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Perfect Cell's Bio

This Bio is deticated to my great friend Cassie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Perfect Cell

Race: Android

Eyes: Pink


Green,gray,black,yellow,and pink

Hair: none

Forms: 3

Series: DBZ and DBGT

Appearances: Android saga/ Cell Games, Buu saga And more

Deaths: 2

Obsessions: Perfection

Perfect Cell's Kill List:



Milletary people


A android made from cells from Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien, Frieza, and Krillin. Cell has a very very large ego (probably got it from Frieza^-^). Cell is supper tall, I would take a gess of 6-7 feet. Cell has the largest power level in the Android saga. Cell is Dr. Gero's best creation. Most people even think he is cute.@_@

How Perfect Cell Dies:

When Cell and Gohan are battling kamehameha waves Goku gives addvice to Gohan. Vegeta fired a beam which destracted Cell giving Gohan the chance to send the final blow.

Perfect Cell in the Cell Games:

Cell has the Cell Games to determine who is the strongest person. He first fights Coroni, Piroshiki,and Hercule and easly defeats them all. Then he fights who he really wants to fight: Goku. They fight for a while and then Cell desroys the ring and makes it where there is no rules. A while later Goku gives up and has Gohan fight Cell. Gohan tells Cell a story about what would happen if he was pushed to far. Cell then wants to see this power for himself. Later, Cell grabs Gohan so,he can't escape. Then Android 16 grabs Cell making him let go of Gohan. 16 trys to self destuct but he can't because when he was fixed the bomb was removed. Cell then killed Android16 by giving a blast that went right through him blowing him up. Then Cell creates the Cell Jr.s and had them attack the Z fighters and tells them to kill them too. Gohan then gets mad and trasformes into SSJ2.(Cell has pushed Gohon to the limit Gohan then goes and kills all 7 of the Cell Jr.s. Later Gohan starts to beat Cell up and makes him spit Android 18 up by punching Cell super hard in the stomach. Cell then goes back into his 2nd form. Cell atemps to self destuct but Goku uses his instent transmission and brings Cell to King Kies planet Cell then blows up and kills Goku, King Kai, Gregary, and Bubbles. One of Cell's cells lived and regenerated him self back to being Perfect Cell again because he have gotten lots of energy back from his mortal wound like a Saiyan would of because he had saiyan cells in him. When Cell comes back to Earth he kills Trunks with a mini beam. Vegeta went off the wall when this happened. But Cell beats up Vegeta. Cell blasted a beam at Vegeta, but Gohan ran in front of in order to protect Vegeta from being killed. Gohan then gives up until Goku talks to him telepathically through King Kai. Cell fires a Kamehameha wave at Gohan, who fires one back at him. They switch back and forth with the upper hand. Every one but Vegeta fires beams at Cell but Cell just blows them away with his energy (this happens constantly).Finally Vegeta fires a beam at Cell and it makes Cell lose control of the two Kamehameha waves. Gohan then gives the wave a boost and walks towards Cell. Cell starts to deteriorate and is finally killed for good.

Perfect Cell in the Great Saiyaman Saga saga:

Cell is only in this saga for a 1/2 of an episode. When Goku and Pikkon go to HFIL (Home For Infinent Losers). to stop Cell, Frieza, King Cold, and the Ginyu Force from causing trouble. Goku defeats the Ginyu Force, and Pikkon defeats Frieza, King Cold, and Cell. He kicks Cell into the water and then brings him up and threw him into spikes.*_* Cell is then thrown into jail.

Perfect Cell in the Buu saga:

I've not seen this saga so I can't realy tell you enything.