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Vegeta`s meeting.


It was 5 A.M when Vegeta got dressed. He was planning on training the whole day so he put on one of his spandex uniforms. Bulma was still deep asleep. Vegeta walked downstairs and headed for the gravity room. He went inside and turned on the gravity at 500 times earth normal gravity.


After 3 hours of training, he decided to eat something. He went to the kitchen and inspected the contents of the fridge. He emptyed it and started to eat. When finished, he walked to the gravity room again. Half way there, the phone rang. Vegeta ignored it, but the phone kept ringing and Vegeta got very irritated by the sound so he decided to answer it.

“What?” He asked the person on the other side of the line.

“Eh, This is Herman Slide speeking. I`m from Capsule Corp. May I speek to Miss Briefs.”

“No, you may not. She`s asleep and she doesn`t like being disturbed by fools.”

“Well, could you give her a message?”

“Why?” Vegeta asked not to polite.

“Because, it`s very important. Bulma has a meeting this afternoon at 5 P.M., but she doesn`t know that. It`s a very important meeting so she has to be there.” The guy explaned.

“What`s it about?”

“It`s about the fusion between Capsule Corp. and Building Corp.”

“Hmmpf, I`ll tell her.” Vegeta said. ‘If I feel like it.’ He thought.

“Thank you sir.”

“Now, DON`T CALL AGAIN!” Vegeta yelled at the guy and disconnected the connection.

“Who was that?” Bulma asked Vegeta. She just woke up and was walking downstairs.

“A fool.”

‘Ofcourse. I should have known.’ Bulma thought. “Something important?” She asked.


“Good. I`m taking Trunks and Bra to the zoo today. After that, I`m at Chi Chi`s. She invited us for diner. Wanna come?”


“Oke. Don`t wait up tonight, it might get late.” Bulma said.


‘Yep, he`s definitely in one of his talking moods again.’ Bulma thought.

‘Good, now I can train the whole day without any disturbing events.’ Vegeta thought.

“Bye!” Bulma said and she gave Vegeta a quick kiss on the mouth.

“Bra! Trunks! We`re leaving!” She yelled upstairs.

“Oh goodie.” That was Bra.

“Yo, comming dudes.” That was Trunks acting ‘cool’.

“By daddy!” Bra hugged Vegeta`s leg.

“Beat it brat.” He told his daughter.

“Oke.” She said.

“See ye, dude.” Trunks said, acting ‘cool’ again.

“Bye, ‘dude’.” Vegeta said sarcastic. ‘Supid brat. I would never talk that stupid.’

Vegeta decided to resume his training and went to the gravity room again. He didn`t stop until        4.30 P.M. and he felt very satisfied.

‘Now, lets eat.’ He thought. This time, he emptyed the basement, who was filled with food. (Till Vegeta became hungry, that is.) After his ‘meal’ the phone rang again.

“What the fuck is it?” Vegeta shouted.

“Eh, I`m sorry mister Vegeta, but where`s Bulma?”

“Who is this and what the hell are you talking about?”

“I`m Herman Slide and I`m wondering why Bulma isn`t at the meeting yet. It`s passed 5 o`clock.

She was suposed to be here. Eh, Mister Vegeta?”


“Eh, did you give Bulma my message?” Herman asked carefully.


“No? Why not?” Herman was getting really pissed.

“I didn`t feel like it.”

“Well, then you have to replace her.”

“WHAT?” Vegeta shouted.

“Well, we need someone who can tell Bulma what happened at the meeting, and you`re the only person who can do that.”

“I refuse to do such a stupid thing.” Vegeta said.

“Then Bulma will lose her job.” Herman said.

‘What? I can`t let that happen. She`s a stupid woman, but I don`t want her to lose her job. It means everything to her.’ Vegeta thought.

“Oke. What do I have to do?” Vegeta said grumpy.

“You have to ask questions to persons, I`ll write them down for you. You also have to lead the meeting. You`ll have to tell people when to be silent and when to speek.”

Ofcourse, Vegeta wasn`t the right man to do this, but Herman didn`t know that. If he had known what was going to happen, he would have never asked Vegeta.

“I`m on my way.” Vegeta said and threw the hooter on the phone.

In reality, Bulma would never lose her job because of this, but it was the only way Herman could make Vegeta go. (What a jerk.)


One minute later.


“Mister Vegeta! You`re already here!” Herman Slide said surprised.

“Ofcourse I`m already here, you fool! I can fly!” Vegeta glared at Herman.

“Yes, ofcourse. Follow me, mister Vegeta.” Vegeta followed the guy.

“This is the meeting room. Here`s a paper with questions you have to ask people. Remember, you decide who`s talking. You have to lead this meeting.” Herman said.

“Hmmpf, easy.” Vegeta went inside and sat down. His seat was in front of all the people and was the only one who came with a desk. He laid his feet on the desk and made himself comfortable.

