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A bit more than a year goes by...

"Goku-gumi can come, it would be good for Kori to meet them. They're like legendary heroes to him, known to him only in stories. Not to mention, it would be nice to see them again."

Nashi was sitting with Zarbon in their room making plans for Kori's 18th birthday. They were hoping to surprise him with a grand party. Zarbon stood.

"I'll go and ask Goku if he can come. I'm sure he'll like the idea. Plus, who could resist the chance to see a lady as beautiful as you again?" Zarbon smiled as he left the room to contact Goku.

Nashi smiled and shook her head. "Oh, Zarbon," she said to herself. She looked at the list in her lap. Kori will be pleased to finally realize that he is accepted by our people. She added Goku-gumi to the list. This shall be a wonderful event.


A few weeks later...

Kori poked his head into the courtyard. "Kassan? Tosan?" Not hearing a response he left and started walking down the hall. Where is everybody? he wondered. Kori glanced in the kitchen. "Shiru?" Nothing. Continuing down the corridor he came across the dining hall and peeked in. Ah! Oya ma! It looks like there's going to be a banquet tonight. I wonder why. Numerous tables were covered in white tablecloths. Food and drink of every kind lay upon them. Kori stepped in to look around.


Kori jumped back, startled and shocked, and landed on the floor on his rear. He stared at the people who had just jumped out from behind the tables, quite confused. He looked around and saw his mother and his father standing in the doorway. "Happy birthday, Kori," Nashi smiled. Kori slowly stood, and looked at the guests. A number of Kobitians, including Akai, Sabi, Shiru, Tomodachi, Okashii, and a smiling Kirei, stood, along with numerous nameks, and a few races he didn't recognize. Zarbon walked into the room.

"Forgive us for being poor hosts, but we must speak to some of our guest about a certain matter straight away. As for now, my people, let the festivities begin!" With that, musicians began playing, dancing, and singing, food and drink was passed out, games were started, and contests began. The tan-skinned members of the race unfamiliar to Kori then came over to him and his parents. Greetings and embraces were exchanged. Kori watched, still rather mixed-up. Well, they're obviously old friends to my mom and dad. Though he didn't know why, a small chill swept over him - especially when he saw a purple-haired teenager looking at him.

"Kori, come here," Nashi instructed. Kori timidly stepped over. He didn't like the way these people were looking at him - they knew something he didn't.

"Wow," whispered a tall man with wild black hair.

"Oh, man. Unreal," murmured a short, bald man.

"My friends," Nashi began. "This is Kori." She put a hand on his shoulder and faced him. "Kori, these are the people known to you only in stories. These are the warriors that saved the universe..." She looked at the purple-haired youth. "...and our lives."

"Now, let us not forget," stated Zarbon. "This is a celebration and a chance to see and meet each other. We all know what happened. So, let's put any harsh feelings aside for now, hopefully longer, and have an enjoyable time." It appeared that the entire Z gang had shown up. Goku, Krillin, Gohan - even Vegeta was there, along with Bulma and Chichi, Tien, Yamcha, and others were there too. While the others talked, Nashi walked up to the purple-haired teen.

"You know, I never thanked you," she apologized. "I never discovered your name, either."

The boy bowed deeply and introduced himself. "Milady, I am know as Trunks, son of Vegeta."

"Well, Trunks, I am deeply in debt to you. I owe you my life. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you."

"You are quite welcome, milady."

The old and new friends continued to talk and eventually mingled in with the rest of the guests. Being that it was a hot day, most of the guests were found swimming in the lake. Nashi lay in swim-wear on the beach, watching her son and husband swim with the other guests. Zarbon walked onto the beach and kneeled next to Nashi.

"Yes, how can I help you," she said. "You're all wet," she said as Zarbon's soaking hair dripped upon her, "and you're getting me wet too. What do you want?" Zarbon leaned over and lifted her up. "Hey, what are you doing?" Nashi asked as he started walking to the lake. "Oh, no, you don't! Don't you dare!" She tried to get Zarbon to release her, unsuccessfully. He simply tossed her over her shoulder when she got too hard to carry with both arms. "Zarbon, PUT ME DOWN!" she yelled. Zarbon stopped at the water's edge, took Nashi down from his shoulder, and held her in his arms.

"You want to be put down?" he asked.

"Yes - but not in the water!" she exclaimed. Quite a few people were watching the comical act by now. Zarbon laughed and kissed Nashi - then promptly threw her in the water, where she landed with a satisfying splash. Zarbon sat at the water's brim and chuckled when Nashi surfaced and glared at him.


Kori, Kirei, and Goten were standing on the raft that floated a little bit away from the shore. Kirei smiled to herself as she got an idea. "Here, Kori. Let me take your picture." She held her fingers as if she were aiming to take a photo.

