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This is who I think should really go to HFIL (Home For Infinite Losers) ^_^ Remember this is my opinion, so if you disagree, then please don't get mad at me!!

This is why they sould go to HFIL.
Hercule: (he's the biggest loser!) 'Cause he takes credit for what every one else does and he is just a plain IDOIT.
Gohan: cause he killed cell and Spice and more.( Thank you Super Buu for absorbing him.)
Pikkon: Just because I just don't like him.
Krillin: cause he annoys me
Chi Chi: cause she is realy mean and she is a idiot
Yancha: cause he is realy iritating.

Thes people have no reson besides that I just hate them.

I still like these people but they still should go to HFIL because they killed some of my favorite characters.
Trunks: cause he killed Kooler, Freezer, and King Cold.
Vegeta: cause he killed Jeice and Zarbon