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-The Saiyans are a warlike race normally, though some have adapted to society, and live peaceful lives.

-The Saiyans first came to earth as conquerers, but were halted by earth's special forces, the Saiyans that were not killed, were integrated into society, or sent into exile.

-Young Saiyans, before their planet was destroyed by a civil war, were sent upon the stars, to distant planets, in hopes that they would grow up, and conquer the world for their race. but most were found by loving parents and nurtured to be kind and peaceful adults. Though some Saiyans do thirst to conquer and destroy, all thirst for battle.

-The normal saiyan has jet black hair, that never grows after it reaches it's full length, and are born with a tail, inwhich, when there is a full moon, and the Saiyan is determined enough, can transform them into a weremonkey, a 100 foot tall monster, capable of unthought of destruction. Therefore, most Saiyand children have their tails removed. The Saiyan race has the highest fighting potential and therefore lean towards the Warrior Discipline.

Limits and bonuses

-Saiyans can be all disciplines, except, healers, and Engineers

-Saiyans get a +5% to hit bonus, and a +5 damage bonus for choosing the Warrior discipline

-Saiyans can only wear, Saiyan, weighted, or no armor

-The normal Saiyan height ranges from 5' to 7'

-Normal Saiyan weight is 100 to 350 pounds.

-Saiyans gain the abbility to go Super Saiyan, after reaching the 7th level of training

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