Old Updates

The Updates go from the oldest to most recent.

Subject: New Poll, Host, and Layout
Date and Time: Friday April 12, 2002 6:14PM
Posted By: SSJ4GD

Hey Everyone. I havent been on in a while. Sorry about that. I have been busy. Well, that layout should be here soon. There is some coding that still needs to be fixed. I am making a poll so you can ask me what new stuff you may want. I am also getting a host. Theres 2 people that want to host me. I have to see whos has the better offers. Well thats it. 1

Subject: New SSJ4 Store
Date and Time: Monday April 8, 2002 12:40PM
Posted By: SSJ4GD

Hey Everyone. The store is just temporary. I just added a link to help one of my friends. He is selling DBZ Stuff. So go to his link under fans. Its called. SSJ4 Store-Gohanilo.

Subject: Affiliates
Date and Time: Monday April 8, 2002 12:40PM
Posted By: SSJ4GD

Hey Everyone. Majin X Fury is up so go and visit that. Anime X is coming and also there is a site called Hyper Goten that i am affiliating with. Its site will be up soon. It will be up like in the 2nd week of April. Well, thats it. 1

Subject: Joined New Network
Date and Time: Sunday April 7, 2002 7:13PM
Posted By: SSJ4GD

Wassup. I joined another network. Its called Majin Goku Network. The regular site, majingoku.com, is really good. The network is pretty much new. If you have a site you should join it. Also, if anyone knows of a pretty new topsite that i could join please E-Mail Me on the contant list. Well thats it. See yas.

Subject: New Affiliate
Date and Time: Sunday April 7, 2002 2:51PM
Posted By: SSJ4GD

Wassup People. I got a new affiliate. He has a new layout and everything. Good Content. Check him out. The Name is DB/Z/GT Elite.

Subject: New Stuff
Date and Time: Sunday April 7, 2002 1:23AM
Posted By: SSJ4GD

Hey, I joined a new network as you can see on your right. Its called blackstar network. Its from the site BlackStarGoten. If you keep refreshing the site its button will come up. lol. Also, I am getting a new layout. This will most likely be the last layout. But im not for sure. Well, thats it. Peace out.

Monday April 3, 2002 5:06 PM

Wassup Peoples! Hey, I got news that FUNimation may make a new DBZ site with actual people. I dont know if this is true but i will do my best do get the info. I know i dont update everyday like i am supposed to, but i am only 1 webmaster. And people get grounded. lol. Well, thats it. Thanks. 1

Monday April 1, 2002 1:02 PM

Wassup Peoples! I have decided to make free buttons for everyone! APRIL FOOLS. But i am getting another layout. It should be done by this week. I am thinking of reducing my affiliates down to 4 instead of 8. I will never really get rid of my affiliates. I will put them on my links page. Well thats all. 1

Sunday March 31, 2002 3:25 PM

HAPPY EASTER! Black Star Piccolo has changed its name to DBZ Cannon. Go check out that site. Alot of my affiliates are coming soon. UFS, Anime X, and MXF. Keep going to there sites to see whats new. Also, keep coming here. We have loads of content being written all the time. well thats it. Happy Easter! 1

Saturday March 30, 2002 1:04 PM

wassup everyone, I have made a poll about the layout. Click Here To Go To The Poll. Well, thats it for now. See yas. 1.

Thursday March 28, 2002 11:31 AM

wassup everyone, or should i say NOONE! My hits have been going down people. So keep coming back. New stuff is being added. Im gonna find a media host so i can add music videos. Then i am gonna add a couple more info pages. Well thats about it. Keep coming back and Vote for me on my topsite. Theres only one and it doesnt take that long to vote. Thanks, 1.

Tuesday March 26, 2002 12:04PM

Hey, I added another Music Video and i also added a new link called Games Go check those out. Well thats about it. I have alot to do with the RPG part of the site. Check that out also. 1

Sunday March 24, 2002 1:41PM

wassup, I changed the contact page a bit. And, i got a new affiliate. Anime X, and Saiyan Crib is changing there name to Tera X. Alot of my affilitates are becoming anime sites. Black Star Energy is a new affiliate, and I am adding links. So if you want your link added then E-Mail me. Thats it. Peace Out.

Saturday March 23, 2002 11:25PM

HEY!!! You see it? I know you see it. CAUSE I KNOW I DO! MORE CONTENT! A I added alot more content this time. Check all of that new stuff out. And Vote for what you think of the layout at the polls under fans,and vote at my topsites button. Also go to my modchip banner or gif and click that please. Thanks. Make sure you check out the content

Saturday March 23, 2002 10:25AM

Hey, I have added more buttons and added a new adbanner to my link to me section. Theres gonna be alot of new things that will be done to SSJ4GD. More Content, which is Info, Multimedia, Free Stuff, and much more. Well, i have to get to work. Peace Out.

Friday March 22, 2002 1:01AM

Wassup Peoples, I got a new layout. I am also making a new poll. AND, i am gonna add my layout to all my pages for SSI, but for right now I am gonna use An Iframe. Well thats it. 1

Thurs. July 26, 2001

Hey everyone! The tournament is tomorrow. So train hard and be there. Big Prizes at stake. There is a wish from the namekian Dragon, or The Zet Sword, Saiyan Tail, plus you get 10 million dollars with whatever you pick.

Mon. July 23, 2001.

Hey people! The tournament will be held on Friday. Around 7:00 or 7:30. g2g. Bye.

Fri. July 20, 2001.