“Oke, losers.” He began. “I`m in control here and if you don`t like it, then get the hell lost.”

Most of the people looked a bit odd at this newcomer. ‘Who the hell does he think he is?’ Most men thought.

“I`m the mighty prince Vegeta. I`m much more powerfull than you rodents, so if you don`t obey me, I`ll send you losers to the next dimension. GOT IT?” Vegeta shouted. There was a silence. “Good. Now, the first question.” Vegeta looked at his paper. “Who the hell is Fred Knowing?”

“I am, sir.” A high voice came from the corner.

“God, you`re ugly.” Vegeta reacted.

“Oke, ehm…” Vegeta read from his paper. “How do you feel about the fusion?”

“Well, I`m not thrilled, but…..”

“Good, noted. Oke, next.”

“Ehm, mister Vegeta…” Fred Knowing said.


“Eh, yes eh sir.” Fred trembled.

“Good, as I was saying…” Vegeta glared at Fred. “Who is against the fusion?”

Nobody raised a hand.

‘Weaklings.’ Vegeta thought.

Suddenly, one guy raised his hand.

“Who are you?” Vegeta asked.

“I`m Jack Pichcock.”

“So, Loser…. may I call you loser?” Vegeta asked.

“Well, mister Vegeta, If you don`t mind……”

“I do mind, so I keep calling you loser. So loser, why are you against it?”

“I think a lot of people could lose their jobs, and…..”

“SHUT UP! I`ve heard enough. You`re boring me. Get lost.” Vegeta ordered.

Jack didn`t move.


“You mean, you ment it?” Jack asked carefully.

“What the hell do I look like? A moron? Or worse, do I look like you? Ofcourse I ment it.” Vegeta flew over to the guy, grabbed his legs and threw him through the window.

“There, much better. Oke, next.”

Just when Vegeta was about to ask the next question, he noticed the chalk on his desk.

‘Hmm, wonder if you can eat that?’ He thought and started to eat it.

Five minutes went by. No one dared to move a muscle. Vegeta was still chewing on his chalk, he liked it. When he was done, he started to speek. (His face was covert with chalk powder.) “Oke, who of you baka`s…..” Vegeta noticed that when he spoke, little clouds of powder came out of his mouth. ‘Fascinating.’ He thought. So, the next ten minutes he spent on watching powder clouds.

 After that, he spoke. “Oke, where were we? Oh yeah, how much is two plus two?” No one reacted. “FOUR! YOU FOOLS!” ‘The people here are really stupid.’

“Oke, next question. Who wants to do the administration about the fusion?”

A few people volunteered.” (After Vegeta called them names, that is.)

Vegeta wrote their names down and continued. “What kind of preparations are necessary?”

Nobody reacted, so Vegeta wrote down; None.

Herman Slide walked in.

“Mister Vegeta, how are things going?” He asked polite.

“Fine, but they are all morons I tell you. If I`d ask you how much two plus two is, what would you say?”

“Eh, four.”

“Exactly. They didn`t even know that. They are worthless losers. By the way, I wrote down the names of the people who volunteered to do the administration about the fusion.”

“That`s great!” Herman took a good look at the paper. “Eh, mister Vegeta?”


“Eh, who are: frogface, loser, ugly guy, moron, no good for nothing stupid little bug, not worth mentioning and guy with ugly hair?”
Vegeta looked at Herman like he had just said the most stupid thing the prince had ever heard in his entire life. ‘Man, he`s just as stupid as those weaklings in front of me.’ He thought.

‘I can`t belief Bulma is in love with that baka.’ Herman thought.

“Daddy!” Bra ran across the meeting room and started hugging Vegeta`s head.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Vegeta asked his daughter.

“Herman just called me ten minutes ago.” Bulma said. She was walking towards her husband. “He said you were ruining the whole meeting and……”

“HE SAID WHAT?” Vegeta glared at Herman and was about to blast him when Bulma interfered.

“Don`t you even think about it, Vegeta. If you blast him, you`ll have the pleasure of sleeping outside tonight. Now, as I was saying, Herman forgot I always have my telephone with me.” She showed her capsule that containt the phone.

Some of the people in the room started to snigger.

Vegeta looked at them and realized that Bra was still hugging his head as if it was her most precious doll.

“Brat, would you get off of me?”

“Hmmm, your hair`s so soft.” Bra moaned.

There was a silence and suddenly, everyone in the room started to laugh. They laughed so loud that they all had a terrible stomach-ache after a few minutes.

“SHUT UP!” Vegeta shouted and peeled his daughter off of him.

“Trunks!” Bra shouted and ran towards her brother.

Trunks was in the corner being ‘cool’. Bra saw this and decided to do the same. She tried to cross her legs, just like her brother. She had some difficulty and fell on top of her brothers feet. “Get the hell out of here. You can`t be cool.” He reacted.

“Why not?  I want to be cool to!” Bra almost started to cry.