"Huh?" Kori asked. "Uh, sure."

Kirei grinned. "Step back a little bit. A bit more..." Kori did so - until he stepped into thin air and fell in the water. Kirei burst out laughing. "Hey, Goten - what about you?"

"Oh, no. That's quite all right." He took a step back and stepped on Kori's fingers as he was trying to climb back up onto the raft. Kori yelped and fell back into the lake. Goten, startled by Kori, jumped to the side - and, of course, into the water. Kirei by now was laughing so hard she could hardly stand. Kori and Goten finally climbed back onto the raft. They went over to Kirei - Goten taking her feet and Kori taking her arms.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?" she asked.

"On three?" Kori asked.

"On three." Goten agreed.

"What?!" Kirei exclaimed.



Kirei splashed into the water. "Hey! What happened to three?" she yelled, spitting water out.

"They never learned how to count," said Tomodachi, who had swam out to join them.

"Yeah, I mean, even I can count to at least ten," said Okashii, who had also come out. "Well, maybe nine..."

"That's good, Okashii..." Tomodachi said as he helped Kirei onto the raft.

"Now, come on. I don't think I deserved that," Kirei said, wringing the water out of her hair.

"Do you want to go in again?" Kori smiled sweetly.

"Yeah, just you try that again," she mumbled. Kori walked over and attempted to toss her in the lake once again. This time, though, she took hold of his arm as she was being thrown. Kirei fell into the water with a splash, followed by Kori. The three boys on the raft burst out laughing.

"Thanks," Kori said. "Thanks a lot."

Kirei smiled innocently. "You're welcome."


Dinner was served an hour or so before dusk. Okashii insisted on either juggling fruits or balancing various objects on his finger. Naturally, he was soon silenced by his fellow peers who were trying to get a decent bite to eat. "Hey, I was having fun!" he exclaimed as he pulled himself out of the trash can.

Kori had finished eating early and decided to take a walk while it was still light. He excused himself from his friends and began to walk off. "Kori!" He turned around. Kirei came trotting up. "I wanted to know if I could walk with you," she explained.

"Of course. Your presence is always welcomed," he said. They took a path that trailed through the forest. They traveled in silence, absorbing the beauty of the quiet night. Kori stopped and knelt down. When he stood again he held a beautiful cobalt-blue flower. "A lovely flower for a lovely angel," he said as he put the blossom in her hair. Kirei smiled and blushed. Kori put his arm around her shoulders as they began to walk again. Soon, Kori and Kirei came across a brook that emptied into a small pond. Kirei sat down at the pond's brim and dipped her hand into the water. Kori stood behind her, leaning against a tree, his arms folded across his chest. He watched as Kirei stood up and walked over to him. He took her in his arms as she wrapped hers around his waist. She rested her head upon his chest as Kori clasped his hands behind her back and closed his eyes. This has been a wonderful day. Kori thought.

After a few moments, he felt Kirei shift in his arms - then felt her lips upon his cheek. Kori opened his eyes and jerked his head back in surprise. He slightly loosened his grip and stared at Kirei. She looked up at him, nervously.

"I'm sorry... I, I..." Kirei stammered.

Kori's expression softened. Gently taking one hand from behind Kirei's back, he lifted her chin and returned the kiss. Kirei slowly moved her arms from around his waist to around his neck as Kori's hand moved from her chin to the back of her head, ensuring the continuation of the kiss. Kori's tail began to slightly wrap around Kirei's leg. They eventually broke away, looked at each other, and began to quietly laugh. Kirei looked down and turned ever so little as Kori placed his arms around her middle once again. She leaned back against him and held his clenched hands. She smiled as he kissed her head and neck.

"Well, isn't that just precious?"

Kori spun around and protectively shielded Kirei. He looked through the nighttime air to see a light-haired Kobitian - Ijimekko. Kori glanced to his side and saw Ibaru blocking any escape path. Joshu and Kobun were nowhere to be seen. Then, Kobun came from behind and, with a cord, caught Kirei around the neck, holding her backed against the tree. She tried to shriek and attempted to loosen the cord around her neck. Kori turned and grabbed Kobun's wrist with enough pressure to cause the boy to gasp and release the string, and shoved him to the ground. Ijimekko and Ibaru came forward and tried to restrain Kori as Kobun snatched Kirei and threw her to the ground. Kori broke free from the two assailants and faced them. He glanced back at Kobun who stood over Kirei, guarding her. He looked back at Ijimekko. "What do you want?" Kori demanded.

"Oh, to finally get you in some deep trouble - your kind deserves it," quipped Ijimekko.

"Let her go - she's not a part of this."

