Saiyan Saga

The Arrival of Radditz Goku leaves home to enjoy a reunion at Master Roshi's place, where Krillin, Bulma, and Oolong are. He introduces them to his son, Gohan, and they're all surprised to see that Goku has a son. While meditating in the desert, Piccolo senses an approaching power, which is revealed to be Radditz, Goku's brother from the Saiyan world. He doesn't waste his time confronting Piccolo, and takes off in search of Goku. The reunion is cut short when Radditz arrives at Master Roshi's, and tells Goku about who he is and where he came from, calling him... Kakarot, a complete shock to the Saiyan who had no clue as to his life. Radditz asks Goku to join him and help take over other worlds. When Goku refuses, Radditz kidnaps Gohan and takes off. 2. The World's Strongest Team As Goku, Krillin, and Master Roshi leave to rescue Goku from Radditz. Piccolo arrives and explains to them that it will be useless. He proposes a partnership with Goku to take down the Saiyan, which Goku accepts, and the two fly off towards Radditz's location with the help of Bulma's Dragon Radar. which detects the Dragon Ball on Gohan's hat. Goku and Piccolo do their best to defeat Radditz, but he is too powerful. 3. Gohan's Hidden Powers Goku grabs Radditz's tail, rendering him powerless, as Piccolo charges up his beam cannon. Radditz tricks Goku into letting go, and proceeds to give Goku a thrashing. Just as things are getting worse, Gohan explodes from the pod he was being held in, and flies towards Radditz engulfed in energy. he strikes him in the chest, severely weakening him. Goku then grabs Radditz around each arm, to let Piccolo charge up for the kill. 4. Goku's Unusual Journey Goku sacrifices himself to destroy his brother, as Piccolo's beam cannon kills them both. Piccolo tells a dying Radditz that Goku will be wished back with the Dragon Balls, and Radditz informs him of the transmitter on his power reader that lets his Saiyan comrades hear everything he has said, and will arrive on Earth in one year to claim the Dragon Balls as their own. Goku's spirit finds himself at the checkpoint of where all souls go after death. Kame takes him to the desk of King Yama, who allows Goku to travel along Snake Way to get to King Kai, who will train him for the upcoming battle with the Saiyans. On Earth, Piccolo takes Gohan with him, to train him as well, seeing as how he has one of the greatest fighting powers on the planet which needs to be 5. Gohan's Metamorphosis While training Gohan, Piccolo discovers that a full moon transforms Gohan into a giant rampaging monster. Piccolo takes care of the situation by destroying the moon and removing Gohan's tail. Meanwhile, Goku continues his year long travel along Snake Way, and Yajirobe arrives on Master Roshi's island to tell Krillin that he has been summoned by Kame to train on Korin Tower. 6. Gohan Makes a Friend After being left alone in the desert to fend for himself, Gohan encounters a friendly dinosaur, who is later killed by another not so friendly dinosaur. Meanwhile, Krillin and Bulma pull Yamcha away from a baseball game to tell him that Kame has summoned him to train for an upcoming fight, something he is all too eager to hear. 7. Trouble on Arlia On their way to Earth, the Saiyans Nappa and Vegeta stop off at Arlia, a world ruled by an evil dictator who enslaves everyone and forces them to fight in an arena. Vegeta and Nappa voluntarily participate, and take delight in destroying everyone who challenges them, as well as overthrowing the rulers and inadvertently granting freedom to Arlia's inhabitants. After leaving Arlia, Vegeta destroys it with the tip of two fingers. (A blast of course) So much for heroics. 8. Home for Infinite Losers Goku falls asleep and falls off Snake Way, landing in a place where two trolls guard King Yama's tree of magic fruit. Goku accepts the trolls athletic challenges in exchange for information on getting back on Snake Way. Goku beats them, and is shown the secret passageway to get back on. 9. Princess Snake's Hospitality Goku reaches the midpoint of Snake Way - a palace where a beautiful Princess lives. He stays, thinking Princess Snake is King Kai, and is given the royal treatment. When he tries to leave, however, Princess Snake shows her true colors as a man-eating monster, and Goku uses speed and cunning to escape her and get back on track to see King Kai. 10. Escape from Piccolo Gohan builds a raft, and sails away to escape Piccolo's harsh training. After sailing into a storm, he washes up at the home of some orphans, who he helps in evading capture by some social workers. Gohan eventually makes it home, but doesn't enter. He thinks a moment, knowing he must stay and train to defend the earth. Gohan heads off. Piccolo watches from above and smirks. 