Frieza Saga

With Vegeta gone, there is only one thing left to do: Go to Namek and wish their fallen friends back. Goku is in the hospital recovering, while Mr. Popo shows Bulma Kame-Sama's old spaceship. Soon Gohan Krillin and Bulma head of to Planet Namek! When they finally arrive at Planet Namek, they soon discover that Furiza as well as Vegeta are up there too. Furiza has already collected 5 of the 7 dragonballs, and Vegeta has the other one. Gohan and Krillin leave Bulma behind in a Cave and go out to try to get the dragonballs back. After saving Dende (a young Namekian boy), they head out to Guru's house so that Gohan can receive one of the dragonballs. (Note the following: During all this time Vegeta fights and defeats Kui and Dodoria. He gets badly wounded by Zarbon, but recovers and defeats Zarbon after stealing Furiza's 5 dragonballs). After the Vegeta incedent, Furiza orders the Ginyu force to Planet Namek. In the meantime, Vegeta tries to find the last dragonball that Bulma has. Gohan heads off to Guru's house again and Guru awakens some new powers within Gohan. Vegeta is on the way to Guru's to get back the dragonball. As Vegeta arrives at Guru's he feels the arrival of the more powerfull Ginyu force. Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan make a short peace treaty amongst themself and they head back to Bulmas to get the last dragonball so that Vegeta can wish for immortality. As soon as they land at Vegetas hideout place, Krillin refuses to give up the last dragonball to Vegeta. After a long argument they soon find out that aren't alone anymore, and that the Ginyu force is only mere seconds away. Just before Vegeta can summon up the dragon for his wish, the Ginyu force already have taken up 5 of the dragonballs. Gerudo steals krillins dragonball before he can destroy it, and Barta catches another dragonball that Vegeta throws away. With Captain Ginyu returning the dragonballs to Furiza, Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta face of with the remaining Ginyu force members. At the meantime, Goku is up and healthy again and is on his way to Planet Namek to help out his friends, but it will take some time to get there first. Gerudo has his little rotten timefreezing tricks, but Vegeta takes him out easily. Now Rikum is facing off against Krillin and Gohan. Somewhere in that time area Captain Ginyu arrives back to Furizas spaceship and they try to make a wish, but they soon find out that they need a password to summon the dragon. Rikum beats the crap out of the trio, but Goku arrives at the last minute and gives Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta a senzu bean. Goku orders Krillin and Gohan away to retrieve the dragonballs. Goku then makes short work of Rikum and Barta. Jeizu runs back to Captain Ginyu and tells him about Goku and the loss of the three Ginyu members. Captain Ginyu returns to the battle scene to fight Gouku. While Krillin and Gohan are gone, Capt. Ginyu does a body switch with Gouku and later on returns to Krillin and Gohan to fool them. Vegeta has run away but returns to fight the weaker Capt. Ginyu in Goukus body. As Capt. Ginyu feel the time to switch to Vegetas body, the badly hurt Gouku just jumps infront of Cpt, Ginyus blast and they switch bodies once again. Cpt. Ginyu tries it a second time but Goku throws in a frog. Gouku is now to weak to fight since Vegeta beat up Captain Ginyu who was inside of Goku's body. Vegeta takes Goku to Furiza's ship and puts him into a Saya-jin recovery capsul. Furiza lands at Guru's, but Nail tries to buy the others time by fighting Furiza at a more distant location. Furiza soon overpowers the weaker Namekian fighter but by that time Dende is already send to Krillin and Gohan to give up the password. While Goku is recovering, Vegeta also decides to take a short nap. Krillin and Gohan summon up the dragon with the help of Dende. First they wish back Piccolo, then they wish him back to planet Namek, before they can make their third wish, an angry Vegeta shows up! Vegeta demands immortality, but before his wish could be granted, Guru dies and the dragonballs turn into useless stones. To make matters worse, Furiza arrives at the scene!!! Now Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan face off with an angry Furiza, but they are soon overpowerd by the stronger purple fighter who transforms into an even stronger purple fighter!! Piccolo is on his way to help the others and finds the beaten fighter Nail. Nail and Piccolo fuse together and make an even stronger figher. He then heads off to the battle scene. He challenges Furiza to a one-on-one fight, and soon gains the upperhand. Furiza now very upset, decides to transform once again. First he attacks Krillin by jabbing his horn through Krillins body. But with the help of Dende and his healing powers, Krillin is soon recovered. While Piccolo is busy fighting Furiza, Vegeta noticed the healing powers of Dende, and then makes Krillin attack him. His plan is to be mortaly damaged and to have Dende heal him. He believes by doing this, he will become a Super-Saya-jin. He tries out his plan but soon discovers that his plan failed...... Furiza does a third transformation, and takes out Dende, since he has those special healing powers. At the same time Goku finaly gets done recovering and flies to the others as fast as he could. Goku attacks Furiza and Vegeta (who is very badly hurt) gives out a laugh of insanty, taunting Furiza over and over again. Furiza gets so tired of this and kills him. Goku buries Vegeta and attacks Furiza again and again. Goku takes in some heavy damage and is forced to use his "Spirit Bomb" attack. The "Spirit Bomb" takes endless amount of time to load, and worst of all: It doesn't even have any major effect on Furiza!!! After Furiza gets back up, he fires a shoot at Piccolo and wounds him badly. Furiza then takes Krillin and kills him!!! After that Goku turns "Super-Saya-jin and orders Gohan to return to the spaceship with the wounded Piccolo and to leave the Planet at once. While Gohan is heading back to the ship, Goku beats the crap out of Furiza. Furiza relizes that he has run out of options and fires a massive shot at planet Namek! Furiza hopes that the planet would soon blow up along with Goku. Furiza wouln't have to worry about surviving since he can breath in space. Back on earth, Mr. Popo finds the seven dragonballs and wishes for all the peope who where killed by Furiza to be revived. His wish comes true and Dende is back again along with the dragonballs of planet Namek! Dende then wishes for everone but Goku and Furiza to be taken back to earth. Goku fights 'till the last moment and Furiza launches two energy disks (similar to Krillins "Destructo Disk") but his plan fails and gets cut in half himeself! Furiza pleads for mercy and Goku gives Furiza some of his energy so that Furiza can escape the planet savely. But Furiza turns against Goku once again and shots a energy attack on Goku instead of using it to escape the planet himself. Goku retaliates and kills Furiza! Goku struggles to get off the planet, but he doesn't seem to make it....... With all the others back on earth, Dende wishes all the others back, but when it came for Gokus turn the dragon said that Goku was still alive but did not wish to be returned to earth yet. So Dende uses the last wish to make the surviving Namekians a new home planet where they can live on.