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When Hope Came Crashing Down


Seven gigantic bowls of spaghetti were piled around the Son family’s large oak kitchen table. A huge steeming pot of Chichi's delicious homemade sauce made the table balance unevenly. Goku and Goten sat on one end of the table, while Gohan, his wife Videl, and their daughter,chibi Pan, sat on the other side, waiting patiently as ChiChi carried the last bowl of spaghetti over to the table. Unawares, aroma of the food made Goku's mouth saturate with drool that dripped down his chin. Chichi laughed.

The roar that came from the depths of Goku's hungry stomach echoed through out the kitchen. This begun a comical chain reaction-- Gohan's and Goten's stomachs growled loudly in chorus. The boys eyes looked like they would pop out of their heads if they waited much longer.

After Chichi sat down, Goku took one of the bowls of spaghetti and he began to swiftly inhale it’s contents. As he ate mouthful of noodles hung from his mouth as he noisily slurped it down. Soon the spaghetti vanished. As Goku ate, Gohan and Goten took a bowl each and swallowed theirs whole and then went for more. Videl, unfased by the Son men’s tremendous appettites, smiled in satisfaction, and begun to eat with gusto, though, not nearly as rapidly or messily. During meal time, they all appreciated the fact that Chichi is quite possibly one of the greatest chiefs on Chikyuu. Videl marveled to herself with mild jealousy at how the Son men could eat so much and not gain an ounce. Soon Videl finished her own spaghetti, and was content to watch with loving eyes as Gohan slurped down the last string of noodles from his bowl.

"You guys sure can eat a lot!" Videl proclaimed.

Chi Chi beamed at Videl and said, "Well, those are my boys! This is just a light meal, compared to what they usually eat."

After what seemed like a few hours of eating spaghetti, Gohan and Goten excused themselves leaving piles of dishes on the table. Chichi had already started doing the dishes. The boys went into the living room to sit down on the couch to watch television. Amazingly enough, Goku still piled food in his mouth while Videl helped Chi Chi clear the remaing dishes from the table, and to keep a watchful eye on Pan. Finally, Goku stretched his arms out and then put his hands on his tummy in satisfaction.

"Ah! I'm full!" Goku shouted with joy.

He excused himself from the table as well and went into the living room where Gohan and Goten were watching television. Their favorite cartoon was on. Chi Chi walked in on the boys and her face suddenly went from a smile to angry frown. Goku, Gohan and Goten looked at each other at the same time knowing that they were trouble.

Chi Chi started screaming at the top of her lungs,"What is this junk your watching! You should be watching educational television not this junk. I won’t..."

Chi Chi suddenly was cut off by a sonic boom that shook the house. Everyone jumped and shuddered at the sound of the loud crash. They did not know if the sound came from outside the house or inside. Everyone looked around for where the sound might have come from. Chichi, Videl, Goku, and the boys all searched high and low in the house and found nothing. Then Goku opened the front door of the house and started searching outdoors.

Right off, Goku spotted a medium-sized crater not too far away in their backyard. He flew over to the crater and found a small spacepod. Goku knew it for sure because it resembled the crafts Raditz, Vegeta and Nappa arrived on earth in so many years ago. Goku walked closer to the alien ship. The dirt kicked up during impact colored the space pod’s little round window with a thick opaque film of grime. Goku spat on his orange shirt sleeve and rubbed the window with his elbow. When he peared inside, he saw someone lying there, unconcious.

Goku could tell by the face and slight body build that the person inside the pod appeared to be female. Little holes in the space pod spurted cold gases as the hatch begun to open slowly. Goku's eye brows raised up suddenly with curiousity and mild apprehension. Nani? When the gases cleared, the small figure in the craft came clearly into view.

The girl’s arms and legs were positioned in odd angles and she was breathing somewhat irregularly. The walls of the spacepod were covered in blood. It was quite possible that both of her arms and legs were broken in several places. Her clothes were tattered, burned and wet with blood. He noticed in particular a large gaping wound in her abdomin, just under the blue plastic jacket she wore. She wore a purple shirt underneath the jacket and tight blue plastic pants. Strapped tightly around her neck was a glowing blue band. The most curious detail of this unconciesous girl’s appearance was that she shared Goku's wild hairstyle! Her thick, black hair grew from seven different directions.

"She looks a lot like me!" Goku said to himself.

Goku gently pulled her out of the space pod and placed her on the ground. Then Goku bent on his knees to check for vital signs on the alien girl. "I think she’ll live, but I had better get her some help--fast." Goku thought.

He pick her up over his shoulders and brought her inside the house. Goten, Gohan, Chi Chi and Videl welcomed Goku in the door. When they saw what Goku was carrying, bewildered expressions crossed their faces. He went with her to his room and laid her softly down in the bed, covering her with blankets to keep her warm. Then he walked out of the room and shut the door.

"She has lost a lot of blood. I think she’s been in a fight." Goku said with worry.

Gohan, Goten, Chi Chi and Videl (with chibi Pan balanced on her hip) raced across the hallway to Goku. They all wanted to ask questions about the girl they just saw. Goku put two fingers up to his mouth to quiet them down.

Goku whispered, "I can tell you all about it when we get her to Bulma's house. She needs medical attention--We don't have any senzu beans! Karin had said they're not ready yet."

"I'll go call Bulma-san right away!" Gohan said.

Gohan hurried to the kitchen and Videl followed. He picked up the phone and dialed Bulma's number.

"Hello, Bulma-san. We need your help,” Gohan said.

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