"Why? If she gets a little roughed up, we can just blame that on you," Ijimekko laughed. "And what are you going to do, huh? You wouldn't dare touch us - that would just get you into trouble anyway."

Kori looked almost sympathetically at Ijimekko. "You fool. I won't defend myself against you, but when you involve someone else, even more so, my best friend... I will protect her at all costs."

Ijimekko smiled and laughed. Then, he and Ibaru pounced on Kori, knocking him to the ground. "Kori!" Kirei exclaimed as she started to stand up to help him. Kobun shoved her back down and pinned her arms to her sides. Kirei tried to shout, but Kobun acted quickly and covered her mouth. Kori threw his attackers off of him and turned to face them again.

"Come on - fight us!" Ijimekko taunted.

Kori scowled at the boys. He growled in frustration. "Fine," he muttered. "Come and get me." Kori breathed deep and balled his fists as a rose-colored aura began to form around him. Ijimekko and Ibaru stepped back and gasped, amazed.

"Ah, so you're not a weakling after all," breathed Ijimekko.

"Not at all," agreed Kori.

Ijimekko took another step back and readied himself. "All right then - come on!"

Ibaru paused for a moment - he had never seen a power this strong. They hadn't planned for Kori to physically defend himself, he never had before, yet here he was standing in front of them, seemingly ready to do battle. "Ah, Ijimekko," Ibaru stammered, "this is serious - this is a bad idea!" He stood, shaking.

"Oh, so you're backing out, you cowardly dog!" Ijimekko flipped back and, landing on one hand, kicked Ibaru in the stomach. Ibaru staggered back and fell down on his knees, moaning in pain. "Traitor," Ijimekko said, looking down at the wincing Kobitian. He then turned again to face Kori. The aura had disappeared and Kori stood, fists loosening, then clenching again. Ijimekko took a deep breath - then charged at Kori, yelling. Kori dodged the punch, reached back behind him as Ijimekko passed, and grabbed the boy's outstretched arm. Kori swung Ijimekko around and with his other hand held him by the collar against the tree, feet dangling above the ground. Ijimekko's eyes were wide with panic as he looked at Kori's furious countenance.


Kori turned as he saw his mother and father appear. Nashi looked towards Kobun, still restraining Kirei. Zarbon growled, obviously displeased. "Kori, you can release Ijimekko." He turned to a guard who had just ran up. "Yakei, go get Joshu and bring him here." Zarbon turned as Joshu came running up. Joshu stopped and looked around, confused. "Never mind," Zarbon sighed. "Bring the others here, then." Kori had released Ijimekko as Yakei came over and took the Kobitian into his own hands. Kori looked to his mother, puzzled.

"This is the final time that you four harass my son and his friends," Nashi said, addressing the boys. She turned to Joshu. "'Kori's attacking my friends' - that's pathetic." She spoke to Kori. "Raising your power level was a brilliant idea, Kori. Good, quick thinking." Nashi turned to Zarbon. "Well, what should we do with these boys?"

"I think I'll leave that entirely up to you," he smiled. Nashi looked to him, pleased, and thought for a moment before speaking.

"You've bothered Kori his entire life," she started. "I think we could use some extra help around the palace, hmm?" Zarbon looked questionably at her, then he caught on and started to chuckle. Nashi grinned and continued. "One month. One month for each time you have pestered my son."

Ijimekko and the other boys stared back in shock. "A month for each time!" they lamented. Kori smiled and then walked over to Kirei. He knelt beside her as he overheard his mother giving final orders.

"Yakei, take these boys home. Explain to their parents that I expect to see them early tomorrow morning." Yakei nodded his head and escorted the boys home. Nashi watched as the guard took the bewildered boys away. Zarbon nudged Nashi and nodded towards Kori who sat holding Kirei, whispering to her and sometimes kissing her. Nashi turned and quietly gasped. She held Zarbon's arm, rested her head upon his shoulder, and closed her eyes. "Oh, Kori..." she breathed gently. Zarbon brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

"You know he would never do anything to hurt her because he knows and hates how much he hurt you." He lifted her chin. "But you can't prohibit him from loving Kirei." Nashi gazed at the two youths holding on to each other with sadness - worry for Kirei and heartache at the fact that Kori was an adult, he was no longer her little child. She held back her tears as she walked over to them. She placed her hands on both their shoulders. They looked up, startled, and broke away from each other - dreading her words. Nashi looked at them both and sighed.

"Hey," Nashi said, then paused, searching for the right words. "Don't stay out too late, OK?" Nashi forced a smile to reinforce her statement. Kori and Kirei looked at each other and began to laugh with gladness and relief. They embraced each other again as Nashi walked back to Zarbon. He kissed the top of her head and they took a final glance at the inseparable couple. They then left to return to the palace and ending celebrations.

Part 9...