Information: Dragonball Z: Character Bios
Dragonball Z Character Bios
The Guide to the Characters of Dragonball Z
Please choose a letter from below to see characters:
[ A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z ]
Tao Pai Pai:
Tao Pai Pai makes his return(after being defeated by Tien in Dragon Ball) in the Cell saga as a henchman for a rich coward who is forcing a village to build a protective dome. When Gohan confronts him, Tao Pai Pai realizes who he's dealing with and runs off.
Possessed by the demon Hildegarn, Tapion is a master with his sword. His strength is nothing when compared to Goku, but he unobjectionally sacrifices his freedom in order to keep Hildegarn at bay. The blade that he wields is handed down to Trunks after Hildegarn is vanquished.
The Ginyu Force:
Evil and powerful, the Ginyu Force is hailed as the most powerful team in the universe. It is composed of five members, each one very powerful and possessing unique attacks and fighting advantages. When Dodoria and Zarbon are unable to eliminate our friends and collect the seven Namekian Dragon Balls, Frieza summons the Ginyu Force. Between battles, they enjoy such goofy past times as watching soap operas, playing "paper, rock, scissors" to decide who will fight who, and making bets over chocolate nut bars, their favorite food. The Ginyu Force strike various poses during their battle. While individually and collectively they are very strong, each member is conceited and competitive which leads to their downfall. They hesitate to ask each other for help because they don't want to share the credit for the victory. The members of the Ginyu force don’t seem to care about each other, willing to stand back and watch while their teammates are destroyed.
The Spice Boys:
The Spice Boys consist of four evil warriors who are under the command of Garlic Jr. They are strong, brave, evil, and totally devoted to Garlic Jr. They give the saga a bit of a comical edge with their names: Mustard, Spice, Salt and Vinegar. The leader is Spice, a white-headed villain and the most handsome of the four. Salt is a short and stubby orange-colored rogue. Both Vinegar and Mustard are large, brawny, muscle men.
Tien is a three-eyed man intent on training to be strong. Originally trained by one of Master Roshi's rivals, Tien switched sides and became a Z fighter. He beat Goku at a worldwide martial arts tournament, is able to stop a waterfall with a blast and can crush rocks on his head. His fighting techniques include the ability to hover in the air, throw concentration bombs, blind with flashes of light, and split into two or four separate entities. Tien is excited about being trained by Kami and willing to fight against the Saiyans despite the odds. He volunteers to be the first to fight against the Saibamen, wins the battle and goes on to fight against the Saiyans. Tien can communicate telepathically with Chiaotzu, his best friend.
From the South quadrant of the Other World. Torbie goes up against Tapcar and doesn’t even have to lift a finger to claim his victory. Tapcar wore his self out parading around the tournament ring as fast as he could until he was so tired that he choose to give up.
Toteppo is one of the members of Bardock's team. He is also a powerful Saiyan, and like all Saiyans has quite an apetite. Toteppo is killed when they are ambushed by Dodoria's team.
Trunks is the son of Bulma, a headstrong technical genius, and Vegeta, one of the most powerful fighters in the Dragon Ball Z universe. His exact age is not certain, but he first appears in Dragon Ball Z in his mid to late teens. He is from the future and has witnessed a threat to Earth which cannot be stopped in that time. He has come back in time to try to save the Earth of his time, only to find our heroes in Earth facing their own peril. Much to the amazement of our friends, Trunks immediately turns Super Saiyan and defeats Frieza and King Cold. He gives Goku medicine to prevent his death from heart disease and tells them of Earth's coming predicament. The Z fighters immediately go into training, and Trunks returns to his own time. Trunks returns to our timeline again in the Android Saga to ensure that the androids do arrive on Earth. He is also born during this saga, so we have the opportunity to see him both as a teenager and a baby at the same time. He continues to exist as a boy and a teen until the end of the Cell Saga, when the older Trunks returns to his original timeline.
Little is known of Turles' origins, other than the fact that he is a Saiyan, and looks an awful lot like Goku. He could be his brother, a cousin, or even a clone; it is still unknown to this day. He comes to the earth with his cronies in movie #3 and plants the Tree of Might to sap the Earth's life force for himself. Turles admires Gohan, and even attempts to force him into servitude. Like all movie villains, he is eventually vanquished by the Z warriors.
Master Roshi’s friend and long-time companion, the good-natured Turtle lives in the Kame House with the elderly hermit. Turtle’s calming wisdom often serves to keep Master Roshi in line during his moments of weakness.