“Because you look like a lollipop” Bra took a look at her pink outfit. “But I like pink!”

“See, there you go!” Trunks said. “Someone who likes pink, can never ever become as cool as me.”

“Well, I might like pink, but you were a T-shirt with red harts under that ‘cool’ sweater of yours and your underwear`s got Tweety on it. Bra said triumphant.

Trunks got all red in the face.

Vegeta had heard the whole conversation and laughed his ass of. “Well done Bra! That`s my brat!”

Bra just smirked, just like her father always does.

“Mister Vegeta?” Herman asked.

“What the fuck is it now?” Was the reaction he got.

“Where`s Jack Pichcock? He was suposed to be here to.”

“Let`s see.” Vegeta said. “Oh yeah, was it a fat guy with hair that had the most hideous color you`ve ever seen?”

“Eh, possibly.”

“I threw him out of the window.” Vegeta said as if it was the most normal thing to do.

“WHY?” Herman was shocked.

“I didn`t like him.”

‘Oh god, we better leave.’ Bulma thought.

“Let`s go honey.” Bulma said to Vegeta. “Bra, Trunks! We`re going home.”

Bra flew towards Vegeta and placed herself on his shoulders. “I like your hair, daddy.”

“What ever.”

“Can I have some of your hair? I`ll give you some of my hair then.”

“NO!” Vegeta yelled. He grabbed Bulma and flew through the, already broken, window. Trunks followed.

“What an awful man.” Herman said.

Vegeta, ofcourse, heard. Herman didn`t know that sayjin ears can pick up almost everything.

Vegeta put Bulma and Bra down and flew back. He landed right behind Herman. Herman didn`t notice. He turned arouned and looked right into the black eyes of Vegeta.

“Miss me?” Vegeta asked.

“Mister Vegeta, what are…..”

“You called me awful.”

“You heard? Eh, I`m sorry.”

“Oke, clean my boots.” Vegeta ordered. He had seen on television once, that someone kissed someones boots, but Vegeta thought it was far more clever to let Herman just clean them. ‘I don`t want any spit on them.’ He thought.

Herman, who was very afraid, grabbed a towel and started cleaning Vegeta`s boots.

Vegeta smirked, and thought he could let Herman do some other charges to.

“Bring me diner.” He ordered when Herman was done.

Herman brought him diner and Vegeta ate it.

“Give me money.” Vegeta continued.

Bulma came in, who was wondering what took Vegeta so long.

“Vegeta! What the hell do you think you`re doing? Give Herman`s purse back.”

Vegeta was just checking how much money Herman`s purse contained.

Vegeta gave it back, but before he did, he looked at the pictures in it. “Your children are even more ugly then you. I didn`t think it was possible.”

“Come on, Vegeta. We`re leaving.” Bulma said. “I`m very sorry.” She said to Herman.

Vegeta took her in his arms and flew off. When they were high in the sky, Bulma yelled at Herman.


Vegeta smirked.

A few seconds later, they found Bra and Trunks.

“I hate you!” Bra yelled at Trunks.

“Bra, what`s going on?” Bulma asked her daughter.

“He said I look like candy.” Bra pointed at Trunks.

“Yeah, and you`re ugly to.” Trunks added.

“You are stupid!” Bra yelled at her brother.

“And you are ugly!”

“Every time, when you`re trying to be cool, you fail miserably.” Bra responded.

“And you are ugly!”

“KNOCK IT OF!” Vegeta yelled. “Bra is ugly, and you can never ever become cool.” He looked at Trunks. “There, everybody`s happy. LET`S GO!”

“Daddy?” Bra asked.


“I liked the rats the most in the zoo.”

“Yeah, like seeks like.”

“I saved some candy for you, daddy.” Bra stuffed a handfull of sticky candy in her father`s mouth.

Vegeta immediately spit it out.

“Don`t you ever do that again!” He yelled.

“Didn`t you like it?” Bra asked innocent.



They flew off and the rest of the day passed away without any strange events. Well, that`s not entirely true. Bra kept repeating how not cool Trunks was and Trunks kept repeating how ugly Bra was. Jack Pichcock was recovering in the hospital. He had a concussion and had to stay in hospital for another week. Vegeta was not allowed to visit Capsule Corp. for the rest of his life and Herman got into therapy. He thought he had to clean every boot he saw, and that was getting rather annoying. So, his colleagues sent him to see a shrink. Vegeta laughed as hard as he could when he heard that and life went on.


The end.



Hi, this is Dieuwke. Hope you liked it. please let me know what you think of it. I can use your comments to make the next story even better. See, it`s for your own sake to. (just gidding) “Miaauw” Sorry, my cat just jumped on my keyboard thinking he had to say something to. I bet he said something like me being an idiot or something. Well, I`m drifting of again. I seem to do that a lot lately. Have a nice day!


Love Dieuwke.
