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These are the rules that you MUST follow and abide by in this rpg.
  • Try not to swear that much.An occasional swear word or two is understandable but try not to make it an every second habit.
  • ALWAYS do what the ref instructs.If you argue with the ref that is cause for a warning which refs are aloud to give at their discretion.
  • A ref must be present at every single battle you have with another player in this rpg.I must recieve the battle stats from the ref who oversaw the match, if it is not sent by the ref who watched the match I WILL NOT COUNT IT!


    To battle you must first find an opponent to fight then u must get a ref to watch that fight.You take turns naming off attacks that you each have learned.After you name your attack you must see if it hits your opponent. To do this you have to roll a number equal to or higher than your opponents speed x5 on a die that is equal to your speed x 10.If it hits then you roll to see how much damage was dealt.This depends on what kind of weapon you are using,what your attack power is, and what type of armor your opponent has on.After you hit your opponent does the same until someones Hp reaches 0.(ex.Crono attacks Marle with cyclone his speed is 20 and hers is 16.He rolls a 200 sided dice and has to get over an 80.He gets a 95 and hits her,his weapon is a murasame which does 1d15+5 damage and the attack cyclone hits her with an additional +10% damage so if he rolled a 9 +5 +10% it would do 15.4 damage (round up) -15HP but her armor takes off 20% of the attack so it only does -12 Hp. You continue to go back and forth until someone dies)

    Stat Changes and Leveling Up

    To raise your stats you must get to a higher level,to get to a higher level you must gain experience, and to gain experience you must fight.The amount of experience you gain depends on how much exp. your opponent has you get half of your opponents exp. if you win and 10% of it if you lose.To get to the next level you have to get enough experience (how much you need will be located on your characters's page).The stat changes for going up from level to level will be explained in more detail on the page Stat Changes.You gain gold by each fight if you are the same level as the person you are fighting and win you get 1000 gil, if they are 1 level over you 2500 gil,2-4 levels 5000 gil,5-10 10000 gil,11 or higher 50000 gil.If you lose you get nothing.