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Tsuki's Story Continued...

Almost two years passed. Tsuki learned of the death of Radditz on planet earth and Vegeta and Nappa's intent to go there and collect the seven dragonballs. It was discovered from an intercepted message via the saiya-jin’s scouter that anyone who collected these dragonballs could summon the eternal dragon and have any one wish granted. Vegeta and Nappa planned for immortality. From another message, Frieza learned of other dragonballs on the planet Namek. He immediately ordered a force of his minions together, including Tsuki, Nashi, Zarbon, and Dodoria as his top commanders, and left for Namek, seeking immortality, as well.

Vegeta soon came back alone, for Nappa was also killed on earth. He went after Frieza and the race for the namekian dragonballs began. After everyone terrorized a few namekian villages (more details may be found in the main story), Vegeta is captured by Zarbon and is brought back to Frieza's ship. Vegeta is injured and is in a rejuvenation tank, healing, so that Frieza may learn of the location of the remaining two dragonballs. When Zarbon and Nashi are making their report to Frieza, an explosion is heard. All leave the room to locate the source, leaving Tsuki alone with the dragonballs in the main chamber.

"Um," Tsuki called after the Kobitians and Frieza. "I'll just stay here then, right?” The saiya-jin scratched her head, confused. “Ok, then.” She looked down at the dragonballs, thinking about the possibility of Frieza becoming immortal. Another blast rocked the ship. Tsuki went to the door and leaned against the wall beside it. After a moment, the door slid open and Vegeta burst into the room. Tsuki stood, frozen to her spot. "Ve- Vegeta!" she stammered. “What are you doing here?” Vegeta spun around and, spotting Tsuki, grabbed her by her throat and slammed her against the wall. She strained for air as Vegeta's hand clenched her neck, lifting her off of the ground.

"I'm only going to say this once," he said. "Where does your loyalty lie? With that spoiled brat and his minions or with your race, your people... your prince. Well?"

Tsuki thought about all of their talks of destroying Frieza and avenging their people. She knew how much she hated Frieza. But, she didn't know if she could obtain the courage to break away from his rule - could they possibly be strong enough to take on the all-powerful Frieza? Tsuki gasped as Vegeta tightened his grip.

"Well?" he repeated, growling.

"My- my prince," Tsuki stammered, realizing that of the two of the superpowers, Vegeta's wrath at the moment would be worse. Vegeta grunted a hurried approval and threw her to the floor. He turned and spotted the dragonballs. He began laughing. "Ha! Who's laughing now, Frieza?" He looked out the window to see Zarbon searching for him. "You fool. Keep on wasting time looking outside. Hmm, ichi - ni - san - yon - go, perfect!" Vegeta said, counting Frieza's dragonballs. "Not only did you heal my wounds, but you’ve given me all of your dragonballs, as well." He paused, thinking. "I can’t get away carrying all of them and I don’t have time to really think of what to do…” Vegeta muttered. He ran to the door and peered out as he began to power up. "Please let this work," he said to himself. "You fools! I’m still on the ship!" he yelled down the hall to Frieza and the Kobitians. Vegeta fired the blast of energy down the corridor to the center of the ship causing a massive explosion. He jumped back as the explosion went past the door. Still charged up, he ran to the center of the room and shot a blast at the domed window, melting a hole right through it. Then, he took each of the dragonballs and threw them out the window and to the land that lay across the water.

"There! Now it’s our turn - come on!" Vegeta yelled to Tsuki as he flew out the gaping hole in the window. Tsuki took off after him. They both landed behind a butte on the edge of the water beside Frieza's ship as they heard Frieza bellow out orders to a furious Zarbon.

"What are you waiting for, you fool?! Don't you think you've messed up enough? Go find him! NOW!" Frieza screamed at Zarbon.

"Yes, sir," replied Zarbon.

Tsuki couldn't help but laugh. Vegeta chuckled as well.

"If we fly away, Frieza will spot us instantly. But-" he said as he walked into the water. Tsuki followed. They swam under the water until they reached the other side of the lake. They walked onto the land and both took deep breaths of air.

"I know I threw those dragonballs around here somewhere," Vegeta said, looking around. He walked a few feet and grinned. "There! There they are! What precision, if I do say so myself!" He picked up one of the spheres. "With the one I hid in the lake, that makes six. Just one more to go!" he said. “Serves you right, Frieza,” Vegeta laughed softly. "Help me carry these," he ordered Tsuki. Tsuki picked two up and silently followed Vegeta. They placed the dragonballs in a sheltered area of an adjacent butte. Vegeta placed the last ball down, then tensed and spun around.