11. Showdown in the Past Team Dragon Ball undergoes training at Korin Tower, home of Kame. Ready for some real action, the Team uses a telepathic simulator to train in the past and take on two Saiyan warriors. The saiyan warriors prove to be the most power fullest ever encountered by the team. They lose harshly. And their jaws drop to hear that the 2 saiyans coming to earth are way stronger than the two they just fought. 12. The End of Snake Way Goku finally reaches the end of Snake Way, and leaps up to a small planet with incredible gravity, which is the home of King Kai. He mistakes a silly chimp for King Kai, and foolishly mimics his monk eying around as if it were training. The real King Kai steps out of his home and introduces himself to Goku. 13. A Fight Against Gravity... Catch Bubbles! Goku's first challenge is to overcome the gravity of King Kai's planet and be able to move freely in it, which he achieves by running after and catching Bubbles, the chimp. It takes some time, but eventually, Goku catches him using speed and smarts. 14. The Legend of the Saiyans After a lesson in speed with Gregory, a cricket friend of King Kai, Goku takes a rest and eats, while King Kai tells him the story of Planet Vegeta and how it was destroyed. The Z Warriors on earth complete training at Korin Tower, and they take off for Earth to continue training. The year passes, and Goku completes his training. He reviews all he has learned, including the Spirit Bomb, which he charges up to fire at an oncoming projectile launched by King Kai. 15. A Black Day for Planet Earth Goku prepares to head back to Earth, and discovers that he will arrive on Earth one day after the Saiyans arrive. He telepathically tells Master Roshi to summon the Eternal Dragon and wish him back. Once restored to the physical plane, Goku heads for Earth at top speed. Nappa and Vegeta arrive on Earth, and Nappa immediately begins to destroy buildings. Using their scouters, the Saiyans find the most powerful people on the planet and make their way towards them Gohan and Piccolo. The others on the team sense the Saiyans, and make their way towards Piccolo and Gohan's desert location as well. 16. The Battle Begins - Goku Where Are You? Nappa and Vegeta reach Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin in the desert. Tien, Chautzu, and Yamcha arrive soon after. Nappa unleashes his Saibamen, little green creatures that zip around the special forces, until they decide they will fight them one on one. There are six saibamen. Tien goes first. 17. The Saibamen Strike Tien strikes, and overpowers the Saibaman he had to face. Yamcha goes next, and after defeating one, asks to take on all four. Before he gets the chance, the Saibaman he thought dead latched onto him and exploded, killing them both. Enraged by the death of his friend, Krillin takes on all four Saibaman and defeats them. With the Saibamen destroyed, Nappa charges up to battle the special forces. 18. Nappa.. the Invincible? Nappa attacks the special forces, and gives them quite a beating, knocking Tien out cold. In an effort to destroy Nappa himself, Chautzu grabs onto Nappa's back and self destructs, leaving Nappa unscathed, but Chautzu dead. Krillin and Piccolo perform the triform maneuver, splitting into three identical components, giving Nappa six fighters to face. Meanwhile, Goku continues to race towards Earth. 19. Tien Goes All Out Tien recovers, and gives every last bit of energy to fire a blast at Nappa, but misses, and dies shortly afterwards. Vegeta decides to call a time out, and give Goku three hours to get back to Earth for a more interesting fight. A bored Nappa takes off and destroys a few battleships and jet fighters. 