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OK, maybe this was a bad idea – it is boring...

The young prince looked out from behind his hiding place, a large potted plant, at the scene before him.

Definitely not worth sneaking out of my room.

His parents were holding a party of some sort that night and he had believed that it would be more exciting than going to bed early. So, he sneaked out of his room and successfully found out now that he had thought wrong. There was nothing interesting about watching other nobles chatting and eating - listening to boring music. The prince pouted and sighed. Now I’m going to have to get back to my room without getting caught! he thought, brushing his emerald-green hair out of his golden eyes. Peeking out, he looked around for anyone who might spot him. Seeing that all was clear, he tiptoed along the wall - behind one of the serving tables - until he reached the doorway leading outside. Glancing back quickly, he began to dash down the steps. Suddenly, he bumped into something - someone.

“Oh, my!” said a feminine voice. The prince looked up as the woman looked down, meeting his gaze. One of the noblewomen, he thought. The woman smiled. “Forgive me, young prince - I didn’t see you!”

The prince gulped, blushing. “Um, that’s... ok,” he answered timidly. The woman sat down on the steps next to him.

“Shouldn’t you be in bed by now, Zarbon?” she asked sweetly.

“Well, I... uh,” he stammered. Just then, he noticed that the woman was carrying a bundle of cloth. “What’s that?” he asked. The woman held the bundle of cloth lower and moved a piece of it away.

“This is my newborn daughter, Nashi.”

Zarbon looked at the child - he’d never seen a baby before. He then scrunched up his face. “Bleh,” he commented. The woman smiled again.

Then, Zarbon felt a tap on the top of his head. Tilting his head as far back as it would go he looked up to see a tall, mint-skinned man with dark violet hair - his father. He paled slightly before putting a sheepish grin on his face.

“What are you doing here?” his father asked.

“Uh, just going to bed!” he said quickly before turning and scampering away to his room as fast as he could.

Two years pass...

Zarbon stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. Picking up another towel, he flipped his hair over and rubbed the majority of the moisture out of it. Flipping it back over, he began brushing the long emerald locks. He had decided to keep it long and not cut it like his father always did. He walked into his room and sat on the chair by his dresser, looking into the mirror. He had inherited his eye and hair color from his mother. In fact, he looked very much like his mother did. Zarbon yawned and then proceeded to put his hair in a braid - the most practical way of keeping his hair out of his face when training. After this, he went to his bed and plopped down on it, closing his eyes. It was still early, yet his body ached from the day’s training. He then opened his eyes suddenly. Oh, darn, I forgot! Shutome is coming over and she’s bringing Nashi, too! He remembered when he had run into Shutome at the party and had been introduced to Nashi. Now, whenever they came over he was stuck with the little girl. Not that he really minded, the child seemed to adore him. Sighing, he sat up and walked over to his closet and picked out a vest and a pair of pants. Toweling off the last bit of moisture from his arms, he got dressed. He folded the towel and then left the room.

One year goes by...

“We can’t do that - we’re not capable of doing that!”

Zarbon stopped walking. He looked to the partially opened door on his right, hearing the conversation from inside.

“You have no choice. If you do not-” An unfamiliar voice - one that he didn’t like.

“He is breaking the terms of the-” his father’s voice again.

He may do as he wishes!” the other voice cut in sharply. “They are his terms to do with as he may.”

”Tousan?” Zarbon pushed the door completely open and stepped into the room. He saw his father standing with the stranger next to him. The tall being could look down upon his father, despite the fact that his father was rather tall for his kind. The stranger’s red bandanna wrapped around his forehead and his wild fiery hair contrasted with his hunter-green skin. He was clothed in exotic garments and a pendant hung around his neck. A large cruel sword hung at his right side - one that could most likely be used with deadly efficiency. The stranger’s hellish garnet eyes locked onto Zarbon’s gaze. A corner of the stranger’s mouth lifted into a malefic grin.

“Tousan, what’s-” Zarbon inquired timidly.

“Zarbon, get out of here!” his father ordered. Zarbon felt a chill sweep over his body as he noticed a desperate look in his father’s eyes, an expression he had never known his father to feel.

“But who’s-”


Zarbon looked to the floor and nodded before backing out of the door.

Jigoku smiled at the king. “Your son?” he asked. Zarbon’s father sighed and sat down at the table. Jigoku leaned down and whispered in his ear.

“You have 24 hours.”

And, with a final grin, he was gone.


Zarbon jogged down the hall. Ahead of him he saw Shutome holding Nashi’s hand as they walked towards him. He stopped as he reached them.

“Zarbon!” Shutome exclaimed as she saw him. “Why all of the running?”

