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Welcome to Narmak's DBZ Gaming Station. This place was built for Dragonballz fans and video gamers. Although it is still under constuction, I am convinced that you will enjoy my site.
Thank you.

Games Of The Month (Dec.)

This months games of the months are Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia, and Shenmue. If you havent already noticed all three of the games are RPGs. I freakin love RPGs; I can't get enough of them, and these games I reallie freakin like a lot. Grandia 2's grafics are the freakin best, every square inch just oozes with someones hard work. Skies of Arcadia is just freakin fun, and has a classic RPG feeling to it. And finnally Shenmue is kind of freakie making me love it a lot. So all of these games get a 11 out of 10. Oh yea, let me warn you, it was freakin hard for me to get those games so if you cant find em, I don't blame you. If you want to by a copy of one of these games check out my game cheats section and look under the game. Incase you havent noticed, I said freakin too many times.
Thank you.

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!!Check out my pics!!

I hope you like my DBZ pics, Im working on making a DBZ summarie section. Im also trying to get a chat room type thing.

!!Check out my game cheats!!

Check out my cheats, so far im not doing so good on the amount of games I have so e-mail me if you have some more that I dont have. Cheats arent the only things there you can also look at reviews and buy games.

!!Check out my links!!

Hey check out my links and get some free music. If you'r a DBZ fan you'll love their official website.