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How to Play

-Getting started-

-We recomend reading all pages pertaining to the game before submiting a character, the better informed you are, the better player you'll be. Most importantly, play your character as it was originally designed, mean or kind, you'll get respect just for playing your character well.

The battle system in Kago's Lookout RPG, is in some ways similiar to what most on-line RPG players are used to, and in some ways very different. The following information will go into detail regarding the similarities and differences.

-Rolling the Dice-

-We use a d100 dice system to play Kago's Lookout, meaning a dice with 100 sides. The d100 dice will be rolled when attempting to hit, or evade, if rolling under your stat, you succeed, for example:

1d100 as Bardock lifts his palm high into the air, and calls forth a Destructo Disc towards Frieza:Bardock is a level 1 warrior with 30% chance to hit, he rolls a 22, therefore his hit is successful, and will be asked to roll damage to his enemy..

In conclusion Bardock would then roll his damage to Frieza, after being told to do so by the host:

d30 destructo disc damage to Frieza, Bardock rolls a 17, so that is the damage Frieza takes.

-Another set of Dice rolls is needed when checking a certain attribute point, such as:

Strength: This stat relates to how strong a character is, whether lifting a boulder, holding on to a falling comrade, or punching through a mountain, a Strength(str) check must be rolled.

Concentration: Concentration(con) is needed when charging a certain power move, or enduring pain. If a character is charging say, a Kamehameha wave, and is hit by an enemy, then a concentration roll must be done, if failed, then the wave is disrupted, if successful, then the move goes off without a hitch.

Agility: The agility (agi) stat, pertains to the character's quickness, and reaction time. Whether its dodging a falling building, leaping across a chasm, or flying through a thunderstorm, this stat must be passed to be successful in the action.

Luck: The luck (luc) stat is the stat that must be rolled when the impossible is attempted, such as attempting to live after falling off a 100 story building, or picking off a fly a mile away with a Masato wave, any action where luck is needed to succeed.

Intelligence: How smart a character is, is determined by the intelligence (int) stat. If trying to figure out a locking mechanism, a computer interface, or just trying to read strange writings, this stat must be rolled.

Awareness: The awareness (awe) stat is what a character rolls when trying to sense life energies around him/her.

Persuasion: How well others listen to your suggestions and comments. When trying to win over an enemy etc. the persuasion (per) stat must be rolled.

To succeed on the above stats, a d30 dice must be rolled, and the number must be lower than the character's base stat, for example:

Roshi attempts to read a wall of heiroglyphs, so he rolls a d30 for his intelligence stat, his base int. is 18, and he rolls a 22, therefore he fails the check, if he had rolled 18 or under, he would have passed the check.

-That concludes the basic rolling techniques, now onto the more indepth rolling that goes along with battling, and training..

Rules of battle