“Um, nothing,” Zarbon replied. He looked down at Nashi as she reached her free hand up towards him. He noticed that she now wore around her neck a silver chain, partially hidden by her shirt. He smiled and took her hand as Shutome spoke again.

“We came to speak with your father. Is he here?”

“I-” Zarbon looked to the floor again. “I don’t think he can talk now,” he whispered.

“Oh,” Shutome said.

Suddenly, with a flash, the olive-skinned stranger appeared next to the three Kobitians. The three gasped and stepped back. Jigoku smiled as Zarbon positioned himself between the stranger and Shutome and Nashi. Jigoku looked at Zarbon, carefully studying the boy. Finally, with a laugh, Jigoku vanished again.


In the throne room of the ship hovering high above the planet... Jigoku made his report, kneeling before his petite white master.

“My Lord, as with most royal families, the child has a significant power level for his age. With the proper training he would be a skillful fighter.”

“Oh? And what did the king say of our agreement?”

“He does not believe he can be ready in 24 hours, Lord Frieza.”

Frieza smirked. “Oh, dear!” he exclaimed sarcastically. He then became serious once again. “I assume you’ll be bringing me the boy tomorrow then, ne?” “Yes, my lord.”

Frieza sat, looking at his glass of wine, thinking. “Bring me any adequate fighter you may find, unless they give you too much trouble,” he said, still looking at his glass. “Don’t fail me, Jigoku. Our ranks are low now as it is.”

“Yes, my lord.”

24 hours pass... “We have everything he has asked for and everything is in the process of being loaded onto his ship.”

Jigoku listened to the Kobitian king, drinking the glass of wine he had provided.

“That’s good.”

The king looked at the pirate-turned-minion of Frieza, distrusting his tone. “Now tell Frieza to leave my people be! You’ve no need of us anymore.”

Jigoku turned and smiled at the king. “That is true - Frieza has no need of you or your people, king.”


Suddenly, Jigoku disappeared, leaving his glass temporarily suspended in midair before it shattered. Then, the king gasped as he saw Jigoku in front of him, staring at him through cold, laughing eyes. The king looked down to see Jigoku’s sword embedded in his chest. Jigoku let out a single laugh as the king slumped to the floor, dead but a moment later.

“No! Tousan!”

Jigoku turned to the door as he heard Zarbon cry out. He watched as Zarbon backed away and started to run. Jigoku disappeared, reappearing holding the Kobitian prince by the collar of his vest. Zarbon twisted his arm behind him and blasted Jigoku in the face with a powerful ki blast. Jigoku cried out and dropped the boy, holding his burnt face. Zarbon ran away, turning down different corridors and into different rooms, trying to escape the horrible murderer. By now, the whole palace was in chaos; Frieza’s troops had descended and were killing everyone and destroying everything.

Then, at the intersection of two hallways, he ran into Shutome, carrying a weeping Nashi.

“Zarbon!” Shutome exclaimed. Just then, to their side, Jigoku appeared. He struck Shutome across the face, using enough force to crush her into the wall, killing her. Zarbon ran to Nashi, who had fallen out of her mother’s arms.

“Momma!” she wailed. Jigoku smiled as an idea came to him. He appeared beside Zarbon and Nashi and kicked Zarbon away. He grabbed Nashi, drawing his sword at the same time. Jigoku held the small, whimpering child so that her throat lay on the edge of the blade.

“No!” Zarbon yelled. Jigoku smiled to himself. No trouble at all, he thought evilly. “Now, listen. This isn’t as hard as it may seem,” Jigoku said to Zarbon. Zarbon glared at Jigoku with teary eyes, listening. Jigoku smiled. “Join Frieza, she lives. That’s not too hard, is it?”

Zarbon looked at Jigoku, at Nashi, then to the floor. He thought of all the destruction that had been wrought upon his people. No, I will not become one of them! I cannot! his mind screamed. Then:

“Give me your word that she will live and I will join you...” Zarbon whispered.

But I can’t use the life of an innocent person...

“I give you my word, boy. She will even train beside you, if you so please.”

Zarbon said nothing. Jigoku chuckled, sheathed his sword, and dropped Nashi to the ground. The little girl scampered over to Zarbon.

“Come,” Jigoku ordered. He began to walk off. Zarbon watched as the green-skinned demon walked away. He then looked down as Nashi tugged at his clothing.

“Momma?” she whimpered through her tear-stained face.

“You mother’s dead,” he said as he picked her up. He carried her as he followed Jigoku.

“Dead?” Nashi asked. Zarbon said nothing as a final tear fell down his face...

*Note: Jigoku is based off of and looks like Gokua from the DBZ movie #9. As soon as I saw a picture of him (before I saw the movie) I saw him as the perfect enemy for... the end?