Ever Wonder...

When goten and trunks fuse they can make SSJ3 Gotenks but when unfused they can only go SSJ1 or SSJ2. When SSJ4 Goku and SSj4 Vegeta fuse they make a red haired different colored eyed saiyan.So maybe, since goten and trunks can go a different level, Maybe SSJ5 Goku is SSJ4 Gogeta. Go to Fusions For more info. More to come soon...

Why does DBZ always have that Fog Covering stuff up? I have the answer. Sometimes, they have to much bloody stuff in there. And they arent allowed to show that in America. Yet we are the Land Of The Great.

Why did the 5 min that Frieza gave Goku take like 10 episodes? I dont have the answer to this one. That just didnt make sense. I guess it added to the action.

Ever notice how many times Vegeta gets defeated? He gets defeated so many times, 9 times I think. He gets defeated by Goku in Earth, then by Zarbon in Namek, then by Recoom, then by Freeza, then by the Androids, then by Cell, then by cell again, then by Majin buu and so on...

Ever notice how they always use that smoke effect? All the time they use it, ALL the time. Someone gets hit by a giant ki blast after undergoing a big strength increase which leaves a big smoke screen, then it clears for the attacker to say huh!?

How come in Trunks time ( when trunks was like 16 or 17), Vegeta died a SSJ. But in our time vegeta was almost SSJ4 when Trunks was 16 or 17? Another one of FUNimations errors.