive is one of dominance over others. Those with the Supreme mentality, are completely focused on becoming the best in the world, and even the entire universe, they will go to any means to reach their goal, total superiority. The Supreme minded characters see others only as stepping stones, and tend to use those around them for personal reasons. Though some have been known to befriend others, it's rare.


The pain motive is the darkest of them all, the mentality draws the character towards causing, and enjoying pain, whether giving or receiving. Most who follow this motive are not right in the head, some are demented and evil, while others are just lost, and feed on hate, and torture. Those with the Pain motive very rarely befriend anyone, and if they do, it's others of their motive.

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