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Warrior Techniques



Power Level



# of Hands


1 0 Standard punch and kick, they can be dealt in pairs or single, and can even be mismatched, but each must be rolled seperately to hit..ex: the warrior could attack with 1 kick and 1 punch, if his roll is successful, then the damage would be 1d7 + 1d10. 1d7/1d10 0


1 1 A small round Fireball shot from a single palm aimed towards an opponent d20 1


1 2 The wave is powered up with 2 hands, by calling out the name of the wave, the longer it's held, the more powerful the blast. When the final "ha" of the name is said, the wave is released in a huge beam.The wave can also be charged up for multiple rounds, and must be stated beforehand, instead of rolling a d100 to hit, the warrior must roll a con check for each round charging, when released the warrior must then roll the d100 to hit, if successful the wave does an extra 1d for each round charged ex: the warrior charged the wave for 5 rounds, the dammage would be 5d30, if a CON check is failed any round while charging, the wave is disrupted. PL is spent each round charging 1d30 +1d every charged round 2


1 3 By holding 2 hands above the head, and calling out the name of the move, a ball of light appears in the warrior's hands, by pressinbg the 2 hands towards the target with a firing word, the slim beam is launched forth d50 2

Solar Flare

1 2 By fanning out the warrior's fingers before his eyes, and calling out Solar flare, he can call upon an eruption of brightness, to confuse, and blind his enemies, but also his friends if not carefull. A concentration roll must be suceeded to only blinbd the enemy.After the Con roll, a d3 is rolled for how many rounds blinded. -10%hit/evade to the enemy +5% hit and evade for the Warrior Force

Destructo Disc

2 2 By extending one hand, palm up, towards the sky, a spinning disc appears, by lauching the arm forward, the disc flies towards it's target. 3d10 (so soak) 1


2 4 By forming 2 hands into a triangle, a power begins building between the fingers, with a "hyah!" the beam is released in a triangular projectile 3d20 2

Special Beam Cannon

3 6 By pressing 2 fingers to one's forehead, and concentrating on the target, the fingers begin to glow, thereafter, the move is called out, and the fingers pointed towards the victim. A long orange beam shoots forth, a spiraling wave around it's length 2d40 1


3 0 By focusing one's inner fire, they can project the flame outward, powering up all abilities for d3 rounds, being literally bathed in living flame. +5% to hit/Evade +5 damage (doubles at levels 6,9,12) Force


4 4 By forming the character's arm into an L shape and calling out Multi-form, the player can split into 4 seperate selves, each of the 3 images can attack seperately, but have only 1hp, if hit, they dissapear. When using Multi-Form, the warrior can only use one attack per round as long as his doubles are present Each form mimics the originals moves, ei: if the player fires a Katama, then the other three images do also, but each must be rolled seperately. Force

Galeck Gun

5 5 A very powerful wave that is built up by placing both hands out in front of the body, palms flat outwards towards the target, joined at the wrists, upon completion a huge beam of blue, yellow, or red light streams towards the enemy. d90 2

Spirit Bomb

5 10 By raising both palms skyward, and concentrating on every living being, the spirit bomb builds, drawing a small lifeforce from everything around it, once sufficiently large, the warrior calls down the glowing ball of light to vanquish the enemy. 4d40 2

Rapid Fire

5 3 In a furious blur of hand movements, the warrior fires forth a volley of small, fast fireballs. 10d5 2

Eye Laser

5 4 Literaly burning an image into the back of the warrior's eyes, a laser of pent up power shoots towards the enemy from each eye. If the warrior's PL is high enough, he can team the eye laser with 2 single handed moves, for a total of 3 moves per round, or with one 2 handed move, for a total of 2 attacks, each must be rolled seperately to hit 2d25 0

Instant Transmission

6 2 An abbility tought to earthlings by aliens from the planet Yargdrant, by focusing their mind on a distant place, the warrior can travel faster than the speed of light "instantly" arriving there. Used during an evade attempt +20% to evade Force

Scatter Shot

6 3/5 Several small balls of energy are shot into the sky, and magnetically attract towards the enemy. This technique comes in 2 forms, guided 5PL, and non-guided 3PL. The non-guided version gets -10% to hit 7d10 2

Super Saiyan/Namek

7 5 At level 7 Saiyans, and Nameks can "evolve" into higher beings, ones with heightened and incredible powers. The Saiyan's hair turns yellow, while the Namek's only change is a constant surging of electrical energy. The Super status lasts till the warrior stops it, falls to 1/2 or less HP, or dies. Double damage Force


7 6 At level 7, all warriors, except Saiyans and Nameks, can supercharge their kayoken attack, igniting their bodies in crackling flames of immense energy which lasts till they power down, fall below half HP, or are killed. +5% hit/evade +50 damage Force


8 2 By expelling outward, the warrior's energy, a wave of force spreads out in a circle around him, repeling anyone close, and causing them to falter, loosing all agility. -10% to evade for upt to d4 enemies, and d4 rounds Force

Final Flash

9 10 A devastating finisher attack. The warrior throws his hands out to the side, and charges all his energy into one blast, when he has gathered enough power, he throws his hands forward, where they meet, the move is called out, and a gigantic beam blasts forth, devouring all in it's path. 2d80 (no soak) 2

Loaded Kamehameha

9 8 In a huge build up of power, the warrior charges a Kamehameha wave, channeling all his energy into one giant wave, one powerful enough to blow a huge chunk out of a planet, and destroy all life that touches it, When the final "ha" is said, the wave cuts through the air, and anything in it's path. This version can also be charged fr multiple rounds, adding 1d to the result, a con check must be passed every round. 4d40 2

Big Bang

10 12 Pure power engulfs the warrior, as energy is sucked in from all around, lightning flashing, winds whipping, until the warrior calls out "big bang" and the air explodes around him, sending forth a beam of un-rivaled destructive power from his palms. 4d75 2

Death Ball (Shi`Tama)

10 20 The supreme Finisher currently known, the deathball, or Shi`Tama, is small in comparison to most of the other devastating attacks, though it's final result is by far, the deadliest. By simply charging a small sphere onto one finger, and letting it grow and pulsate, the warrior builds enugh power to destroy an entire planet, and every living being on it. The sphere is usually dark red, or black, and ripples with electric energy 10d100 1

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