
Big Bang Attack Description: A powerful move that can cause major damage, it is a dense narrow beam that travels slowly towards it's target. Performed: By placing one arm in front of your body and making your wrist at a 90 degree angle with the palm facing the target. Used By: Vegeta, Vegetto

Death Ball Description: Looks similiar to the Genki-Dama but used only by villains, it is an extremely powerful move, so powerful that it can destroy whole planets. Performed: By lifting your arm up high and your index finger pointing upwards, the ball is created at the tip of the finger. Used By: Freeza

Dragon Fist Description: Although it was only used in Movie 13 and once in DBGT, this is a very powerful move developed by Goku. During the attack A Dragon will fly out of the fist hence the name Dragon Fist. Performed: Looks sort of like a Dragon Uppercut in street fighter, you fly towards your target with a fist extended, as you are about to make contact a Dragon will fly out of the fist and cause even greater damage. Used By: Goku

Eye Laser Description: A fast moving concentrated beam that is released from the eyeballs. Performed: By looking at you opponent and shooting a beam of light towards them from your eyes. Used By: Freeza, Piccolo

Final Flash Description: One of the most powerful attacks in Dragonball, this move takes a while to charge up but it causes heavy damage when released. Performed: Somewhat like the KameHameHa with no follow through. The arms are cupped in front of you and is usually accompanied with the yelling of 'Final Flash' when it is released. Used By: Vegeta

Finger Beam Description: Similiar to the Eye Lasers but the finger is used instead of the eyes, it is small and fast moving. Performed: By pointing a finger at the target the beam can be released, it is a relatively easy move to pull off. Used By: Freeza

Genki-Dama Description: A powerful ball that is created from the life energy of all living things, the more energy it collects the bigger and more powerful the ball will be. The Genki-Dama can only be used on beings that are evil. Performed: By placing both hands over top of the head and concentrating really hard, the user must concentrate to collect the energy from the various living things. Used By: Goku, Krillen (threw it at Vegeta when Goku was too tired)

Genocide Attack Description: Used only once in DBZ, it is used to kill all humans on Earth by shooting an incredible amount of fireballs. Performed: First the subject needs to know where all of the humans are located, then he will raise his hand over his head and shooting fireballs up into the sky, which resembles fireworks. The fireballs will fly around the Earth and kill every human. Used By: Super Buu

Kame Hame Ha Description: Originally created by Master Roshi, now it is Son Goku's signature move, the Kame Hame Ha is a rather powerful move that can be controlled while in mid-air. The user can also change the speed of the blast as well. Performed: When performed it looks similiar to stance of the fireball that Ryu/Ken uses in Street Fighter. Both palms are together and is in an opened cupped shape, as the user is powering up he usually screams out "Kam-Me-Ha-Me-HAA" before releasing the blast. Used By: Goku, Gohan, Cell, Kame-Sennin, Goten, Majin Buu, Trunks, Tien, Krillen, Yamcha, Pan

Kame Kame Ha Description: Same thing as the Kame Hame Ha, except said differently (because Goten is an idiot), only used by Goten Performed: Same as a Kame hame ha Used By: Goten

Kamikaze Description: Fancy name for self-destruct, this move is only used as a last resort, you blow yourself up in an attempt to kill you enemy. Meaning you will trying doing it, but in hopes that it will kill your enemy as well. Performed: Powering up you ki and doing a lot of screaming, a bright aura will engulf your body followed by an explosion. Used By: Cell, Chaozu, Majin Vegeta, Saibaman

Kienzan Description: The English given name is Destructo disk, it is a very sharp and fast moving flat disk of 'ki' that can cut you in half if you're not careful. Performed: Place one arm up straight up into the sky with a flat palm facing up. The user can create a flat circular disk and throw it at his target. Kienzan is a relatively easy move to perform thus people can throw groups of them at a time. Used By: Krillen, Freeza, Cell, Goku, Vegeta

Kikoho Description: Tien's signature move. A powerful move that is concentrated into a small area, the more powerful the move gets the more life energy it will take away from whoever uses it. Performed: By creating a triangle shape with both hands the user looks through the hole and locks onto the target. With that he lets out a scream and releases a tremendous blast. Used By: Tienshinhan, Cell

Makankousappo Description: An extremely fast moving and highly concentrated beam of light, the Makankousappo is Piccolo's signature move and is quite powerful. Performed: By placing two fingers, usually the index and middle finger, on the forehead, the move takes a while to charge up but is powerful when released. Used By: Piccolo, Cell, Majin Buu

