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No way, am I gonna play Peter Pan!


The Briefs family was having a nice and quiet breakfast. Untill Bulma began to speek, that is.

“Guys, listen up. In a month`s time, there`ll be a big party here.”

“Why?” Vegeta asked.

“Because, at the second of july, Capsul Corp. exist 75 years. We decided to celebrate it with a big party. Everyone in the entire neighbourhood has to do an act. That means you too, Vegeta.”

“Woman, do you really expect me to do some stupid act in front of hundreds of idiots.”


“FORGET IT!” Vegeta shouted.

“Daddy?” Bra asked.


“I`ll help you, daddy. We can do Peter Pan! Then I get to be Tinklebell!” Bra shouted enthusiast and started to fly above the table. She grabbed a ladle and hit her father on the head with it. “NOW YOU CAN FLY TO!” She shouted and gave her father another hit.

Vegeta got very aggitated. “I CAN ALREADY FLY! STOP HITTING ME WITH THAT LADLE! Besides, Peter Pan also knew how to fly BEFORE TINKLEBELL HIT HIM!” Vegeta yelled.

“Daddy, this isn`t a ladle.” Bra held up the, now broken, ladle. “This is my magic wand!”

“Bra, sit down.” Bulma told her daughter. “Vegeta, I`ll make your costume.”

“What costume?”

“Of Peter Pan!” Bulma said indignant.



“I`d rather die.”

“You`ll have to make a choice.” Bulma said.

“Between what?”

“1. You`re going to play Peter Pan. 2. You organize the whole party. It`s your call.”


After that, Bulma headed for her lab to make the costumes, Vegeta resumed his training and Bra started to practice, how to be tinklebell. She yelled the whole time that she was heading for never grow up land and hit everything that moved with a stick in order to make it fly. There was no cat or dog in the neighbourhood who dared coming close to Bra. She was the cause of a lot of concussions among her animal friends.


10 day`s later.


“Ah, come on Vegeta.” Bulma said.

“Forget it.”

Bulma had just finished Vegeta`s costume and she`d ordered Vegeta to put it on. Vegeta refused to show it.

“Vegeta, if you don`t come out of the bathroom, then how will I know whether or not it fits?” Bulma asked.

“It fits.”

Bulma sighed.

Meanwhile, Bra and Trunks joined their mother. They definitly wanted to see how the costume looked on their dad.

“Vegeta, you come out RIGHT NOW!” Bulma shouted.

Vegeta mumbled something and came out of the bathroom.

He was wearing a green outfit and a hat that was way to large for him, so it slid over his eyes the whole time.

“Whahahaha! My dad in a gym costume!” Trunks was rolling on the ground from laughing.

Bra was giggling behind her hand. “Hihihihihi, daddy, you look like a girl!”

“THAT`S IT! I`m not going to wear this stupid outfit when I do that stupid act!” Vegeta was boiling.

“Ah, come on. You look really nice in it.” Bulma tried to calm her husband. “Besides, I`ve never seen a Peter Pan with that much muscles. You look….cute.”


With that, his hat slid over his eyes again. Only his nose was visible. Trunks saw this and laughed even harder. “I`m Peter Pan, and I have such a cute little nose!” He singsonged and started to laugh again.

Bra started hitting Vegeta with her stick again. “Fly! Think happy thoughts!” She yelled.

“Bra.” Trunks said.


“Peter Pan can already fly. Besides, you forgot the glitter.”

Bra ran off and came back with a bucket full of glitter. She emptyed it above Vegeta`s head and started hitting him with her stick again.

“KNOCK IT OFF!!” Vegeta grabbed Bra and threw her out of the room.

“Yiiiieh, look at me! I`m flying!” She said while she flew away.

Vegeta sighed.

“Please Vegeta.” Bulma said. “Please, be Peter Pan.” She looked at him with puppy dog eyes and poked out her bottom lip.

Vegeta tried not to look at her, but Bulma made him. She grabbed his head with her hands and turned his head towards hers.

“ALRIGHT!” Vegeta walked away. ‘Stupid woman.’

“Daddy?” Bra was sitting in the living room looking at her script. (When Vegeta threw her away, she landed on the couch and decided that she sat very comfortable, so she stayed.)

