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The young girl ran - on all fours to keep low to the ground. Poppa!

"Somebody get her!" ordered an accented voice. She kept running, her tail streaming behind her. In front of her moved numerous beings - legs of different cloth and colors. Hands reached down to capture her but she scurried past. She looked behind her as the legs began to run after her. The little saiyan turned around in time to crash into blue-clothed legs. She yelped as mint-colored hands grabbed her by the back of her shirt before she could begin running again.

"Got ya."

The same accented voice.

She felt herself being lifted up and eventually was able to look into the man's mint-colored face. Gold eyes met her gaze without emotion. With her instincts guiding her, she drew her hand back and punched the man in the face. He cried out in shock and pain, releasing the girl. She hit the floor.

"No!" he called out as he tried to restrain her again. She dashed between the hands again. She ran. Bodies blocked her way - completely this time. The saiyan turned left into a large room. She looked for a moment through the window, which spanned the room from wall to wall, at her home, her planet - Vegeta. Hundreds of beings were gathered in the atmosphere, fighting for him - the demon which had brought all of this upon her race. The pallid creature was laughing - laughing in the frigid void of space. She stood, overwhelmed with confusion, uncertainty, fear. Poppa...

"Got you, you little brat!"

She shrieked as a pink, spiked arm grabbed her tail and picked her up.

"No! Let me go! Poppa!"

The large pink creature laughed. "I bet you'd enjoy seeing this!" He carried her over to the window. She placed her hands on the cool pane of glass and frantically pulled herself upright. She pressed her face against the glass as if she were trying to pass through, to help her kind...

"Poppa?" she whimpered. She watched as he formed a ki attack - a mass of energy whose power was unobtainable and hardly imaginable by anyone else in the entire universe. He formed a ki attack and threw it. Its energy killed all in its path - even his own soldiers. It continued towards Vegeta...

A bright flash of light...

Poppa! her mind screamed.

And then the cool emptiness of space.

Her hands slid down the glass, all life and emotion torn out of them and her. They're gone... she felt, rather than thought.

The hand pulled her, still by the tail, and carried her out of the room. Hanging upside-down she saw the mint-colored man standing by the door, looking almost sorrowful. They passed him and in a few moments reached her cell. She glanced at the primitive lock that she had broken - it had been repaired.

"You'd better keep what you just saw to yourself, got it?" the pink thing growled. Not waiting for an answer, he threw her roughly into the cell and slammed the door, bathing her in smothering darkness. A minute passed - her eyes adjusted.

"Well, I see that was successful," quipped a voice from the corner of the room. She looked up and saw her young prince. The saiyan girl sat up and fixed her necklace, hiding it behind her shirt. Next to the prince was Raditz, her friend. Also there was the prince's guardian, Nappa. She huffed at the prince's comment.

"What happen?" he asked.

She looked at him. Then she turned, and said nothing.