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Wind's Memories and Peaceful Solitude

*Separate from the main story, perhaps an ending to another idea I have brewing...*

Jenica stood on the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast, endless sea. Its wind swirled around her - powerful, foreboding, yet coolly comforting. She closed her eyes and silently embraced its solemn presence. After a few minutes of solitude, she heard a being behind her. She gave it no notice. A gloved hand then touched her shoulder, the other lifted her chin. She looked into Magus' eyes briefly before yielding to his embrace. Jenica rested her head upon his shoulder, closing her eyes again. The wind continued to howl about them, whipping their hair roughly behind them. Jenica shivered slightly. She opened her eyes as she felt Magus move and soon felt him place his warm cloak around her shoulders. Magus wrapped his arms around her again and rested his chin upon her head.

"Why art thou out here by thy lonesome?" he asked softly. He felt her sigh and believed he heard her say "thinking" over the fierce wind. He gave her arms a gentle rub. He then stepped back and held her at arms' length. He looked into her deep grey eyes. "Tis cold - thou shalt become ill shouldst thou remain out here." Jenica looked down, then outward toward the ocean once again. Magus moved behind her, holding her in his arms again. He placed a light kiss on her neck in an attempt to comfort her. He placed his chin on her shoulder as she spoke.

"What is going to happen now?"

"I hope only that nothing more shall happen."

"And what of you?"

Magus grinned sadly. "I hath been defeated. Why shouldst I make my presence known again to the humans?"

Jenica turned to face him. "What of the Mystics?"

"They shan't harm another soul under my command."

She faced the ocean again, silent. Finally:

"What is to become of me?"

Magus brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face. "If thou dost wish, I shouldst want thou to live with me by my side."

Jenica closed her eyes and shook her head harshly. "No, for the Mystics hath yet to accept me as one of their own as they hath done with you..."

Magus slid in front of her and held her fair face in his hands. Each tear that flowed down her cheeks struck him though his heart like a cold, lifeless blade. "The Mystics hath learned to accept me even though I am not one of them. I accept you and 'tis all that matters! They shall learn in but a short while. Do believe me, my love!" A moment passed in silence and he spoke again. "I shall never leave thy side. You need never be alone again..."

Jenica blinked away another tear. "Oh, Magus..." she said as she stepped forward, her arms encircling his neck. He returned the embrace, smiling as she kissed his cheek. Finally, he pulled away and held her hand.

"Come," as he held his other hand out to the path before him. Jenica smiled as they both made their way back to Magus' castle - their home.