20. Time's Up! The three hours are up, and so Nappa begins fighting the special forces once more. Piccolo devises a plan to grab Nappa's tail, but it doesn't work, since these Saiyans have overcome that weakness. Piccolo is hit hard by Nappa. Goku arrives at the checkpoint, and Kame transports him to Korin Tower, where he leaps off and boards Flying Nimbus, racing to the battle ground as fast as he can. 21. The Return of Goku Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan continue fighting Nappa, and Piccolo is killed after taking a blast from Nappa that was meant for Gohan. Goku arrives and finds the special forces on the brink of defeat. He gives Gohan and Krillin a senzu bean, which when eaten, heals your body and raises your power. He confronts Nappa and gives him a run for his money, not allowing the brutish Saiyan to even lay a hand on him. 22. Goku Strikes Back Goku continues fighting Nappa, whipping up on him badly, until Vegeta orders Nappa to give up. Nappa then goes after Krillin and Gohan, and Goku eventually takes him out using the Kaio-Ken attack, which enhances all of his abilities, but is supposed to take quite a toll on his body. It doesn't because he's strong enough to handle it. Goku sends away Gohan and Krillin and lures Vegeta to another location, where the two face off against each other. 23. Goku vs Vegeta - A Saiyan Battle The two Saiyans continue their battle in which the fate of the world hangs. Vegeta overpowers Goku's Kaio-Ken attack, but proves to be no match for his triple Kaio-Ken attack. Vegeta decides to stop fighting Goku and just destroy the planet with an energy blast because he's pissed that Goku is stronger than he.. Vegeta flies up and charges up for a Gatlic Gun, his second strongest attack. Goku has no choice but to do a triple kaio-ken along with a kamehameha to counter. Goku can feel the triple kaio-ken take a toll on his body. The two fire, and Goku has to shift into Kao-Ken times four to overpower Vegeta's blast, and sends him off into the sky. Yajirobe comes out and congratulates Goku with a pat on the back. Goku yells out in pain as the kaio-ken times four really messed up his body. Yajirobe flees and hides again as Goku tells him Vegeta will be off the beam and mad as a hornet. An enraged Vegeta returns to the ground and launches an energy sphere that simulates a full moon. 24. Vegeta - Saiyan Style The simulated full moon transforms Vegeta into the gigantic monster that all Saiyans with tails can transform into, called Oozaru. All Goku can do is avoid him, but the monster is too fast. Vegeta jacks Goku pretty badly. Goku gets a sneaky attack in, a beam to Vegeta's eye. Vegeta ends up crushing both of Goku's legs as he stomps on them. Krillin and Gohan sense that Goku is in trouble, and fly towards the fight. They get there and see Vegeta holding Goku in his hand, crushing him like a bug. The two devise a plan to cut off his tail and turn him back into normal Vegeta. 25. Stop Vegeta Now!! Gohan and Krillin take on the transformed Vegeta. Krillin tosses a Destructo Disc at his tail while Gohan distracts him, but misses. To everyone's surprise, Yajirobe leaps out of nowhere and chops off Vegeta's tail with his sword, reverting him back to a normal Saiyan. Krillin is knocked out cold, and Gohan holds his own against Vegeta. Krillin awakens, and Goku gives him a Spirit Bomb formed with his last bit of energy. Krillin launches the Bomb, but Vegeta dodges, and it heads for Gohan, who deflects it up at Vegeta, hitting him dead on. 26. The Battle Ends Vegeta is still able to battle after the hit and once again attacks the team. First he takes out Krillin, and then Gohan. Before he can remove Gohan's tail, Yajirobe takes a slash at him with him sword, severely wounding him. Vegeta gets back up and knocks Yajirobe out. Meanwhile, Gohan has managed to begin his transformation into a monster, and a frightened Vegeta cannot stop it. After gaining focus through a mental link with Goku, Gohan fights Vegeta. Vegeta is no match for him, but ends up cutting his tail off, only to have a half transformed Gohan fall on him, which takes all the fight out.. Vegeta escapes in his space pod, and only because Goku stopped Krillin from killing him. Master Roshi, Bulma, and Chi-chi arrive in an aircraft to pick up the weary but victorious warriors.
