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Cold Reality: Salvaged Love

Evening soon came and the blue-haired man had almost reached the waterfall. He rode a magnificent black steed which he commanded to slow for a moment. He then looked around quickly to see if any unwanted presence was near. Sensing none, he continued riding until he came to a small patch of moss with a girl in a deep red dress sleeping on it - the same girl he had met the day before.

He dismounted and tied the rein to a branch and walked to where he could see her face and sat down beside her. Her hair had been pulled up but was now falling down in raven locks about her face. He brushed the strands away from her face, troubled even in sleep. I wonder what happened, he thought. He noticed her dress was similar to the one he took yesterday and that it was torn a bit in a few places. He grazed her cheek with gloved fingers. She stirred, and soon awoke. Her eyes fluttered open. She looked up and saw the young man. She cried out in relief and embraced the startled man. She began crying again.

"Oh, stranger," she wept. The man slowly placed his arms around her, holding her as she cried.

"My dear, what happened?" he asked softly. Jenica did not speak for a moment.

"My father... he arranged a marriage for me to a cruel man. He's horrible!" She paused. "I ran away. I guess I must have fallen asleep." Jenica rested her head on the stranger's chest as he slowly brushed the back of her head.

"A beautiful bird in a gilded cage," he whispered. Jenica then shook her head.

"I don't ever want to go back there!" She sighed and closed her eyes. "What am I to do?" The man inhaled deeply. "Well," he started. "You could go back like a good girl and do what is expected of you. To marry the man you father wishes you to and to never think of me again." He felt the girl choke back a sob. "Or," he continued, "you can come back with me to my home. You will be free to do what you wish. It shan't be easy for a number of reasons that I shan't explain right now, but you will be able to do what you want. It is your choice."

She looked to him. "Could I?" she asked in disbelief. The man nodded once. She embraced him again. "Please, stranger - let me go with you! I wish to never return to that village!" The man then stood and helped Jenica to her feet as well.

"As you wish, my dear," he said warmly. He then turned sharply as his horse began pawing the ground anxiously.

"What is it, Nightshade?" The horse whinnied and bucked its head. The man the looked off into the woods, listening. He turned to the girl.

"I think they're looking for you," he said.

"Oh, no," she frowned, worried once again. The man untied Nightshade and mounted the steed. He held a hand down to Jenica who took it into her own. He turned her so he could lift her up around her waist and placed her in front of him. He took the reins in his hand.

"No turning back after this," he said.

"No turning back," Jenica agreed. With a final glance in the direction of the coming search party, the man bade Nightshade to move onward towards his home and to Jenica's new world.

Cold Reality: A New World

*Background picture from Lamia by J. W. Waterhouse, canvas, c. 1905*