"Hmm? A large power reading." He looked around. "Is it Zarbon?"

Tsuki looked to the sky. "No, it's not quite as strong as Zarbon's is."

Vegeta followed the source and looked up in surprise. "What?! How did they get here?"

"Who?" Tsuki asked.

Vegeta ran out of their hiding place. "The earthling Krillin! What is he doing here on Namek?" Vegeta laughed. " Well, at least now I know where the last dragonball is!" Vegeta turned to Tsuki. "You can stay here and watch these. And don't you dare forget where your loyalty lies, remember?" Vegeta grinned and took off after the earthling. Tsuki stood for a moment, not sure what to do.

"People like to just leave me behind, don't they?" she muttered to herself. She turned and sat down along the side of the rock wall. "Oh, well." Tsuki crossed her arms and closed her eyes.

Tsuki opened her eyes. She stretched and yawned. She looked around her and saw the five dragonballs still resting in their place. Tsuki stood and walked over to them. Suddenly, she heard a gasp and turned around.

"Well," she said, grinning. "What are you doing here, Nashi?" Tsuki looked to see Zarbon sitting beside her, a bandage around his waist. "And what happened to you?"

"Tsuki! We didn't see you," Nashi started. "Vegeta told us to come here, he didn't mention you!"

Tsuki laughed. "Ah," she said to Zarbon. "So Vegeta is what happened to you!"

Zarbon scowled at the saiya-jin causing Tsuki to laugh even more. Tsuki walked over and knelt in front of the two Kobitians.

"So, I guess I'm not the only traitor here, huh?" Nashi and Zarbon looked at Tsuki, tiredness showing in their eyes. Tsuki smiled. She still felt rather close to Nashi - she was the only friend that Tsuki had ever known. "Why don't you guys get some sleep," she suggested. "I am. This planet has my head all messed up. Three suns, no night..." Tsuki jokingly shivered. "I can't stand it!" Tsuki went to the other side of the rock crevice and sat down. Zarbon still looked at the saiya-jin questionably. Nashi smiled and brought her hand up to Zarbon's face. Zarbon looked at her and then slid down on the ground. He rested his head in Nashi's lap as she brushed his hair with her hand. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. Nashi closed her eyes as well, but remained awake. Tsuki looked at the two as the playful grin left her face, turning into a saddened frown. She brought her knees up to her chest and rested her arms upon them. She put her chin on her arms and, sighing, closed her eyes.

(Note: I've decided to leave out most of the parts of Tsuki's story from the Ginyu battles up to where everyone's on earth though there is this little bit here describing the aftermath of the battle with Recoome that I highly suggest you read before continuing. Tsuki was in all of the battles that Vegeta was in - Recoome, Ginyu, Jeice, and Frieza - and, like Vegeta, she has grown in strength. She was also killed by Frieza and wished back to life, etc. – you know, or should know, the drill. Tsuki is slightly stronger than Vegeta and will pretty much remain that way for a while. No flames, please - remember that Tsuki still has her tail and has constantly teased Vegeta of this since they have arrived on earth. Reading the main story will really pay off now; it will seem a bit confusing without it. Tsuki’s story picks up now after the battle with Frieza where everyone has been moved to the planet earth and Piccolo has just identified Nashi’s mysterious pendant.)

Tsuki had watched from behind a tree as Piccolo had identified Nashi's pendant. She had known all along what the symbol had meant - she still remembered the day that she had discovered what the same symbol on her own necklace stood for.

And she remembered how long it had taken her to accept that information.

She reached up with her hand to hold the pendant as she began to walk away. Omedeto, Nashi. Tsuki thought. You finally possess what you have always dreamed of having... "And what are you moping about?" came a familiar, taunting voice. Tsuki looked up to see Vegeta standing, arms folded across his chest and a smirk upon his face.

"That is none of your concern, Vegeta," she said softly. Vegeta chuckled.

"Aw, are you jealous that Nashi has found a mate? And here you still are, all alone!"

Vegeta said cruelly. Tsuki tensed, shocked at how close he had come. She glared at Vegeta.

"Well, it seems to me that you aren't doing very well in that area yourself!"

