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Chapter 1: Flight of the Shi’nah
(Bit of swearing and lewd fantasies…nothing really nasty.)

There was no sound except the marching of perfectly timed feet, as she entered the main lobby, her gait still slightly stiff from the space travel.
Their gazes met.
Neo-Frieza smiled at the commander and invited her to sit down with a wave of his hand.
Of course, she declined.
“But why?” Purred the vicious warlord.
“No offence sir, but if you had been sitting for as long as I have, you wouldn’t be wanting to sit down.” Her voice was quiet and very cultured. She put her hands on her hips and smiled, making a few of the other members assembled cross their legs. Freiza half smiled again and turned back to his companions.
“…Now that we are all finally here, it has come to my attention that perhaps now is the time to strike. I have given up on the Grade 3 planet ‘Earth’, and after all, some of the most powerful beings in the universe reside there. My predecessor Freiza underestimated the Saiyans and the Nameck. Let us not forget the sacrifices he and his men made…Zora can tell you first hand what happened…”
The commander stiffened.
“Yes, Zora. Freiza knew you were there. It’s just so sad that you were unable to help anyone…”
I was a mere 9 years old. That’s still a fledgling in our race…
“Yes sir. The Saiyans are a formidable foe. Especially since our reports show that there are now a number of Super Saiyans living on that planet…”
“Super Saiyans?!” Gasped the pink ball of lard opposite of her. “By Azoora!!”
“Sit down Pinjo” Zora snapped without looking in his direction. “It’s fools like you who mess these assignments up. I believe your Uncle, Dodoria died at a Saiyans’ hands. He panicked.”
“Whut? How in Riri’s Cavern do you know that?!”
Her amber eyes narrowed to slits. “Because I was there, fool.”
Frieza laughed. “No matter how much it pleases me to see you two bickering, you must stop. There are other matters at hand.” He shifted his weight. “Commanders Pinjo and Zora will be my seconds in command and will pilot the newest warships when we go into the war. Brazzack and Mirya will follow them…Gather your men. We will crush the Resistance.”

Pinjo squeezed his immense girth out of the chair and waddled out the door. She stood in the corridor ordering that cheap chicken soup from a common chit dispenser…Ah…
He revelled in that long elegant neck, and those slender limbs…those pert breasts that shifted beneath her armour…
“Wipe your mouth.”
He came to attention from that picture of her panting with lust on his bunk begging him to undo his pants.
“I said wipe your mouth. You’re drooling.”
“Commander Zora.”
“Alright, commander I was wondering if you wanted to come back to my quarters to review battle plans…”
She smiled sweetly at him. “No.”
“Oh, cool, excellent, like how about 8’o’clock?”
“Didn’t you here me?”
Oh Pinjo! Harder HARDER!!!
“I said no. You’re just like your uncle, Dodoria.” She sighed. “Fat, ugly and violent. My plans are strategic. You like the ‘shoot first/eat the leftovers approach.’” She flicked back a strand of hair.
Then she walked away.
You’ll bow before me bitch. I will not have you treating me like your father treated my uncle!!

Zora leaned against the wall of her cell and breathed hard, her head throbbing.
Calm down Shi’nah!
That was a close one. Pinjo really freaked her out. She stood up and stretched, feeling the light material of her shirt come free of those be damned tight black pants. Her body twinged again, as it always did when…
The buzzer beeped.
Why do they call it a buzzer? It’s a beeper. It beeps. And annoyingly too.
The door slid back, and a boy half her height peered in.
The boy stood with his emerald hair unkempt, his amber eyes gleaming with distress, a picture of Anirrian innocence. She could hear his heart pumping much faster than usual…
“Mekon.” She smiled at the younger one and touched his head, sending a soothing pulse into his trembling body. Almost instantly he relaxed, and his breathing slowed.
“How many times must I tell you are not to stress yourself? I promised your mother.”
“I’m sorry Commander. Your presence is requested on deck…you won’t tell my mother will you?” He asked concernedly.
“…” Zora held him in her gaze. “No, I won’t. But remember that the only reason she allowed you to escape Anniria is because I’m a Shi’nah.”
The boy nodded.
“Alright. It is time? Well, let us go.”

