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Piccolo's Bio and Pics

Piccolo is one of the characters who was originally "evil", but through a series of unexpected events, the "evil" in him was slowly washed away as Piccolo took different forms. Piccolo is the offspring of Piccolo-Daimao, who was the pure "evil" which separated from Kami as another body. Piccolo and Kami are one person in two bodies. If one of them dies, both will die. When Daimon was killed by Goku, he vowed that his offspring Piccolo will avenge him. Thus, Piccolo's character is not just pure "evil" the way Daimon is. He is simply focused on destroying Goku. The two of them first met in the Tenkaichi Budokai. Because of the arrival of Raditz, Piccolo found himself an unwilling partner of Goku and together they defeated Raditz. When he learned that two more poweful Saiyans were coming in search of the Dragonballs, Piccolo only found himself even more unwillingly on Goku's side by volunteering to train his Son, Gohan to become a warrior to fight against the Saiyan. Piccolo's militant training style made Gohan a stronger person, gradually unleashing Gohan's tremendous talent. During the time he spent with Gohan, Piccolo began to develop love and care for Gohan, which was fully realized when he sacrificed his life for Gohan in the battle against Nappa. His love and care for Gohan is really apparent throughout the Frieza and Cell Sagas.

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