Vegeta grinned and pulled out another ace. "Actually, that blue-haired woman has caught my attention. She's rather attractive." He frowned. "Even if she is loud."

Tsuki shakily took a step back as she felt her heart and pride being ripped painfully away from her. "That... that earthling?!" Tsuki stammered, crushed. "B-But she a... a... human!"

Vegeta shrugged. "I am the prince of our kind - I can choose whatever kind of mate I want." He smirked again. "I'm not a child, Tsuki."

"Are you suggesting that I am?!"

Vegeta said nothing as his grin continued to grow. Tsuki clenched her fists.

"And what if your father had arranged a mate for you already?"

Vegeta scowled at her. "What if he did? It makes no difference - he's dead, along with just about the rest of our people."

"Good for you, you're the prince of a dead race," Tsuki said softly.

"What was that?!?"

Tsuki said nothing as she relaxed her body. She reached up for her pendant again and yanked it from around her neck, breaking the chain. She looked at the symbol in her hands. "Tosan, Vegeta-sama - what were you thinking?" she said to herself quietly.

"Nani?" Vegeta asked, confused. Tsuki looked up at him, angered and hurt tears forming in her eyes. Vegeta yelled at her: "What are you bawling about, woman?"

"Vegeta..." she began, searching for an explanation. Finally, one came. "Damn you!" she cried before flinging the necklace in front of Vegeta. Tsuki took to the air, flying as fast as she possibly could as to get as a far away as possible from that spot.

Vegeta watched as she flew off. He then knelt down and picked up the pendant.

"Oh, kami-sama," he said as he saw what the symbol was. "What have I done?" Vegeta stood and shook his head. "Kuso." Sighing, he dropped the necklace to the ground. Vegeta folded his arms across his chest once again, deep in thought. He then clenched his fists and promptly struck the closest tree, his fist breaking through to the other side. Vegeta pulled his hand free and walked away.

Zarbon stepped out from behind a tree and walked to where Vegeta had been. He walked by the unfortunate tree that Vegeta had attack and paled slightly, remembering their second battle. He then looked down as a glare caught his eye. Zarbon knelt and picked up the pendant.

"What are you doing?"

Zarbon looked up as Nashi sat down beside him. He showed her the necklace. "It looks like your necklace. At first I thought it was yours, but I see you're wearing it." Nashi too the pendant from his hand as he continued: "Vegeta had it. It sounded like he and Tsuki were arguing again."

Nashi suddenly tensed as she realized what had happened. "This was Tsuki's..."

"Nani?!" Zarbon exclaimed. "You mean... Tsuki and Vegeta are... were..."

Nashi nodded. Hai. Poor Tsuki..."

A few months pass...

Gohan sat at his desk, idly doodling on the cover of his textbook. He sighed and moved to open the book when he heard a noise at his window. Standing up, he walked over and peered outside. A large, lilac, spike-adorned head greeted him.

"Haiya-dragon!" Gohan exclaimed. The dragon nodded and took Gohan's sleeve in his mouth. "Haiya-dragon, I can't play right now - I have to do my school work!" the boy said sadly. Haiya-dragon continued to pull his arm. Gohan sighed. "Well..." he said, looking around to see if his mother was near, "maybe for a little while!" Gohan scrambled out the window and climbed onto the dragon's back. "Let's go!"


Tsuki was sitting on a large rock. She came here often - it was her sitting rock. She was meditating quietly when, to her right, she heard one - no, two - things approaching. She leaned back on her elbows and lazily unraveled her tail. Suddenly, Gohan and Haiya-dragon came barreling through the forest into the clearing in front of Tsuki's rock. They ran around for a few moments before Gohan saw the figure sitting on the rock. He skidded to a halt with Haiya-dragon crashing into him.

"Gah!" Gohan exclaimed. Tsuki remained silent, glaring at the boy. Gohan spoke up again. "Oh, please don't tell my mom that I'm out here. I'm supposed to be doing my schoolwork. She'll kill me!"

Tsuki looked at him strangely at the fact that he was afraid of such a weak parental figure. It must be his human side, she figured.

"So, um..." Gohan started, "what are you doing out here all alone?"

Tsuki resumed to glaring. "Get out of here, brat."

Gohan remained where he was, in fact, sitting in his spot. "Why are all you saiya-jins so mean? My dad isn't like you guys - he's nice."

Tsuki appeared suddenly in front of Gohan and grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt. "That's because your father grew up on a planet of weaklings. Your father is a disgrace to our kind. He goes against everything we do and everything we believe in!"