Zora Talbain was an Annirian…a green-skinned race of half demons who were known for their beauty and intelligence throughout most of the galaxy. Her mint green skin gleamed beneath the harsh neon lights, and her emerald hair seemed lifeless from the recycled air that pumped through the space station. Her mouth felt dry too…thanks to the unappetizing recycled water. The recycled air made it easy to catch colds too…
She strode onto deck using the same measured stride her Father had used 9 years ago when he confronted his own troops…all who were long dead, committed to dust…
Ashes to ashes…
Gods rest their puny souls.
Dust to dust…
“Commander Zora!”
She turned, always in perfect poise. “Mmm?”
“Neo Lord Frieza has given the order, Commander.”
“Has he now?” She smiled, flashing her fangs. “Alright.” She pushed Mekon in the direction of his seat. “Okay people…listen up…I want my crew only on the bridge of the Space Wolf and all else to report to the neighbouring vessels. Following this command, we will continue with the operation.”
The losers filed out, confused. A fellow Annirian grinned. “Yo, hard arse.” He said. “You’re really going to do it aren’t you?”
“A promise is a promise, Gormac.” Zora sighed and clicked on her scouter, read the readout, and sighed. “Bring her out slowly, we are operating at half power…”
“Yes sir.”
There was a click and Pinjo’s ugly mug filled the screen. He looked pinker than usual.
She rolled her eyes. “Commander Pinjo. How may I be of service?”
His eyes lit up for a moment, his fat rubbery jowls wobbling. “Service…?”
“This is strictly business, is it not?”
“Uh…yes. Why in Azoora’s belly are you operating on a skeleton crew…of your own kind?”
“I trust them. This is a delicate operation.” Replied Zora truthfully. “My kind specialize in this sort of thing. Do you have a problem?”
“Extra crew is great, but you’re weighing me down…”
“Am I?” Asked Zora innocently, her eyes wide. One of her crew had stuffed his sleeve in his mouth to refrain from bursting into laughter. “I am most sorry…we’d best discuss this in deep space, don’t you think?”
“Think about it.” She terminated the connection. “How did my father put up with his uncle?”
Gormac could hold himself no longer. He laughed out long and loud. “Oh Gods! Oh Gods!! That creature is an idiot!!! He’s an absolute wanker!!!”
“Unfortunately, I wouldn’t put it past him…” Zora sighed. “Last chance to leave, children.”
“What? And miss out on the fun…?”
“You may die.”
“Phwah, we’ll die anyway, no matter what happens.” Gormac looked up at her. “I want to see my mate, Commander. Take us home…”
Zora paused. She was 18…a commander…
No… Not a Commander. A Kohbrin. A war-Leader. I am also Shi’nah.
She pulled out a photo of her self with her father taken before that fateful voyage. They seemed so happy…
The screen that took up the entire view screen clicked on, and Freiza smiled down on them.
“A curious tactic, Commander Zora.”
“Thank you sir.”
“I trust you are ready?”
“Say the word.”
“Excellent. On my mark-”
“I have a message for you sir.” Zora cleared her throat and pulled out a scrappy piece of paper. “Would you like me to relay it to you?”
“…Of course…”
Ahem “Fuck you sir.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Zora looked him in the eye; her hand gripping the controller so hard her knuckles went white. “You heard me, Sir.” She smiled thinly and did the one finger salute. “Fuck you.”
She cut the connection, and the twisted the orb.
“…And here we go…”

The Space Wolf swung away from the main fleet, it’s star drives already powering up, and dipped into deeper space. Frieza screamed with rage.
That little bitch!
I knew she could not be trusted! From a newborn, she was trouble! Bitch!
“Curse you to eternal damnation, you bastard!!” He screamed the little veins on his head standing up. “I’ll kill her Zarbon! I kill her!! You scheming bitch!!”
He slammed his fist into the padded command seat. “You bastard! You bloody bastard!” In his mind he could here the warriors laughter. In his mind’s eye, Zarbon copied his daughter’s hand gesture and grinned.
Frieza trembled with anger, and consequently wet his pants.
That girl was going to pay!!

The Kohbrin watched the stars, and breathed in deeply, calmly guiding her ship away from the rest of the fleet. The hair at the nape of her neck rose, and she smiled at the photo.
“This one’s for you, Father.”

~ To be continued (When I get the time!!! @_@)
Inspired by Linkin Parks’ High Voltage, and Nokturnal’s Unveiled

Part 2

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