Hey people. We will have a tournament. When is up to you. It will be once every month. It will be on a Mon, Wed, Fri, or Sun. Those other days i will be gone. I will update every time i get the chance.lol. Well e-mail me on the day and the day with the highest vote in the day the tournament will be. ** Note** I will not be fighting because i will wait until your pl's go as high as mine. Well talk later. p.s.I may not have lines and stuff yet but i will see ya.reg. written on wed. july 18 2001. Sat. October 20, 2001

Hey People, I have made an new Room called the Meditation Room. Its For, well... MEDITATION. The tournament is today. S be there. I'm finding things for my pics link so hold on a minute. well thats it. peace out.

Sun. October 14, 2001

Wassup, I am working on a new layout. I will also Finish the Pics and fan art pages. The tounaments on October 20, 2001. 3 central. Be there. peace out.

Sat. September 29, 2001

Wassup people. Updating will slow up a lil bit because of school and all so hang tight and it will get done. I need some more things to make this site better. So if there is anything you want done e-mail me and tell me. see yas latas.

Sun. September 16, 2001

Wassup everyone. We are under attack.And I send my sorrows out to the people who did this cause they picked a fight with the wrong people. Anyway, I added Grand Kai and Pikkon on to the info section also. well g2g. see yas.
Sat. September 8, 2001

Wassup peoples. I added Capsule Corp, Private Room for people who earned a private lesson on the rpg,The Dead Zone, and Weak Sites for people that have done sumthin to me or whatever. It's like a blacklist only i didn't like the name black list cause if you think about it it sounds kind of racist.HINT HINT!. Anyway, I need suggestions on what to add on the site so please send me mail on what this site needs. Well g2g. See ya latas.

Sun. September 2, 2001

Trunks won the tournament. But died on the same day because Buu self destructed. Congradulations to the new tournament winner.

Wed. August 22, 2001

Hey everyone. The tournament is still under way. Vegeta and Trunks are the next to fight. After that, the winner will fight Buu and then that winner will fight me. So keep it up peeps and trizain hard.

Wed. August 15, 2001

Hey peoples! The tournament will be Friday at 12:00pm to 2:00 pm. I might extend the time. well g2g.

December 15, 2001
The New Layout is on the index part of the site. The site has 2 parts. The INFO section and the RPG section.The RPG section has a lil of both but it wont have the new links that I add on the New layout. The RPPG is gettin kind of boring, BUT the tournament is going to be next Saturday, December 22, 2001. I have also been told that some people sense a great evil coming toward the RPG. And Gogetas computer is still messed up. Untill then your truly will have control over the RPG. Well, Thats about all the updates. See yas.
-The Great Kakoratto

December 06, 2001
The site is getting a new layout...again. Once again, in this Dimension, there are no links on any layouts that wont work. BUT if there are please contact me and tell me and I will get on it as soon as I can.
-The Great Kakoratto

November 23, 2001
Hey Hey Hey. Here is the new Layout. There arent any links that dont work so dont get all like. DANG New Layout=Time to fix links. Well not in this Dimension. well g2g.
:: istant tranmits::

November 28, 2001
Wassup Peoples, I didnt add any links yet. 1 REASON IS BECAUSE YOU GUYS NEVER SEND ME MAIL ABOUT WHAT LINKS YOU WANT ADDED! Even if i cant do it i'll try anyway. Only updating that I have done is the updating for the RPG. So, give me sumthing to update folks. well g2g peace out!
- The Great Legendary Greatness

Novemeber 28, 2001
Wuddup Peeps. The Tournament has been scheduled and recorded. It is on December 8, 2001. Keep checking here for updates. I have sent everyone an e-mail about the "new" prizes. Well thats about it. G2G. peace out

December 31, 2001

Wassup Peoples, I just updated The Members page and Power Levels again. We are entering a new year. Its off to a great start. ( the entering that is). Well thats all bye. _______________________________________________________

December 31, 2001

Hey Hey Hey, Today is NEW YEARS EVE! And i have done alot of updating. I have changed a couple rules on the Items Page. Check that out real quick. And i updated some powerlevels. I made the items page a lil more organized and Changed some things about the Dragonballs. All of this can be found on the items page. Well thats it. G2G. _______________________________________________________

December 30, 2001

Wassup Everyone, I updated Power Methods again and i Updated the INFO pages. I also finished updating some power levels. The Items page was also updated. There are NEW Dragonballs to get so go check out the Items page. Well thats about it for now. See you later. _______________________________________________________

December 29, 2001

Wassu Peoples. I made have re-done the Level Goal section. Check that out real quick. Also. Be Here on New Years Eve. To see if my site is done then. It may not be but check anyway. I will try my hardest to get it done. Well thats about it. I am going to finish working on my layout for Version 5.0 Peace Out...
-The Great Legendary SSJ4 Goku

December 25, 2001

Today is Christmas. And I updates Trunks Who is Now an SSJ5 with a pl of 900 Billion. Go to his stats to see how. I also added a new Level Goal For the Super Saiyan. When Anyone else goes above a level i will make a new one. I have the last wish from Trunks by his choice. Well thats about it. Merry Christmas. peace out.
-The Great Legendary SSJ4 Goku

December 21, 2001

Christmas is almost here and the tournament is also. The Tournament is Tomorrow ( Saturday, December 22, 2001) and starts at 3:00 central. If I am not there, then start without me. Piccolo will decicde who fights and he will also judge. If Piccolo is not there then Trunks will take that job. Well, Gotsta go.
-The Great Legendary SSJ4 Goku