Items And Dragonballs

NEW!! DIMENSION DRAGONBALLS!!- They are 400 billion dollars. You can wish for your own Dimension (chat room) and make up to 5 rules. You pick the color and everything. This will be YOUR Domain.

New Item: Gravitron- 500 million dollars. It is 450xgraivty. Helps you to train. Must be inside a building. Great For Domains. Can only use once a month. You cannot put it in any Domain that you want.You must ask the owner of the building if you can use it there.It raises your PL 50 million every hour.

New Item: ADVANCED CCS- 500 million dollars. Where ever you travel it ads 5 million to your pl, Plus whatever you get when you train at the planet that you are in. This can only be used once a week. Bulma is looking for a way to make it longer. lol

12/31/01- I dont like the fact that people use 2 wishes to up there PL. So the New Rule is that you can only wish your self up 1 level once everytime you get all 7 dragonballs. If you do not understand this E-Mail Me

Items with stars by them means that those are the items beginners can have.

**NEW RULE**- You can not wish for other Dragonballs. Unless you have the BlackStar Dragonballs. But you can only do that once. Thanks. 2/06/01

** Note** With the Dragonballs, You can't wish for anything that you can win in tournaments. Also you must write about your journey getting them.

    New Item: 30 Ton Weights- 40 million dollars. Can train with these once. Lowers or Raises pl to 90 million. PL must be 200 billion. ( about this, ask me no questions)...or else.

  • ** Saiyan Armor $500,000 It makes you go faster for 3 attacks each battle for 5 battles. Includes gloves and boots. Straight from the planet Vegeta.

  • ** Weighted Cape- $200,000 Training to 150 a min. for 4 days or until battle. ** Senzu Beans$2,000, Powers you up in battle when damaged. May only use once in battle.

  • ** Weighted Training Clothes$200,000( like Goku's )- Raises Power Level by 2000.

  • Capsule Corp Ship- 200 million., Raises power level to 70,000. Can fly to any where. Every Level of SSJ you are, you go up in gravity by 400. regular level is 100, So when you go ssj it will be 500.

  • ** Majin Dragon Radar- $6,000,000 Takes 7 days to find dragonballs. This is for both namekian dragonballs and Earth.

  • Great Dragon Radar- $10,000,000. Takes 7 days to find the Black Star Dragonballs.

  • Earth Dragonballs- 1 wish You pl goes up 700,000,000 or wish someone who has never died before back, or Wish for 1 level goal up. You may also wish for money. You can wish for 700, million in pl more than once with these Dragonballs. You only get 3 wishes.

  • Namekian Dragonballs- 2 wishes. You may wish for immortality. Or revival of someone dead and has been dead. One person at a time.

  • Black Star Dragonballs- 4 wishes. May wish for anything except owner etc. Everything you CAN do qualifies here also. You may wish up to 3 people alive with 1 wish. You may wish someone life or death.

  • Weighted Saiyan Armor- $1,000,000. It weighs you by 1000 for 7 days.

  • Zet Sword- Takes 2 weeks to master. Must train with The Supreme Kai, or you can train with me if he is not on. $400,000,000. Also a priza in the tournament. This makes you a Mystikal Warrior. Adds 30 billion to pl.

  • Majin Juice - 35 million Makes you a Majin, And Raises your pl to 20 million.

  • Saiyan Tail -400 million. Or prize. Only for SSj4's. Raises your pl to 30 million. I know you are supposed to have a Tail to go SSJ4 but.. THIS IS MY SITE!! Thank you.

  • Extending Pole- 2 x Gravity- FREE, The only weapon you may use in tournaments.

  • NIMBUS- Fly around Undetected. $1,000,000