Gohan held onto Tsuki's wrist, trying to breathe. "That may be, but he's the strongest fighter ever!" he said angrily, defending his father. "He's even stronger than Vegeta!"

Tsuki smiled. There's the saiya-jin blood showing. "Well, kid, guess what - so am I." Gohan gasped at this statement. She tossed the shocked boy to the ground. Tsuki began to walk away. "I guarantee that I am at least as strong as you father - if not stronger. Don't forget," she said over her shoulder, waving her tail behind her, "I still have my tail."

"I still don't see why you have to be so mean. It seems like every saiya-jin that comes here wants to hurt the planet or the people..."

"That's what saiya-jins do, baka!" Tsuki snapped, spinning around to face Gohan.

"Well, my dad will always protect us."

Tsuki turned again and walked to her rock. She jumped on top of it and sat cross-legged, her back to the boy. "Your father is the one who killed Radditz, ne?"


"Radditz was one of my few friends and your father killed him."

Gohan said nothing. Tsuki thought for a moment. "So that means that if Kakarotto is Radditz's little brother, then you are Radditz's nephew," Tsuki reasoned. Poor Radditz is related to this little half-saiya-jin brat.

Gohan nodded his head. "Yup, that's right. He kidnapped me when I was really little and Daddy rescued me!" Gohan stood, thinking. "Then Vegeta came, with Nappa," Gohan pondered some more, "and then there was Turles, but that was a long time ago."

Tsuki froze. Slowly she turned to look at Gohan. "Who did you say came here?" she asked in disbelief.

"Who, Turles?" Gohan asked. "He came with the World tree. He almost destroyed the earth completely. I think he was another one of Daddy's relatives. His uncle, I think."

"He came here," Tsuki breathed. Then she remembered something else Gohan had said. "Nani?!? Your father's uncle?"

Gohan gulped and hid behind Haiya-dragon. He nodded. Tsuki brought a hand to her brow and flexed her tail uneasily. Papa... Radditz and Kakarotto are... my cousins. Then Tsuki had an epiphany. She glared at Gohan. "You are my second cousin. Your father - my cousin - killed Radditz - my friend and kin." She stood, anger rising with her. "Your father killed my father."

Gohan began to back up slowly, pulling Haiya-dragon with him. Tsuki leaped off of the rock and landed in front of Gohan, forming a ki ball in her hand. "And what's worse, you're the offspring of a human. A human!" She drew her hand back and fired the ball of energy. Gohan cried out and fell backwards as the sphere flew at him. Suddenly, the ball stopped - inches away from his face. He looked questionably at Tsuki. She spoke slowly:

"Enough of my family and race have been killed already and I don't think that my father's spirit would look kindly upon me if I helped by killing you." She dissolved the ki ball. "I would suggest that you leave - now. If you don't, I swear to kami-sama that I will rip out your spine and hang you with it."

Gohan sat where he was, frozen to his spot. Tsuki growled. Gohan yelped and ran as fast as he could, Haiya-dragon on his tail. Tsuki immediately spun around and struck her sitting stone. The rock quickly fractured under the incredible force. She leaned forward and rested her head upon a remaining piece of rock. So that's why I mistook Kakarotto for Tosan, she realized. I finally know who my family is, and they are either my enemies or they are dead...

[Yup, that's right. If you recall the little vignette after Tsuki’s battle with Recoome, Tsuki, who was in pretty bad shape, mistook Goku's face and hair for Turles'. Remember - Goku, Turles, and Bardock (I'm making him not only Goku's father, but also Turles' brother) all look like clones of each other, minus a few minor details! Read about it if you missed it before!

So everyone's a big happy family, ne?

Tsuki pretty much avoids Vegeta and the others, especially after Goku returns to earth. He was given medicine from Mirai Trunks and all were warned of the coming androids. Like the Ginyu and Frieza sagas, I'm not going to rewrite the episodes just for a simple character insertion. Basically picture Tsuki assisting in about every battle, getting injured, healing, and growing in strength. Tsuki is still stronger than Vegeta and has not lost her tail yet. She picked up the technique of instantaneous movement from Goku and has achieved the level of super saiya-jin. She has recently received a message from Nashi on Komek asking for her help. Having no need and no desire to remain on earth, she leaves to assist her old friend.]

And so ends Tsuki's Story as her saga continues in Nashi's world...