“What is it Brat?”

“Shall we practice?” Mommy wrote your text down. Here.” Bra put the paper in Vegeta`s hands. “I`ll start.” Bra took a deep breath. “Look Peter Pan! There are the mermaids! Shall we play with them?”

“NO! I DON`T PLAY WITH FISHES!” Vegeta shouted.

“Daddy, that`s not what you have to say! You have to say: Yes, what a great idea, Tinklebell.”

“Yes, what a great idea. let`s play with those stinky fishes. I`ll get the frying-pan, Tinklebell.” He said.

“Daddy, mermaids are no fishes.”

“They have a tail, just like a fish don`t they?”



“Oh no!” Bra tried to act scared. (She didn`t succeed) “It`s captain Hook!”

Trunks walked into the room, not knowing of the fact he was captain Hook.

“Fight like a man!” Bra shouted.

Trunks kept walking.

Bra stabed Trunks in his behind.

“AAAAUW!” Trunks yelled. “What the hell did you do that for?”

“You`re dead!”

“How can I be dead when I`m standing right in front of you?” Trunks asked.

“You`re captain Hook and I just killed you.” Bra explaned.

“You killed me with that tiny little stick of yours?”

Bra took a look at her stick. It was a little short, but her larger stick was broken. While flying, she had attacked the piano with it, pretending it was an evil enemy. So, she had to use her shorter one now.

“Yes I did. She said.

‘I can`t belief they`re MY children. They didn`t get my brains, that`s for sure.’ Vegeta thought. ‘Bra sticks her cocktail stick in Trunks his ass and tells him, she just killed him! Imbeciles.’

“Vegeta, you still have to do your part with me.” Bulma entered the room. “Hi, I`m Wendy.” She said. She wore a tank top and a mini skirt with high heels.

‘Wauw.’ Vegeta thought.

Bulma looked at her script and began. “Hi Peter Pan. Isn`t the weather beautiful?”

Vegeta walked closer to Bulma and kissed her.

“Vegeta! That`s not in the script!”

“Woman, give me that scripts of yours.” Bulma gave it to him and Vegeta started writing in it.

“Here.” Vegeta gave it back.

“Peter Pan kissed Wendy.” Bulma read.

Vegeta started kissing Bulma again.

“You are so predictable.” Bulma moaned.

“You mind?” Vegeta answered.

“No, I don`t.”

“Uchm.” Trunks let out a modest cough.

“Mommy!” Bra shouted.

“What is it honey?”

“You`re disturbing! Peter Pan can`t act if you slobber him all over.”

Vegeta looked at Bra with a big eyes. “What the hell are you talking about, Brat?”

“Well, you still have to say: I`ll save you Tinklebell, I`ll save you from that horrible captain Hook!”

“I thought you killed captain Hook!”

“That was a mistake, you had to kill him.” Bra said.

Vegeta grabbed Trunks and threw him through the window. “There, you`re saved. I`m done acting. I`m leaving.” Vegeta left the building.

Bra was checking her script. Her script wasn`t in text (she`s only three), but with pictures and she could`nt find the picture where Peter Pan threw captain Hook through a window. ‘Weird.’ She thought.


The next twenty days passed. Everyone had practiced very hard. (Except for Vegeta ofcourse.) The party was going to be the next day, so Bulma was very busy with all the preparations. That night, it was hard for her to get to sleep. She was to nervous.

“Woman, why aren`t you asleep yet?” Vegeta asked. He laid right besides her.

“I can`t, I keep thinking about tomorrow.”

Vegeta sighed. He reached out his arms and took Bulma in it. Bulma crawled on top of Vegeta and let her head rest on his chest. Vegeta wrapped his arms around her.

“There, better?” He asked.

“Much better.” Bulma said and fell asleep.

Vegeta smiled and fell asleep to.


Next day, the party.


Everything passed off quietly. The guests were happy and there was plenty of food.

At three o`clock, it was time to do the acts.

The Peter Pan act was the first one to go.

The trumpets started playing.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Here comes the act you`ve all been waiting for. Peter Pan!” A voice bawled through the area.

“Vegeta, get up there!” Bulma said.

“I`m not going.”

“Here`s your line.” Bulma put the paper in Vegeta`s hands and pushed him on the stage.

