Gohan is married to Videl and has a daughter named Pan. Ten years later after then end of Dragon Ball Z, he is a scholar and has pretty much given up on training. He is not seen a lot in the series like in DBZ but still has the capacity to take on the strongest opponents.
Goku is turned into a child thanks to a wish made by Emperor Pilaf. Trunks, Pan, and Goku go on their first adventure to retrieve the Dragon Balls. While they were gone, Bebi has been causing chaos on Earth. Goku ends up reaching his ultimate form Super Saiyan 4 and defeats Bebi. After he killed Bebi, he is reunited with some old enemies, Dr. Gero and Android 17, along with Dr. Myuu. Together they had created Super 17 which is killed by Goku using his Dragon Fist attack. After this battle 7 shenrons come out of the cracking Dragon Balls, Goku and the Z Warriors fight off the evil shenrons. After defeating them all, Goku absorbs the Dragon Balls and flies off on the eternal Dragon.
Goku Jr.:
Goku Jr. is seen in the last episode of Dragon Ball GT and in the Dragon Ball GT TV Special. In the series he is fighting in a World Tournament against Vegeta Jr. Goku Jr. is one sixteenth Saiyan and fifteen sixteenths Human. Pan is the grandmother of Goku Jr.
Goten is now a grown up teenager. He is always trying to impress this girl he has a crush on. He is still the same eating crazed kid as before but can really get serious in a fight. While fighting Bebi he gets a cut, which in turn is the reason why Bebi possessed him. He doesn't play a big role in the series but is seen when trying to be the hero.
King Kai (AKA North Kai):
Living in the 'Next Dimension,' King Kai is known throughout the universe as one of the greatest fighters and martial arts teachers (although his teaching methods are rather unorthodox). His house is on a tiny planet at the end of Snake Way. The small planet has ten times the gravity of Earth, and is thus an ideal training site. Like in DBZ, he's there to help give Goku advice in time of need.
Krillin was a little monk who trained with Goku under Master Roshi. As he grew up, he married Android #18 and became the father of Maron. Now he just drives around with his wife and daughter buying stuff in shopping malls.
On one hand, Launch is a nice, sweet, friendly, innocent, unassuming young woman but then she sneezes, and becomes a tough, fiery, uncontrollable combative warrior. She had fallen in love with Tien, every time she's shown in the series she's being accompanied by Tien and Chiaotzu.
Ledgic is the personal bodyguard of Don Kea, the ruler of Planet Imegga. This is the first planet where Goku, Pan and Trunks land on to search for the Dragon Balls. He is a pretty strong opponent, and was able to take Goku down. Once Goku goes Super Saiyan the tables turn, and is easily defeated.
Li Shenron:
Dragon of the one black star Dragon Ball. The negative energy that created him is the same that was used to restore Earth after the battle with Majin Buu. This is a an eletric dragon and the last in Dragon Ball GT. This dragon fuses with the seven black star Dragon Balls, increasing his power.
Mai is the Emperor Pilaf's right hand woman, and the only one who he really trusts to carry out his bidding. She’s a beautiful, calculating and a formidable opponent. She helps Emperor Pilaf get the Black Star Dragon Balls to wish Goku back to his child form.
Maron is the now grown up daughter of Krillin and Android #18. Not a major character in the series, and is seen very little. The times she is seen are with Krillin and Android #18 shopping in some mall.
Mr. Satan (AKA Hercule):
Mr. Satan has always been a champion at gaining credit for himself. He is not always the tough guy he appears to be, in fact he can be quite cowardly. He is still good friends with his dog Bee and Majin Buu.
Mrs. Brief:
Mrs. Brief is the wife of Dr. Brief and the mother of Bulma. She plays a very small role in the story, but talks a lot. She has the sunniest disposition in the series, and is impecably nice to everyone.