Masenko Description: Gohan's signature move, it's about as powerful as the Kame Hame Ha but just Gohan's version of it. Performed: Instead of charging the ball from the side both arms are placed above the head to charge it then it is thrown at the target like a soccer throw, when released the person will scream out "Masenko!" Used By: Gohan

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack Description: Very powerful move, the user will release identical look-alike ghosts from his mouth, the Ghosts will attack the opponent and if the Ghost touches anything it will explode. Performed: By breathing out the Ghosts from ones mouth. Used By: Gotenks, Majin Buu

Taiyoken Description: English is Solar Flare, it creates an extremely bright light that temporarily blinds anyone nearby. The taiyoken is an easy move to pull off and many characters know how to use it. Performed: With your back to the sun, place both hands in front of the face with the fingers spread out, face your opponent and cast the "Taiyoken" Used By: Tienshinhan, Goku, Krillen, Cell

Powering Up

Absorbtion Description: This move allows the user to absorb another person, when the victim is absorbed thier powers are added to the user making him even stronger. Performed: Various ways to absorb, Cell used his tail to absorb his victims while Buu just used different parts of his body. Used By: Cell, Majin Buu

Energy Absorbtion Description: This move will absorb an opponents energy for your own use either by direct absorbing from touch, or from their ki blasts. Performed: By either grabbing the opponents face/body or using their palms to absorb a ki blast. Super 17 was able to absorb the energy using his entire body. Used By: Android 19 & 20, Super 17

Fusion Description: Used by two warriors who when performed correctly will fuse together to become a new stronger warrior. Performed: Can be performed by doing either the Fusion Dance or by using the Potarra Earrings. Used By: Goten, Trunks, Goku, Vegeta Gold Oozaru Description: The power level will increase a lot after going Gold Oozaru, only Saiyans with a tail may experience this. Performed: If the Saiyan has a tail and stares at the Full Earth from the planet Plant, only then may he turn into a Gold Oozaru. Used By: Goku, Vegeta, Bebi-Vegeta Kaioken Description: Like a power up, the user will double or triple his power level by whatever level of Kaioken he calls out. EG. If the base level is at 3 000 and the user uses Kaioken x 4 it will be 3 000 x 4 = 12 000 power level. However the more the user uses it the more damage he will recieve from the move. Performed: Looks just like a normal powering up your ki, except that you scream out Kaioken times the number you want. Used By: Goku (However, after Goku goes SSJ, he never uses Kaioken again)


Bukujutsu Description: Flying, just about every fighter knows how to do this, the user levitates and flys off just like a bird. Performed: By concentrating your 'ki' allows you to fly, the speed of you flying depends on your ki level. Used By: Almost every major character.

Change Description: Allows the user to switch body's with whomever he is able to do the trick on. After switching the power levels in the bodies will remain the same. Performed: When facing face to face with your foe, spreading both arms out and yelling Change! (Yelling Change is essential since Ginyu can't change without saying it. He could change from being a frog to Bulma because Bulma created a device so he could talk). Used By: Captain Ginyu

Heal Description: Healing the wounded from all injuries and completely restores their energy, works like a Senzu Bean, but it's healing. Performed: Placing both arms over the injured person and casting a spell or something, the body will be healed of even the most damaging injuries in seconds. Used By: Dende

Regeneration Description: As long as your head stays intact, you can virtually regenerate any body part. The most common being the arms and legs, in case they ever get chopped off. This move takes away quite a bit of energy to perform. Performed: You just have to concentrate hard and eventually the missing body part will grow back, but at the loss of some energy. Used By: Piccolo, Nail, Cell, Majin Buu

Telepathy Description: Being able to communicate with others using the mind, or be able to control the environment with the mind. Performed: No description on how to perform this, just concentration and telepathy can be performed. Used By: King Kai, Goku, Kaioshin, Dende, Kami-Sama, Guldo, Babidi

Time Freeze Description: Being able to freeze time, everything around you will stop and you will be the only one moving. Performed: Concentrate hard and this move can be performed. You also need to know how to do it in the first place. Used By: Guldo

Instant Transmission Description: Translated it means Instantaneous movement. Goku learned this on the planet Yardratt, when he was coming back to Earth from Namek. This moves allows you to dematerialize and travel at the speed of light to your destination. Performed: By putting two fingers on the forehead and sense for a ki, the only way to use this technique is if you travel to where 'ki' is. Used By: Goku

Zanzoken Description: Moving so fast from one place to another that it leaves a blur effect behind. It only works for small distances though, almost every character knows this technique in Dragonball. Performed: Should be fast enough to create this cool blur effect. Used By: Just about everybody.

From: TPPF