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Rules of Battle

-Code of Conduct-

-There are unspoken laws about fighting conduct and etiquette, one being that you never attack a defenseless enemy. Or you never back down from a fight as long as you can stand. Most live by these rules, along with countless others, but the majority know that to fight with honor, and respect one's enemy, is the only true way to victory.

-Vital definitions-

-The following definitions explain most, if not all of the battle actions..

Strike Position (sp): Or initiative as it has been known to be called, is the order inwhich a character attacks. At the begining of the battle, spar, or quest, you will be given your strike position, based upon 2 things: Your agility stat, and your concentration stat. these 2 things will be added together, and the players with the highest numbers, will be given first strike position, then so on, down the list. For example: Trunks has a agi stat of 20, and a con stat of 15, making his total strike stat as 35, but Gohan has a agi stat of 20, and a con stat of 18, making his strike stat, 38. Gohan would then get first strike, and Trunks second strike etc.

Power Level (pl):A Characters power level is the life energy that fuels his fighting techniques and manuevers, the higher the pl, the more varied and powerful the character can attack. Each Discipline has it's own starting pl. PLs regenerate each new round

Techniques:Commonly known as special moves, or finishers, these are the characters, fireball, projectile, or force moves. Each technique set is different between the disciplines, as is how many PLs are spent using the technique. For example: Tien wants to use his Tri-beam attack, which uses 4pl, he has 6 pl stocked up, so he unleashes the Tri-beam, leaving hinm 2pl for next round.

Evade:Evade is the basic way of getting out of the way of another's attack upon you. Evading an attack costs 1pl, hit or miss. Each discipline has a different percentage towards evading. Compared to the other 2 means of evasion, the regular evade is the 2nd easiest to pull off.

Deflect:Deflect is the easiest way to evade. It uses no PLs, and has a higher evade%, but only deflects 1/2 the blow if successful. This is the easiest way to evade, as the character simply catches the attack and sends it away.

Return:The hardest way to evade. Without any use of PLs, the character can return the projectile back towards the attacker. This is the hardest way to evade, and if unsuccessful, the evading character takes full damage. Only projectile based attacks can be returned, ie: a punch or kick could only be evaded or deflected. Basically, if it's shot, thrown, or launched in any way, it can be returned.

Power Stuggle:The battle that ensues when 2 opponents both miss an attack on eachother, this can be both projectile, or hand to hand based attacks. Each player's life energy battles of the other's in a spectacular show if strength, and concentration. To resolve the struggle, both players must roll 5 to hit% rolls, the player with the most successful hits, wins the struggle, and rolls damage. If the rolls were equal, the players willl roll again until one outmatches the other.

Critical hit:A roll of 1 to 5 is considered a critical hit, and does double to the oponent. Critical hits can not be evaded or deflected, only returned.

Critical miss:A roll of 95-100 is considered a critical miss, when rolled the character must then roll a d3 1-self damage 2-party member hit 3-internal(loss of all pl).

Counter:When a 1 is rolled on an evade or deflect, then the evading character gets a free counter, and can attempt an attack.

Critical evade:When a 100 is rolled on an evade, the evading character takes double damage.

Critical return:A roll of 1 on a return evade results in double damage to the opponent, and can therefore, only be returned by the original attacker, not evaded or deflected.

-Sample battle-

Krillin gets first strike on Picollo, and attacks..

1d100 as Krillin fires a Kamehameha wave(2pl) at Picollo's head, hoping to blow it from his green shoulders(45% to hit)..

Krillin rolls a 1d100 and gets 32..

1d100 as Picollo attempts to return the powerful blast back at Krillin (12% to return)..

Picollo rolls a 1d100 and gets 78..

d30+10 as Krillin releases the wave for massive damage to the namek..

Krillin rolls a d30+10 and gets 32..

Now, lets pretend Picollo succeeded on returning the attack, here's how it would play out..

1d100 as Picollo attempts to return the powerful wave back at Krillin (12% to return)..

Picollo rolls a 1d100 and gets 8..

1d100 as krillin sees his attack returning, and attempts to return it back at Picollo (10% to return)..

Krillin rolls a 1d100 and gets 100..

1d30+10 as krillin's own attack is turned back onto him, for double damage after the critical evade..

Picollo rolls a 1d30+10 and gets 30..(doubled to 60)..

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