There was a silence. As on a signal, everybody started to laugh. They had never ever seen the mighty Vegeta in a gym costume. It looked ridiculous.

“SILENCE!!” Vegeta shouted. Everybody was quiet.

“Tinklebell, lets pay a visit to earth.” Vegeta said monotoon.

Bra came flying on the stage. She looked absolutely beautiful with her glitter costume and her wings.

“Yes, what a great idea, Peter Pan.” She said.

Vegeta looked at his paper. Bulma wrote down what he had to say, but he couldn`t decipher her handwriting. “Blasted woman, I can`t read this.” He said.

The whole audience laughed again.

“Ah, got it. Let`s go Tinklebell.” Vegeta grabbed Bra and put her in a large bag.

“Daddy, what are you doing?” Bra asked.

“You don`t fly fast enough, so I carry you.”

“Daddy, we don`t fly. We just say: At the earth, and everybody knows we just landed on the earth.”

“Oh.” Vegeta put Bra down. (The audience laughed themselves to death.)

Bulma from behind the stage. “Let`s do the captain Hook act.” She whispered and pushed Trunks in the direction of Vegeta and Bra.

“Hahaha, I`m going to kill you.” Trunks said with a scary voice.

“Oh no! It`s captain Hook!” Bra yelled. “Peter Pan, save me!”

Vegeta blasted Trunks away.

“Daddy, you have to kill captain Hook with the sword.” Bra said.

Vegeta flew away to get Trunks. He put Trunks on the stage again, gave him the sword and blasted him away again. “There, I used that stupid sword of yours. Happy?” Bra slammed her head. ‘Maybe, this wasn`t such a good idea after all.’ She thought.

Wendy entered the stage. Vegeta imediately started kissing her.

“Vegeta! This isn`t in the…..”

Vegeta kissed her again and put the paper in her hand wich containt the tekst: Peter Pan kissed Wendy.

“DADDY!” Bra yelled.

“What the fuck is it?”

“Daddy, Wendy and Peter Pan are just friends. You`re not allowed to kiss her.” Bra lectured her father. (The audience was getting a terrible stomach-ache from laughing.)

“Eh, Peter Pan.” Bulma began. “Can I come with you when you visit earth again?” (The audience completely lost track of the story.)

“NO! I fly alone!”

“Oh, lookie. There are the mermaids. Can I play with them?” Bra asked her father.


“Why not?”

(Trunks comes back.)

“A daughter of the mighty prince Vegeta does not play with fishes. But I`ll let you cook them.”

“Daddy, you have to say: Yes, what a great idea Tinklebell. Let`s go.” Bra said.

Vegeta took a deep breath. “Yes, what a great idea Tinklebell. Let`s go.” Vegeta grabbed a fishingrod and walked towards the paper like mermaids. (The audience was gasping for air. They had laughed to hard.)

Vegeta`s hat slid over his eyes and Trunks started his song about, having such a cute little nose, again.

“Oh no!” Bra screamed again.

‘What the hell is it this time?’ Vegeta thought.

“Oh no, the indians attack!”

A bunch of electric puppets entered the stage. Bra started a serious fight with them. She swung around with her sword and jumped for cover when she thought necessary.

‘Loser.’ Vegeta thought. He powered up and blasted the ‘Indians’. The whole stage blew up and the audience ran away. They were terrified.

The party was canceled and moved to the next month. Bulma wasn`t very happy with that. ‘I have to do everything all over.’ She thought and cried. She hugged Vegeta and he let her cry on his shoulder.


The next day.


The Briefs family was having breakfast again.

“What play are we going to perform next month?” Bulma asked.

“I know!” Bra said. “Let`s play the beauty and the beast! Daddy can be the beast and I can be the beauty!”

“Good idea. I`ll make the costumes.” Bulma said.

“NO WAY,  I`M GONNE PLAY THE BEAST! Vegeta shouted.

“YES WAY!” Bulma shouted back, and the whole thing began all over.




Hi, it`s me again. Dieuwke, the famous writer (ahum). Please email me to tell me what you think of the story.

I dedicate it to Veronica. She`s the one who encouraged me to write stories.

Thank you Veronica. You`ll always have a special place in my hart.


Love Dieuwke.
