Information: Dragonball Z: Character Bios
Dragonball Z Character Bios
The Guide to the Characters of Dragonball Z
Please choose a letter from below to see characters:
[ A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z ]
Zaacro is one of the two aliens who tricked Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma into thinking they were Namekians in order to steal their spaceship. They completely transformed the Planet as well as themselves so they would fall for it. Unfortunately, they found out and leave them behind.
Zangya is one of the members from Bojack's team. She has very strong abilities, her past is never revealed. She easily defeats Krillin and then accompanies Bojack. She is then killed by Bojack with a beam that's aimed at Gohan.
Zarbon is one of Frieza's top two henchmen. Zarbon is a very handsome green-haired fighter. He even catches the eye of Bulma despite the fact that he's a bad guy. Zarbon cannot keep up the flawless appearance forever, he has to transform into a huge reptilian-like creature to beat Vegeta. Zarbon beats Vegeta once, but loses and dies at their second confrontation.