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-The Nameks are an alien race from the planet Namek, several lightyears from earth. After human explorers began landing on their planet, friendships between the 2 peoples flourished, soon Nameks were moving to earth, and humans to Namek.

-The Nameks have the abbility to regenerate body parts, organs, and skin tissue, they can also stretch out their limbs to great lengths. Another Namek abbility, is the abbility to "fuse" with another Namek, joining both lifeforces into one powerful being.

-Nameks tend to either be of the Warriror orHealer disciplines.

-The Namek personality is sometimes hard to figure out, some are very kind, while others are bitter and gruff, but most, if not all, are honorable opponents, and friends.

Limits and Bonuses

-Nameks can be any proffession besides Engineer

-Nameks can wear only weighted, or no armor

When choosing the healer discipline, Nameks get +5% to hit, when choosing the warrior discipline, Nameks get +5 damage

-Nameks range from 5' to 7' tall

-Nameks vary in weight from 100-300 pounds

-Nameks always have green skin, and large pointed ears

-With their regenerative abbilities, Nameks can regain lost HPs by sacrificing PLs, therefore gaining 10HPs for every PL spent, ex: 3PLs are spent to regenerate, returning 30hp back to the Namek.

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